In the area of environmental simulation, there is a procedure in which industrial materials for corrosion resistance are tested against saline atmosphere – the salt fog test, or salt spray test. Current standards under which the salt fog test is carried out, DIN 50021 SS (Standard), DIN 53167, DIN EN 60068-2-52 (cyclic salt fog), DIN EN ISO 9227 and DIN EN 60068-2-11.Wahrend a specified test period is the candidate in a special chamber in storage, in which it is exposed to a salt fog atmosphere. Educate yourself with thoughts from Steven Johnson. This simulates in a concise form, the stress of the specimen by salt solutions (road) during his lifetime. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Geoffrey Richards and gain more knowledge.. Current maturities of a salt spray test are in the range of about 1996 -1000 hours. The test parameters are well defined.
One commonly used concentration of sodium chloride solution of about 5% at a pH of 6.5 to 7.2 and a temperature of 35 C. In order to determine how susceptible the material or the Corrosion layer of material over the salt solution is, the check at intervals of about 24 hours interrupted and the specimen is out on corrosion untersucht.Ein possible parameter for the quality of corrosion protection materials with chromate passivation and the test time (measured in hours) to for the first occurrence of Zinkkorrosionsprodukten (white rust), while the quality is of the entire layer in hours test duration to onset measured by red rust. The examination of the underlying standard ultimately decide whether the materials are kann.Salznebelprufungen meet the necessary criteria, especially useful when products are used on the high seas or in the immediate vicinity of the sea, because there on the salt load is greatest. In the field of Automotive is the salt fog test and its use has become part of the salt spray test Standardprufumfang.Neben other methods exist in which the materials with other media be sprayed or hide. The CASS test (DIN 50021 CASS) comprises the DUT kupferchloridhaltigen a saline solution, not water, but dilute acetic acid is used as the basis. By the consequential reduction in PH-value of only 3.1 to 3.3, this leads to additional corrosion of the material. When Kesternich (DIN 50017) is the corrosive climate of moist sulfur dioxide.