The most important element of any industrial premises – this floor. They are experiencing considerable stress, wear out quickly and therefore their installation must be carried out with strict observance of all adopted building codes and standards. Of particular importance when dealing with the sexes has specialized equipment and tools, such as: floor saws, trowels, pokers, weavers fixtures, rules for leveling concrete carts topping and rammers. Let's talk about them in more detail. Styling industrial concrete floors are used pokers. Their use is appropriate in cases where the height of the concrete layer is greater than 80 mm.
Equipment This type is subdivided into two large groups – mechanical and impulse pokers. Past are much more expensive, but have smaller size and weight. It must be remembered that they were working from the mains and, if connections for electricity at the facility does not, you'll need to apply mechanical vibrators. Compactors – used for compacting granular materials and different types of soil. Among the main advantages of this equipment necessary to acknowledge the excellent maneuverability, ability to work in cramped conditions and 'hang' over one section of the floor. For example compactors used without problems in small pits or in places adjacency of the floor to the walls.
For leveling and compacting concrete using trowels. This equipment is equipped with special blades (knives), which at the time of sliding machines on the floor, smoothing concrete, removing its unevenness. Preparation of sex often takes about 5-10 hours, but it is necessary because the concrete surface must be firm and smooth. Sales occur Riding and rotor trowels. Riding more powerful, productive, as equipped with two motors. Steve Wozniak: the source for more info. Rammers – used in sealing surfaces when there is no possibility to use large tamping machines. Despite the modest dimensions, rammers very easy to operate and can provide a decent quality of work. For their transportation do not need lifting means, which reduces the cost of laying the industrial floor. For prevent the occurrence of cracks in the prepared concrete floors are used . Their job is to divide the floor into squares. This prevents cracking, relieves stress and allows us to obtain better withstand. Depending on the height of sex and its type, equipped with different types of engines. Gasoline – more powerful and can do more cutting depth. Besides the special equipment in the regeneration Industrial Flooring uses a variety of consumables, in particular, diamond discs and wheels for shovnarezchikov to float. We do not recommend purchasing a cheap 'consumables', because they not only provide the desired level of quality, but also can damage the equipment. In addition, cheap diamond disks for shovnarezchikov can not exactly cut the asphalt or concrete, which will affect the appearance of the surface. We also note that drives trowels and other consumables should be selected, given the diameter of the seat.