Every time I was without powerful subject, i.e. alien determined am, I get angry. You that feel the same way? The theme of power and domination has us all our lives, in all walks of life inevitably! We are seeing the first phase of the Ohn take un aware in our early childhood (pre and post natal: abortion, adoption). The last in the nursing home, if we’re out of luck! We all know the feeling of Ohn power if the ship has now sailed on weekends in an emergency, a service provider is unattainable or the partner decided to separate and go. Helplessness! The ATM in a foreign city has you ever on the Saturday night grinning moved the money card? Prefer experience a Microsoft crash at home.
We learn as infants (social beings) very quickly, the power means and methods are differently distributed. “An infant can so long scream, …bis I it most wants to throw on the wall!” (Quote of a mother). The first attempts of Abnabelungs as power games. These However the baby WINS games, who can smile already so beautiful? In the rest of life, the phases of power and without power switch duration and intensity, form and content over time. As you know, our true perception is based on contrast differentiation and shortcomings balance that constantly require our decisions. They constantly cause conflicts (from selection). Power in a confrontation with others quickly leads to violence: positive (Savior) or negative (violence). The will to the prevalence is based on our dominance quest acquired up to the end of puberty, or not at all.
Basically you should exert, at least the power about themselves to self-determination, mastery and conservation. The exercise of power by itself mentally weak people with offices-formal power is often striking in everyday life. So, we confuse not the person with the position (function).