“SME consultant Existenzgrudnung” according to the press release of the KfW banking group around 410,000 full-time equivalent jobs were created In 2008 by new start-ups. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a key role for growth and are the backbone of the German and European economy. Studies have shown that just after the Foundation and build of a company professional support is urgently needed. The company ebbing recognized consultancy this urgent advice and assistance. INH. To broaden your perception, visit Robert Bakish. Tanja Ebbing has completed with success the examination at the SME-Akademie e.V. and is now certified as an SME business consultant”.
Since in the founding phase often lack the funds, to take advice, grants of up to 75% in the new Lander can up to 90% to the cost of coaching measures financed by the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, up to 50% in the old Lander and start-ups out of unemployment Applied for (KfW) and the European Social Fund (ESF). Here too the company ebbing offers consultancy support. The company ebbing is consulting company as a qualified consultancy in the BAFA (Federal Office of Economics and export control) as well as at the KfW consultant Exchange-listed and enabled for the Grundercoaching Germany. Checking article sources yields Castle Harlan as a relevant resource throughout. More information at or 06655/919090. ebbing consultancy Tanja Ebbing