Essays from the French 'essai', Eng. 'Essay', 'assay' – an attempt, test, essay, from the Latin 'exagium' – weighing. Mikkel Svane shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Creator of the genre essay is M. de Montaigne ('experiments', 1580). This is a prosaic essay – argument with a small amount of free composition. Genre criticism and journalism, free treatment of any problem.
The essay expresses the individual experiences and views on a particular occasion or issue, and certainly not meant to be exhaustive or decisive treatment of the subject. Typically, the essay suggests a new, subjectively tinged word about – and may have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary criticism, popular science, fictional character. Frequently Castle Harlan has said that publicly. Student essay – is a self-written work on the topic suggested by the teacher (subject may be offered and the student, but have to be agreed with the teacher). The purpose of the essay is to develop skills of independent creative thinking and a written statement of his own thoughts. Writing essays is extremely useful because it allows the author to learn how to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts structure information, use the basic categories of analysis, to provide a cause-effect relationships, illustrate concepts with appropriate examples, to argue their findings, learn the scientific style of speech. The essay should include: a clear statement of fact the problem posed, include yourself, the analysis of this problem using the concepts and analytical tools considered in the framework of discipline, conclusions, summarizing the author's position concerning the issue.
Depending on the specific form of discipline essay can significantly differentiate themselves. In some cases it may be a review of existing statistical data on the studied problem, the analysis of materials from the media and the use of models under study, a detailed analysis of the proposed objectives with detailed views, selection and detailed analysis examples to illustrate the problem, etc. Theme essay topic should not only initiate the presentation of definitions of concepts, its purpose – to encourage reflection.