The Symbolism in ' ' The Son of the Trader of Cavalos' ' Clearly we observe that the concern of Lawrence was to display thematic on the question of the sexuality a human being. Clearly that this idea cannot only be argued in this story, requires more reading of on workmanships this author. However we will try to argue this point relating mainly the problematic one of sexual the momentary desire of the man, who stops Lawrence, many times, this does not mean much thing. With this I begin we will approach the symbolism for detrs of ' ' The Son of the Trader of Cavalos' '. For Lawrence the Modern civilization is castradora, where to live in this place repleto of technology something is negative, becoming the imprisoned man between the civilization and the nature. This means that the man of this society does not obtain to be natural because the civilization blocks this capacity. The feminine sexuality is also seen as something castrador, come back only as social factor, providing only status.
The consequence of this is to also become the man a castrated being, therefore castrated sexuality is an illness, that passes of the mother for the son. Such castration of the man, by itself, goes to be represented by the modern rationality, mainly at the time mechanics, where the mechanized inventions would be a perverted necessity of the man. Soon at the beginning of the story we come across in them with the family of the main personage. These the all time are compared the animals, brutalized beings. Mabel is seen as a bulldog or a intratvel cow, Joe is compared with a horse. We can say that of the same skill that the last horses are taken for it are of the farm, of certain direction also Joe is being leading for a destination that it does not dominate.