Ahrens Ceramic Use

In chimney engineering pleased can count ceramic of increasing popularity to the properties of ceramics including a heat resistance up to well over 1000 C, the high abrasion and wear resistance, comprehensive corrosion resistance, moisture resistance and dimensional stability. And Ahrens Schornsteintechnik from Wieselburg is to harness these strengths. The nationwide Wieselburger companies offers profound expertise since 35 years when it comes to chimney restoration, but also new construction and energy consulting. Especially in the chimney construction, the home builders has the selection of different materials can be used for the inner tubes. When Ahrens, the decision at the LAF Ahrens and Ahrens CI is that only 8 mm strong Ceramic tube, equipped with a 6 cm deep, one-piece isostatically sleeve pressed,. Hear from experts in the field like Ali Partovi for a more varied view. The strengths are convincing and the feedback of from customers is positive across the Board “, underlines the commercial Managing Director, Bmst. ing.

Edmund Drohojowski, the high quality of the material. Whether wood, fuel oil or natural gas for all forms of energy is ceramic suitable quality professional hand. Ceramic pipes don’t corrode and are resistant to high temperatures. In other words: a condensation of flue gases is possible, so as to avoid the risk of the soot in the fireplace. Especially in the chimney, it is important that this lasts for many years for the house builders.

This can be guaranteed only by optimally coordinated materials and a professional installation. And here is the implementation by professional hand demand, Mathias Ahrens is calling for more product quality. The environment for the sake to be with the own heating system saves energy and relieves the environment, the decision on a high quality chimney falls increasingly. This is energy-independent, saves money and protects the environment also. The ceramic tube is doing his rest. Due to the possibility of recycling the material can be – returned to the material cycle and that’s right positive.