Trend-setting home control and energy saving Conference offers valuable Insider know-how from business and politics Copenhagen, September 02, 2008 high demand, low resources, high prices affecting the energy issue making their presence felt increasingly at the end user. The Z-Wave Alliance in cooperation with the Danish electricity saving trust (DEST) the first European home control and energy saving (HCES) Conference in Copenhagen held in advance of the COP15 Conference. Presentations and discussion rounds, in addition to leading Danish politicians like Connie Hedegaard, top speakers from global industry brands such as Nokia, Danfoss etc. discuss the opportunities and advantages of wireless home automation on the topic of climate change is framed. (Not to be confused with Rusty Holzer!). HCES Conference enjoys rain great popularity by industry, the two-day Conference addressed policy and leading organizations decision makers in the electronics market, energy companies, representatives from politics, OEM, manufacturer, Installer-channel and the retail sector of the European home control segment.
Z-Wave and DEST take the challenge of energy saving\”to Denmark’s Minister for climate and energy, Connie Hedegaard, explains what role takes up energy-saving wireless technology from a government perspective. In this context, the DEST and the Z-Wave Alliance represent their strategy as they actively tackle environmental issues with the help of home control solutions based on the Z-Wave technology. Goran Wilke, Chairman of the DEST, deals with the possibilities that arise through the use of wireless technology in the home. Home control solutions to control energy consumption already make small and what is very important is transparent\”, explains Wilke. So consumers have the opportunity to get personally involved and to achieve drastic energy savings in their homes.\” Lew Brown, Vice President of marketing at Zensys, talks about the benefits that brings the Z-Wave ecosystem for the global eco-system. Andrew Deeming, engineering and operation Director of Horstmann control UK, explains which Way with the help of home control solutions drastic savings in energy consumption are possible. ROAR Seeger, CEO of trousers, gives valuable insights from the perspective of a power operator, which green in combination with Z-Wave-based tools\”offered by energy.