Federal Capital

The calculation was quite successful, in terms of quantity, the Census conducted in 1914, but not in terms of population distribution. Source: altavista. The imbalance of the city of Buenos Aires, had increased significantly. No wonder that from then on will increase the voices of warning about this assumed imbalance. HG Vora will not settle for partial explanations. But the reality was showing that the imbalance was accentuated. This property of deployed throughout the twentieth century, albeit with a slight attenuation recorded in the last two censuses.

However, the geographical limits of the Federal Capital, were overwhelmed by a conurbation process, shaping the now known as Greater Buenos Aires. ” Area that has become the paradigm of the situation to reverse, but worth adding that had joined other metropolitan areas but in smaller quantities and other mills and mini, for which similar treatments in order fit the demographic devolution. It is very fruitful when detailed analysis, the recently incorporated the concept of “Visibility” because in our opinion, and particularly in the mass media locals, do not have a planar view of the Argentine events, and this translates into weak foundations when the public and private decisions. It is usual to generalize an opinion about “Argentina” or “Argentine”, based on the Buenos Aires metropolitan area and not more than ten major cities in Argentina. This even extends to the surveys, academic studies and / or consulting: When you, as in our case, by a sort of vocation or destination, comes down for decades many medium and small towns of Argentina and supplements with readings that even when available are often consulted, then one realizes that things are not necessarily presented as the “mainstream”, which is usually reflected in the mass media locals, who ascribe to an almost uncritical , the “mainstream media inside Argentina “, forming a sort of centralized communication Buenos Aires, where no other realities that are filtered are simultaneous and different.