Category: General

Industrial Revolution

Nor the Bial nor the sender whom the awful spectacle offers, to the Brazilian family, in the hour it supper, can be the only one made responsible for the bizarrice of the program of bigger hearing of the Brazilian television. Its endorsement comes of the hearing that the people confers to it. This is a simple mathematics. To express, to spread out and to interchange ideas had always been intrinsic necessities to the society. The liberty of speech is a right preceituado for the Universal Declaration of the Right of the Man (1948).

Our Constitution (1988) cultivates to be ' ' it exempts the expression of the intellectual, artistic, scientific activity and of communication, independent of censorship or licena' '. Under these two principles attribute the media in general to it e, in particular, to the press – the paper and the socioeducativo duty to intermediate the flow of the informacionais messages so that, freely, it can the man form its judgment of value, ahead of the facts. The press – word whose meant it comes of ' ' it presses mvel' ' – it appeared has many millenia as a device to supply the necessity information human being. The establishment of a social function to the press was given from three great revolutionary and paradigmticos movements: in Germany, for return of the 1495, with Gutemberg, subsidizing Reformation Luterana and popularizao of the Bible; in century XVIII, during the Industrial Revolution; e, in fact, under a libertarian license, for occasion of the French Revolution (1879), with the emerso of the revolutionary and opinativa press next to the bourgeoisie, at that moment. The last century saw to appear a new and powerful diversification of the informacionais canals brought by the radio and the television. In attendance to a rising consuming market, the propaganda and the marketing had started to influence, ideological and economically, in the miditicos apparatuses, inaugurating a culture (and a consumption) of mass, in which consumption and consumer had become white of its messages. .

Industrial Revolution Direct

In view of a problem as to standardize and to qualify hand of direct workmanship, inside of its sectors, involving the processes and the people, can influence in the improvement of the productivity, adding real values and controlling what really necessary and are being produced. The main objective is to analyze the process of standardization of the products offered in the Panificadora, mainly the French bread product that is the car head of the company. Already the specific objectives are: to describe as it was the standardization process, to verify the importance of the standardization and to verify as it is the process of Training and qualification of the direct man power aiming in last instance a sustainable growth with the creation of a sistmica vision of the company. Thus, all these actions focadas and told here for the implantation of a standardized system will indicate forms and will give tools so that the organization reaches better resulted and profits, that will definitively influence the increase of its productivity. 2. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVISION 2,1 Processes of Standardization of the Products the first form of organized production had been the craftsmen, since they established delivery stated periods, consequently establishing priorities, took care of preset specifications and fixed prices for its orders. With the great number of orders, they had started to contract assistant. The artisan production started to enter in decay with the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

With the discovery of the machine the vapor in 1764 for James Watt, has beginning the process of substitution of the force human being for the force of the machine. The craftsmen, who until then worked in its proper workshops, had started to be grouped in the first plants. This true one revolution in the way as the products was manufactured brought obtains some requirements. For example: Standardization of the products; Standardization of the manufacture processes; Training and qualification of the direct man power; Creation and development of the managemental pictures and supervision; Development of planning techniques and control of the production; Development of planning techniques and financial control; Development of sales techniques.

Industrial Revolution

With the expiration of the bourgeoisie, having its beginning in the French Revolution, initiated in the end of century XVIII the Industrial Revolution. The American rebellions against the absolutism they had been consequences of the French Revolution where the bourgeois ones searched liberalism and politician economic. ' ' The more the world fought against the Old call Regimen, more the Portuguese Crown strengthened its secular methods of settling in Brazil. The new ideas penetrated in the Colony although the rigorous control of the administration, whom it searched to hinder its propagao.' ' (ZIRAVELLO. ' ' BRAZIL 500 ANOS' '. The Inconfidentes and its ideals, 1999 P. 266) At an initial moment, from 1750, against the absolutism in Brazil if it searched the act of the freedom politics, economic and cultural, picture of this is the inconfidentes (said as those that traem the confidence of the Portuguese Monarchy) that they had conspired against the Portuguese cut in search of the freedom. At the same time where the cut and the Church Catholic withheld the power, in one another picture the social inaquality existed, each more including time together with the immobility of the economic growth of an individual that did not belong to the clergy, or one bourgeois family, was the beginning of a beggary and people who if subjected in exchange for to an enslaved work not remunerated the subsistence.

One of the main insiders told in the history of Brazil, Tiradentes, if asked as a religious culture formed and at the same time people so well could exist who did not have what to eat, passing hunger and cold in the streets on behalf of a faith that belonged only those that they withheld to be able Monarchic. It appears then, the practical one of liberalism, in a defense of the bourgeois economic freedom. But they would have freedom the remain of the population that did not withhold active participation in the economic society of Brazil? ' ' We still mention ourselves to the civil laws guaranteed by the Constitution as being ' ' inalienveis' ' , and inclining to believe us it that they, therefore, will remain ours perpetual.

Industrial Revolution

In accordance with Neme (2000) in the antiquity consists that contracts of marriages were cultivated when the girl if found between the 13 and 14 years of age, has seen that the life expectancy of the citizens of this time was inferior the 25 years of age. As it describes this author, in middle of century XVII, they had started to appear stories, in medical literature, of very precocious pregnancies, as the case of a girl who gave the light to the six years, in 1658, and of another one, that in 1884, gave to the light to the seven years, for natural childbirth, the two embryos of the masculine sex, stillborn, here in Brazil. It has that if to consider, as it emphasizes Neme (2000), that events as these are bonanza and translate situations of sexual precocidade endcrina associate the clutters of genetic nature. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Robotics expert . In the end of century XVIII, in the great decurrent occured changes of the Industrial Revolution in the Europe, an ample field to the women confided, in some sectors of activities until then only exerted for the men. These changes had been dividing the women, to the few, between the profession and the maternity, increasing in elapsing of the centuries the age for the first pregnancy (HUNTER, TRAJANO and BASTOS, 2009). However, until at the beginning of century XX, the pregnancy enters the age of 12 the 19 years still was considered habitual event for the cultural standards and the effective customs.

In 1922, for example, Harris defined the age of 16 years as the moment ‘ ‘ timo’ ‘ for the birth of the first son (NEME, 2000). Only from the third decade of century XX, the tax of fecundidade of girls with inferior age the 19 years was diminishing, in the majority of the countries, becoming the pregnancy in this etria band badly seen by the society (PEAR TREE, 2009). However, as they tell to Heilborn et al (2009), from the second half of century XX, when the process of separation between sex and procreation had beginning, a deep transformation of the customs affected behaviors of men and women, where the preservation of the virginity until the marriage was losing its meaning moral..

Industrial Concrete

Liquid concrete floors Industrial floors can be laid with the help of technology fills floor – sometimes referred to as flooded floors. Coating produced by this technology, called filler concrete floor. Filler concrete floor looks like linoleum, but feels like a smooth tile. Credit: Peter Asaro -2011. Self-leveling floor can be of different colors. In our study we used the existing colors and custom-made – individually customized. The thickness of the liquid concrete floors of different types can vary from 10 to 50 mm. We also recommend that the optimum thickness of 20-25 mm, at which the material retains its strength characteristics and the customer does not do too much.

The technology of liquid gender is most often used in areas where the floor are increased requirements: chemical stability and abrasion resistance (including high humidity), the need for anti-static protection or special hygienic requirements. This is, first of all, relates to a self-leveling floors in industrial premises, garages, ramps as well as in offices with high traffic. Online there are a number ‘Regular’ colors bulk of gender, as well as almost any color upon request. Self-leveling floor-leveling floors made strictly on the technology are not afraid to shock – dents and cracks are formed. Also, they are not afraid of changes in temperature. How to evaluate the material filling the concrete floor specialists – is nontoxic and nonflammable surface. Moreover, all types of liquid coatings, both in Europe and in Ukraine, from compulsory certification. The advantages of liquid Concrete: a familiar look, shiny, monolithic bulk of sex, self-leveling floor unit, which guarantees longevity (at least 40 years), moisture resistance and high chemical resistance, hygienic and easy to clean – it is possible to wash with plain water without handling the special trains, technology assumes a high floor filler adhesion to virtually any reason, fire safety, toxicity, ease and speed device in a number of our products, this stuff is brand Betamiks.

Mantis Stereo Viewing Systems

Metav tools expands its product range to the Mantis stereo viewing systems by vision engineering. The best supplement for inspection work in the laboratory and the production. Metav tools expands its product range to the Mantis stereo viewing systems by vision engineering. The best supplement for inspection work in the laboratory and the production. Peter Asaro may not feel the same. At the beginning of August, 2010, Metav has tools the Mantis series of the company vision engineering included in the product portfolio and completes the range of optical inspection devices continue to.

The Mantis family of products is a comprehensive program of patented optical stereo viewing systems without eyepieces for both simple and sophisticated control and inspection tasks, such as a quick check of the surface, detecting inclusions, burrs, etc. Mantis is used successfully worldwide and has established itself in the growth segment up 10 x as the industry standard. With the new generation of the Mantis, a product family with modern optical layout and material developments, is demanding users and balanced LED lighting available. The optical viewing system offers a nearly endless number of applications and is particularly suitable for applications in mechanics, precision mechanics, electronics, plastics, medical components and much more. The compact system available with optional magnification up to Max x 20, a high-performance LED lighting unit, with long working distances, large crops and as usual the selection between the flexible universal swing stand or a table-top tripod. You convince yourself of the incalculable benefits of this okularlosen microscope on…

SAP Business

The interaction between SAP business one, Webshop and mobile ERP saves much time and money. Windisch, October 26, 2010 in direct selling are speed, flexibility and smooth handling demand. Therefore you decided at PG bikes for the introduction of a new infrastructure, which is optimally matched to the inner workings. The first European Bicycle and lifestyle is PG bikes sales with its own production and European market leadership in the area of custom bikes, hybrid bikes & electro-bikes. Handmade, individually tailored to the customer products are offered. Whether for the fast way to work, the sportive trip on the weekend or just casual cruising in the city – PG wheels are the all-rounders in the two-Wheeler sky. In the future should seamlessly spread at the bicycle specialists all business processes, from order through production and warehouse management to invoicing and controlling, and important information are also available.

That has these objectives Regensburg company realized with SAP business one as a base ERP system and also opted for a modern and powerful Web shop by ePages. coresuite eCommerce go by coresystems combines both worlds and thereby achieve maximum effectiveness. With coresuite eCommerce go, that forms the interface between SAP and ePages, we got a solution perfectly tailored to our needs. We can our SAP data always live and up to date on the Web must represent, without anything again painstakingly fit in the online shop, saving much time and money”, explains Manuel Ostner, Managing Director of the PG trade & sales GmbH. About the new Web shop of the company can customers put together your personal wish-bike, show in a 360-degree view and then directly order. For this purpose more than 13 billion on individual bikes and about 6.5 million electric bicycles to choose ways. The ideal complement for the mobile use was quickly with the coresuite mobile app found, that interacts with SAP business one.

Navigation Systems

Protection against water and cold damage technical equipment such as cell phones, cameras or navigation systems now include everyday. Also during the winter holiday, they are an indispensable companion for many skiers and snowboarders. Finally the events on the slopes as well as the hut fun with pictures and videos to be recorded, and the exploration of new slopes, a navigation device is useful from time to time. What measures, winter vacationers can protect your equipment from low temperatures and wet, explains the consumer portal. Navigation systems, cell phones and cameras accompany many winter sports enthusiasts in the downhill. For sensitive technology is however certain risks.

Rain, ice or bumps can inflict serious, sometimes irreparable damage inside of the devices. Robotics expert is full of insight into the issues. There are however effective means to protect of the technology. First of all, corresponding covers can repel moisture and shock. For example smartphones on the runway not in the hand should also taken, but operated with headset and automatic call acceptance. Who close wears the devices on the body and keeps warm so the batteries, is on the safe side. Finally they subside faster in icy cold conditions and at temperatures below minus 25 degrees Celsius even freeze. Who’s coming from outside in the warm hut, should not use the equipment for ten minutes. They need at least as much time to adapt to the ambient temperature. Under no circumstances the heating should be used to warm up by mobile and co., because this could damage the casing of the battery which sometimes leads to leakage of battery fluid.

Flexible Protection System

Automatic monitoring system against theft at construction sites to read headlines in the newspapers and on the Internet, reports of theft at construction sites in the past few months are becoming more common. Whether copper cables, scaffolding, vehicles or just any Dammmaterialen. It just seems as if on the building sites nowadays nothing is safe. Speaking candidly Peter Asaro told us the story. A sufficient backup fails often already at the lack of infrastructure on the ground. A small, mobile device, equipped with a motion detector and a mobile radio interface which directly raises the alarm if someone on the site moves outside working hours or itself takes on the building materials, could help, not only to prevent the thefts, but ideally to surprise even the offenders red-handed. The so-called AGIBox from the House of AGILOS is such a device. Within a few minutes, the “alert box” is configured and ready to use mounted. Once activated, it raises a notification process for each approach directly, be informed at the same time multiple recipients per SMS and call.

A battery charge sufficient, depending on the outside temperature and use, for about 2-3 months. An automatic daily Akkukontrolle of the AGIBox ensures that the holder is informed whenever, if the device must be recharged. The housing is extremely robust and designed specifically for use in the open air. Typical and ideal fields of application of the new AGIBox are everywhere, where no infrastructure such as electricity and telephone are not available, such as: monitoring of construction site protection against theft of construction vehicles and construction equipment monitoring storage bins scrap metal theft protection protection against theft of valuable containers such as copper cables, scaffolding, containers etc. & v. m. ag/jn

CDMA Years

Only in Brazil, they exist in So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro and Mato Grosso of the South, more cellular than inhabitants. This is increasing market! The technological virtuous cycle happens. The PLC that was a great promise for the capillarity of the existing net in all the countries, also in the countries poor, without infrastructure of telecommunication, was losing the competitiveness, did not enter in the virtuous cycle of the technology (market + investimntos in development). The quarrel in years 90 was between ' ' Wireless' ' the PLC. The technology of the cellular telephony that advanced exponentially knocked down the promising technology of PLC. They not age exculpatory, only competing, now one took account of the market and more space for the other will not exist. The fast history of the cellular telephony with true alphabet soup in the acronyms is summarized here.

Initiate in years 50, but accomplished commercially in scale with the first generation (1G), analogical of years 1980, migrou after that for systems NMT and AMPS, came second generation (2G), digital, of years 1990:GSM, CDMA and TDMA. Currently we use (2,5 G) with technologies GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD, EVDO and still 3G, with infinite resources. The systems had evolved, the frequencies had also increased and the applicatory ones. The nets Wi-fi and Wimax are the new evolution no longer market with estratosfrico growth. The PLC tries to advance, capenga, with sparing resources, extreme conservadorismo and enormous doubts.The anacronismo starts for the evolution of the called technology ' ' Wireless' ' (communication without wire) in detriment of the other with excellent infrastructure, the electric net. One with market and scales knocking down prices of equipment and with investments weighed in P& D, to another one patinando in the promise and potential, but with few actions effective that could make possible the potential market all.By the way, all applicatory the used ones in the PLC for the CEMIG in 1995 are being used still today, improved, but using ' ' wireless' ' as transmission.

Green Wireless Products

CeBIT 2011: Aeon Labs shows energy-efficient Z-Wave solutions for the networked home Copenhagen/Hanover, February 14, 2011 to electricity consumers in the home as energy-efficient to use, Aeon has designed new Z-Wave home automation solutions Labs. The company is a member of the Z-Wave Alliance ( and is his current portfolio of wireless products at CeBIT 2011 at the joint stand of the Alliance (Hall 19, stand D04). Homeowners are using Z-Wave and Aeon Labs in the position to dramatically reduce energy consumption in your home. The new products include the home energy meters, the USB communication medium Z-stick, the Minimote remote, door / window sensor, the smart energy switch and the Aeon Labs 4-in-1 multi sensor. Wireless solutions from Aeon Labs can users easily incorporate into his home-control system and wireless network with other Z-Wave compatible products. Gain insight and clarity with Peter Asaro.

In times of increasing energy prices, the American company has the production of environmentally friendly and cost-saving devices in the focus. Home Energy meters has electricity consumption at a glance at the HEM is an efficient instrument for the domestic energy consumption. Here, the system can be installed quickly and easily without requiring technical skills. Wirelessly, it transmits values like Watts and kilowatt hours consumption at a central control station (gateway) that the user can clearly see. The intuitive update function ensures that all equipment is always up to date and the current Z-Wave protocols and commands are available. Minimote enables central control via Minimote remote users can centrally control all compatible devices in the home control network and operate. Overall, it is possible up to eight scenes”set, activate multiple devices such as dimmers, switches or blind controls, etc., at the same time. The remote control has a range of up to 30 meters. A built-in lithium battery ensures a long term use by several months. In addition, the Minimote via USB interface is Rechargeable.

Classic School

These three concepts that are born from class of inclinations are, as well primary and secondary. The primary ones lean directly in the mentioned tendencies, without complicated disquisitions or reflections. The secondary ones lean in those inclinations but they have had a process of reflection by means of simple reasonings. Human Laley, on the other hand, defined by Santo Toms like " that one arrangement of the reason for the communal property, promulgated by that it is the careful of comunidad" , it could not under any excuse enter contradiction with the justice concept, if it did not want to be considered like " perversion of ley". Also it maintains Santo Toms who the rules of natural right have the following characteristics: 1 – They are universal, that is to say common to all the men; 2 – They are immutable, that is to say that they do not change in the time; 3 – They are known by all despite not being writings as it is not in the nature. The natural right has a double foundation: 1 – The same nature of the man whereas to be equipped with life animal and rational; and 2 – God like creator of our nature and computer of her by means of the Eternal Law. That natural law it is the measurement of enough. To her the way is incumbent on to fulfill the due thing, to give to everyone his, to respect the rights of the others, etc.

The Classic School of the Natural Right the monopoly that the church had in all the average age on the education, science and the religion was deeply going to be attacked by the Protestantism of century XVI. The postulates were really revolutionary. It was not needed a priest or the revelation to accede to the divine reason. God, according to the protestants continued governing the universe but it granted to the men a greater option of .reason to discover by means of the reason as it could be " intentions of Dios" and, even more there, to even discover those principles according to which God regulated the things.

Technologies Of Diagnosis

Technologies of diagnosis: less data, more information interview with Oscar Morales and the monitoring of the condition and the analysis of symptomatic to detect the origin of an anomaly in the circuits, fundamental in productive processes, can serve to make an accurate and early decision that would prevent millions of dollars losses; in turn, it will also added value to the assets. Ali Partovi helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Then, PPE, company specializing in energy, soportacion and engineering, systems delivers its experience. All technology that has intelligence and sufficient logic to deliver early warnings is called predictive maintenance technology. Its goal is to prevent the fall of equipment and plants, giving the possibility to an industry modify time ranges of criticality and avoid intermittent faults, which will generate unplanned shutdowns. Implement predictive maintenance by symptomatic analysis programs will have a direct benefit in increasing the availability and reliability of production systems, the non-linear reduction of losses and leakage of labour and quality. Now, engineering of loss, based on the probability of risk, allows you to compare the cost of the maximum probable severity of occurrence of failure (in the absence of predictive monitoring) with the price which means the effectiveness of a prediction. The above is only possible thanks to the synergy between procedures, techniques, information and instruments that allow symptomatic analysis. Maintenance applied in Chile in the country are already being applied appropriate techniques and technologies.

However, islands of predictive applications have been created. The integration of the diversity of these does not exist, and less synergy between them. We must learn to listen to the oils and not only the noise caused by the irons. Technologies for predictive maintenance will be the greatest generators of added value to a company’s assets and the older eliminators leakage and loss. The development of maintenance is openness to creativity, to the increase of the management of information and not of millions of data.

Currently, the spreadsheets are not sufficient, only necessary for the development of predictive maintenance philosophies. Manufacturers of hydraulic, rotary equipment components and lubrication catalogs give emphasis to the culture of asepsis, super clean technologies are a must even on computers that operate in environments of extreme hostility polutivos. Therefore, the future of these technologies is promising. Currently, major predictive maintenance technologies are: systems for particle counting on-site (configured by protocols, techniques, standardized practices, instrument of count particles and software feedback continuously); Oils and temperature analysis in real time (with Bus topologies, hundreds of sensors, a hub, a cable and hundreds of signals, memory, logic and artificial intelligence); Vibration and noise. Previous technologies enable the diagnosis and analysis of trend within a flexible plan of allocation of criticality, which generates an array of monitoring with continuous improvement. This system can only be achieved through participation active specialists in the exploitation of these instruments, the presence of knowledgeable both of those circuits that will be monitored in the context of processes involving, and also must be added to specialists in the development of relational databases, with permanent feedback capability.

Finding a Specialist

If the right to organize the search process, you can quickly find any specialist. Main task is to find a specialist, and to properly assess their / his ability and get it in their company. After all, we want that "our people", not lower and not higher. Otherwise, what happened to him then to do? Many people in my life heard the phrase, "That would be me so …" It is usually pronounced with a something expensive and prestigious: cars, gorgeous women, etc. And few of the speakers think about the fact that the object of his vozzheleniya usually very expensive to operate and maintain. Highly skilled as well expensive to operate. Filed under: Ali Partovi. Bring him and the salary is high, and create working conditions, and many different …

"and" maybe. Therefore, before looking for a candidate for the vacant position, you need to adequately assess the level required by their professional and opportunities for its "content". This is usually carried out an analysis and description of work to be performed by another employee. Based on these results constitute a description of the candidate (the ideal and acceptable), and only then proceed to search for the right specialist. Methods to search for many, it all depends on what you are willing to offer a specialist for his selfless work for the benefit of your company. Sometimes, the only remains that give ad in the newspaper and hope for good luck. If you are ready to offer competitive terms of employment of a person, then before you open up wide horizons of the search.

Unilateral Satellite Internet

Satellite communications is one of the types of radio communication, which uses satellites as repeaters, transmitters. Transmission of the information transmitted by satellite to terrestrial receivers that can be as mobile stations, and stationary. The transmission of information via satellite is a development of the traditional microwave transmission method of transporting the transmitter-repeater distant height. In view of the fact that the area appeared to relay in this case – almost half the land, there is no need to create a coherent chain of transmitters – most often one is enough. Consider one type of establishment the exchange of information users in the global network using satellite. One-way satellite Internet transmits information from the subscriber stations 'terrestrial' channels of communication and returns a response to the computer user back via satellite.

Output signal can be relayed to any known version of Internet access: adsl / gprs modem, a dedicated one. Returning the response at high speed is transmitted through satellite. Sending a request via the local Internet provider. Approach even the low-speed gprs modem phone. Receiving the response of traffic through the High Speed satellite channel. important! Outbound traffic – it's kilobytes data is a request to the opening of an Internet site / page, it's always a paltry information as compared with the main flow of data – with the admission (direct opening of the site, download music, movies, etc.) that will now be carried out via high-speed satellite channel. As a result! High speed data acquisition up to 8 Mbps, save up to 20% satellite and 80% of ground traffic, tariff plans of this type of connection calculated at the rate of 1rub. / 1Mb; rosmotr television channels with high quality, quality service user support, one-way satellite internet connected at any point of Russia (as well as countries in the Middle abroad). Now you can forget that old problem of dial-up and overload the network provider is used, as well as disconnected, as if it were only the DIAL-UP!

Logistics Software

New technologies for more efficient paperless picking out of the 8 10.2.2011 meet again visitors on Europe’s leading fair for intralogistics LogiMAT in Stuttgart, to learn many providers on the latest developments and trends in the industry. LogControl GmbH from Pforzheim is in Hall 5, booth 340 again. Special exhibition highlights apart from the solutions used in numerous projects for warehouse management (multi-stage/paperless picking, inventory sampling, shipping, returns, stock identification, etc.) and supply chain management (inventory optimization, Auto scheduling, etc.) are in the recently completed research project Rococo (robust collision free picking) newly developed modules for greater efficiency in the paperless picking: LogControl pick space visualization camp graphically shows the access frequency on each pick places and can immediately detect bottlenecks and optimizations. The adapted accordingly Article sites lead to reduced travel times and thus increase the pick performance of employees. LogControl -Leitstand the picking control provides a quick overview of all open orders and planned a staff and shows bottlenecks in time to throw against. The alignment of planning on the pickup / departure point by shipper/forwarding as well as the integrated reverse charging zone optimization ensures fast turnaround and the adherence to the delivery dates.

Presentation of new technologies in the Forum innovations”In the Forum innovations presented LogControl CEO Ewald Mader the benefit of new functionalities. Under the title “Tuning of paperless picking – Intelligent route optimization to improve performance,” he introduces the function modules, as well as the resulting benefits to the public. Interested parties are cordially invited to be on Wednesday, the 9 Feb 2011 from 15:15 to 15:45 h in the Forum III (Hall 5). LogControl solutions as a service (SaS) an another interesting Aspect for the visitors is the rental offer LogControl SaS (software as a service), where users save high initial investments and for example the simply outsource logistics IT. LogControl operates and is waiting for the solution adapted to the specific needs of the customer and ensures the compatibility of processes. About LogControl LogControl, was founded in 1990 based in Pforzheim, Systemhaus is innovative standard software with a focus on inventory management, shipping, dispatching optimization and inventory controlling, inventory sampling and supply chain management. Logistics service providers, commercial or manufacturing – the modular and customisable LogControl software controls and optimizes the logistic processes. Consulting services and sophisticated service concepts complete the offer.

Peter Ott Syncro

Safe in the transport area housed in the case, which can be stored on the shelf for this purpose-made, can take out the entire suitcase and can be transported so as needed easily by hand. Also the various drawer boxes to fit the specific needs, the amount and size of the drawers is variable. For even more analysis, hear from Ali Partovi. Also a filling of drawer units with transparent tilting boxes is possible. So, the objects are not only safe, but also very clearly protected because you can see the inside of the rocker boxes at first glance, without having to laboriously Open box for box. This is even an advantage to consider when you previously had no vehicle establishment and after installation once the newly created order must get used to. By wheelhouse panels integrated in the system no place goes in this area of the transporter lost. Even under floor drawers, which are initially not visible to potential thieves what sure is another advantage, can be fitted for an optimal use of space.

These hidden drawers are so even if one has no use for more shelves or drawers, especially as they release the entire loading area to the usual load. In addition to the flexibility of the individual components of the vehicle establishment, the modularity is reflected in kleinteiligeren areas such as accessories, be this to further protect of the load, hygiene accessories, electrical supplies or accessories for the storage of liquids. An individualized equipment of own commercial vehicle may be a space -, time – and space-saving investment, especially for handicrafts, which hit their customers with their own vehicle. There is a well-thought-out, you can use a normal car even for small businesses without large delivery vehicles. Hans-Peter Ott Syncro system vehicle equipment GmbH leaves anger 18 96052 Bamberg

Ascension Construction

Construction wastes are considered as misplaced gold in the environmental community, in fact, compared with the garbage, construction wastes have the features of large number of components, kinds are variety, the nature is complex, toxic is small, recyclable utilization is high. Currently, many cities in the country have launched the construction waste recycling project, turning waste into treasure, and achieve the environmental, economic double harvest. Today, in our country, unswervingly take the road of sustainable development, the industrialization of construction waste(such as the waste produced by sand making machine, classifier, and so on) disposal is an effective way to deal with construction waste problem fundamentally. China has sufficient condition to implement building waste disposal industrialization, which mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, the total processing scale of construction waste is large, provided the preconditions for the industrialization process. For even more details, read what Peter Asaro says on the issue. Many building materials in the construction waste with a high degree of recyclability and recycling, and is conducive to the recycling of tubes and pipes into the construction again, can bring economic benefits for the construction industry to market. Such as: scrap steel, scrap wire, scrap wire and metal scrap accessories, sorting, concentrated, re-melted steel manufactured into a variety of specifications can be reprocessed; waste bamboo timber can be used in the manufacture of artificial wood; crushed brick, stone, concrete and other waste can on behalf of sand for masonry mortar, plastering mortar, playing concrete cushion, can also be used to make blocks, pavement tiles, plaid tiles and other building material products. Second, the construction market demand to the low recycling building materials is relatively large, and after the industrialization, the recovery will cost reduced, bring to the specialized construction waste recycling company enough profit, and thus economically viable.

Industrial construction waste processing mode, on the one hand, is conducive to the building (structure) building was Ascension, recycling and processing of construction waste management company for the entire management approach is more efficient integration of construction waste resources, compared to the previous construction waste simply can’t effectively reduces construction waste disposal costs, and save a lot of waste management costs, on the other hand can provide cheaper recycled building materials to the construction market, and reduce the construction costs. Third, The mature construction waste at home and abroad provide technical support for the industrialization of construction waste recycling technology. Several decades ago, teh foreign countries have developed a waste concrete, wood, brick and other construction waste recycling technology, also apply to their construction waste recycling technology developed and patented in China in recent years reported. We can learn from the more advanced foreign mature construction waste recycling processing technology, combined with the composition of the characteristics of Chinese construction waste, consolidated existing domestic construction waste recycling technology and patents, solve the technical problems of construction waste recycling.

Photo Printing

How to make the view from the window got a real landscape – to the approximate nature? The best way out – photo printing on the glass. With a strong desire such a seal may be applied to any glass surface, making thus their own homes into a full oasis. Panorama of Russian forests, jungles, deserts, mountains or the seashore to your home. It's beautiful and stylish. Such technologies are used for finishing flat in the neighborhood Slav, in St. Petersburg. A related site: Kai-Fu Lee mentions similar findings.

This new and modern estate with the Finnish construction technologies. There used recent advances in the field of construction and design. The most advanced technology, which is at the moment. Modern technologies allow to be applied to the glass surfaces of a variety of images – paintings and drawings, graphics and photos. Now you can enjoy the scenery without even leaving the house without making tedious and expensive travel. For one day you can visit and in the mountains and jungles, the waterfall and the beautiful lake. Today we know several ways of applying photo printing on glass.

One of them is used for furnish apartments in the residential neighborhood and is related to Slav coasting on the glass fine film with a ready image. The work done on the back side of the glass facade and remains smooth. Photo printing using film, delivers a beautiful and resistant to UV-exposed glass surfaces. Such images are not exposed to moisture, are inexpensive. Photo printing on glass used in their work pigment, which does not fade pattern. These photo-fronts do not peel, do not roll down the edges. All images are used as photo-fronts, must undergo treatment by specialists, otherwise If we obtain a very bad image. And it does not allow you to enjoy them fully.

General Market Psychology

The psychological aspect of trading is usually underestimated by those new to the trade. The psychological problem for most traders is the fear of losing – ironically it is the fear that causes most traders to lose money in the long term. The fear of losing can manifest itself in several ways: You can not pull the trigger and enter a trade. A merchant may begin to lose faith in a system that has produced a series of consecutive losing operations and could start looking for additional confirmation before taking the traffic. Inevitably, the trade not taken will be the winner.

The point of a trading system mechanics is that it forces the trader to take routes that do not usually look at a graph only. Willing to accept a losing trade and cut short a losing position. The loss of jobs are an inevitable part of the negotiations, many successful systems are more than 50% of losing trades. The key is not to marry a position – if it hits its stop-loss then quit it. It is not something Kai-Fu Lee would like to discuss. Preserving your capital to trade ahead.

Taking profits too early to prevent a winning position into a loser. There are a number of ways to counteract the fear of losing: Have a plan. Never enter a trade on a hunch, tip or gut feeling. Always know your exit before entering a trade. Discipline. Developing your own trading plan that you believe in will make it much easier to keep trying to trade someone else. Money Management. If the position is too large for the size of your account, then it is more likely to cling to the losers or the winners of short cut. Each trade is only one step on a long trip. Strict money management must ensure that do not play more than comfortable. Ignore the money. Do not see your trading account as money, see it as points. The best of your trading plan and its implementation more points are accumulated as a reward. It is difficult for trade objectively if all that happens is that the trade could have lost his last paid vacation of two weeks or buy the latest camcorder!