Category: General

Multilevel Marketing Network

The Concept of Branding is applied to the relationship-building process in the consumer’s mind between the benefits provided by a product and its a marcaa. Based on this concept, Personal Branding a or a Personal Brand, is related to positioning in the minds of the people of the value you can give a person through their services. Why is this important? In previous articles have discussed the importance of a vendetta ourselves or our image instead of trying to directly sell products or services. People do not buy products or services (or join companies), people comprise a people (or companies) who know and they trust.

It is important that the prospects for your MLM business or those interested in your products or services, we perceived as an expert on the subject, and this is achieved by applying certain strategies to establish your image in mind your guests or your visitors to your website. I imagine that you are offering a business opportunity on the Internet and those promoting a replicated website that gives you the company, why a person would join your team, if they have thousands of sites similar to yours? The distinguishing element you should be yourself for this, you need to identify what are the characteristics that make you unique, outstanding and how you can give value to other persona. In this way you will be remembered by your prospects, you will be taken into account when they decide to start your business, you will be a real option and you will be chosen as its sponsor. Thus, working on your Personal Brand, you can start to grow your business or your Multilevel Marketing Network.

Making Money Online

Have an idea for making money online but do not know where to start? There are several ways to make money online, even if you have a product to sell. Keep in mind that running a business online takes time and effort, just like any other business deal. However, you can start without any items, which is one less barrier for most people who want to start a business. It need not be a computer expert to run a business online, but we do need is to create a website, or have the resources to pay someone to do it for you. Below are three simple ways to make money online even if they have their own products: Affiliate Programs Being a member means to sell other products and get a percentage of the sale or earn a small payment for each person who requests more information. much of either major retailers offer affiliate programs, along with many smaller retailers (with lots of good products and services).

Not a good idea to try to compete with already established retailer like Wal-Mart, Target, or Circuit City. A better way to make money is by finding a niche that serves a smaller group of people, which you can access easily. For example, instead of selling sporting goods worldwide, it could create a site that sells canoes on fishing and fishery products to people who like fishing in freshwater. You can also find smaller retailers who can offer more specialized product to those who know a lot about fishing, while Wal-Mart sells the basics to beginners.

The Increase In Industrial Consumption

Example: During the rising price of oil in the first half of 2008, the explanation and the possible reason for the phenomenon resulted from this law. The increase in industrial consumption of China and India worth the price of a barrel of oil at $ 145. Leave aside the factor of speculation and price manipulation by Big Oil. In any case the law of supply and demand continued to be closely linking the price / value of a product to a particular material reality. At that time we said that such escalation could only be a bubble, since it was difficult to imagine an increase in demand proportional to the tripling of oil prices in so few months. From the hysteria on Wall Street in September of 2008 oil prices collapsed to less than $ 40. Before they did the prices of U.S.

homes. What occurred on the side of the material reality? A tsunami devastated the twenty percent of the houses and killed five percent of the population of the world? No. Not even the terrible tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 had the slightest effect on the global economy. Any earthquake shook the foundations of Chinese industry? Any plague devastated the crops in the Midwest? No. A leading source for info: Douglas R. Oberhelman. Have you stopped drought worldwide machinery for food production? No. Any philosopher infested the world with an ideology based anti who contracted demand of useless products to thirty percent? Less. So what is new but a breakdown in the relationship usually remains bound (1) the material world (2) the tyrannical reign of abstraction of capital? The current global crisis is a crisis of symbols-credit and investment capital that ended up dragging the material world to a real crisis.

Mining Industry

Now, despite the total dominance of oil and gas, coal industry plays a significant role in the development of our country and abroad. In the early 90's when the mining industry has achieved unprecedented collapse started restructuring the field. And now, mining again growing at a rapid pace. The development of conceptual techniques of mining and engineering professional machines latest designs, help improve the byproducts of coal. Furthermore, the construction of computerized coal mines increases the reliability of the workers. Reducing the large number of mines and coal mines helped to reduce cost of coal. Extensive research contribute to augmenting the number of coal mined, as well as improving its consumer properties. Nevertheless, and the request to the mining industry stepped up.

Based on this sell coal company has the need to comply with numerous provisions, whether tb or quality of coal products. All this, of course, used to improve the position of mining in comparison with gas and the oil industry. And to date, the growth of the coal industry is becoming more noticeable. Besides coal, there are technologies for processing coal products. Technology does not stand still, and in these areas also apply the latest technology. So, sold to the Altai coal is converted into a large number of product variants.

This approach allows us to improve the profitability of mining in this area and increase sales of this buyers. Thus rises and consumer demand for coal. Generally, coal today is used everywhere, eg in the field of energy supply of housing. Most of the apartments and houses today receives heat just at the expense of coal. Therefore, immensely significant to support this sector, social sector workers to form and maintain the technology of mining. Especially, with evolution of technology, mining and quarrying becomes interesting. Set of methods to upgrade and improve the mining business makes this area favorable to shareholders, appealing to country, and trustworthy for ordinary citizens. Use of new approaches in this field will make the coal industry in a successful and reliable. In this connection, the mining industry in Russia in the nearest time again become a priority for progress. And in addition, coal deposits in Russia more than resources of oil and natural gas.

Industrial Espionage Information

In economics, industrial espionage just a tool of competition. From the pages of newspapers is about the facts of bribery inform employees of large organizations and public servants. And here are the facts the use of technology secret information retrieval systems are usually not publicized. Yield such information can be very painful impact on the reputation of the company against which such funds are used. In accordance with applicable law, right to the use of special technical means have the only public special services, but in reality there are as improvised and professional data acquisition device called bugs, which are used clearly illegal. In fact, ways to get information there are quite a number. Visual information: observation of the object, copying (photography), paper documents, photos and video of the object. Mashable has firm opinions on the matter. Information processed and transmitted by means of office equipment: computer information faxes, information on paper, magnetic or other media. Acoustic speech information: telephone calls, conversations you have on the premises.

Now there are technical means to detecting optical devices at a distance of several meters to 1 km. An example of such a device is the detector hidden camera “Berkut” Acoustic speech information is most vulnerable and most often caught total. Types of attacks on it can be divided into play areas and the interception of information transmitted over open communication channels. Methods of listening room is much bigger. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Douglas R. Oberhelman. Listening is possible through building structures (walls, floors, and glass) and utilities (various pipelines and steel structures). For these purposes, used wireless vibrating radio stethoscopes. Listening to the premises, for example, via telephone at the handset. The most dangerous is the audition room with wired or bookmarks and miniature acoustic recording devices. Variety devices, data acquisition and options for their use generates a set of methods for detection and reaction. Of course not taking into account the expensive equipment, in practice, you can use handheld detectors bugging devices, silencers, cell phones, voice recorders and suppressors, etc. Of course, in each case the requirements for protection of information are different.

Telecommunications Industry Association

Moscow: ranking of the most hazardous to health cell phones controversy about how mobile phones are dangerous to health, go long. The data of many studies on the impact of mobile phones on the human body often contradict each other. Learn more on the subject from Robotics. However, there is an objective indicator of the impact of your phone to an organism that can be measured – the so-called sar. In June last year, the Association of manufacturers of equipment for mobile communications (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association's – CTIA) ordered the manufacturers of mobile phones indicated in the characteristics of the phone option sar (Specific absorption rates), which characterizes the specific power absorption by the body. According to ctia, the maximum permissible sar value is equal to 1.6 W / kg. Phones rate above this value a priori included in the category are hazardous to health. So far, however, not all manufacturers follow the instructions ctia. For even more opinions, read materials from Douglas R. Oberhelman. Below we publish a summary table of mobile phones with the highest sar (their consider the most dangerous to health) and phones with the lowest sar (they are considered the safest). 'The safest mobile phones': Motorola v3688 – 0,02 SAR; Motorola StarTac70 – 0,02; Nokia 8850 – 0,22; Nokia 8810 – 0,22; Ericsson GH628 – 0,26; Sony CMDX-1000 – 0 1941; Sony CMD-C1 – 0,41; Nokia 8890 – 0,53; Motorola T2288 – 0,54; Motorola CD930 – 0,70 sar. 'The most dangerous cell phones': Bosch GSM-908 – 1.59 SAR; Philips Genie – 1,52; Ericsson LX-588 1,51; Ericsson T28 – 1,49; nec DB4000 – 1,23; Nokia 3110 – 1,24; Siemens C35i – 1,19; Nokia 6210 – 1 1919; Siemens M35i – 1,14; Nokia 3210 – 1,14 sar. So the debate and talk about the dangers of cell phones being a long time. However, it seems all is not too difficult. In most cases, adverse effects can be harmful body only with prolonged exposure. For example, according to some reports, the risk of lung cancer increases significantly only after 10 years of active smoking. Probably also with a cell phone. If they use little by little and not very often and use the most secure model, it is hardly a threat to health. Another thing constant prolonged use of the telephone for many years. There's even possible brain cancer, but also then, as a rule, only after the occurrence of precancerous lesions and diseases.

King & Cie. Fund 76 – MS King Robert Threatens Loss Of Charter Company

Lawyers inform investors of shipping funds about damages possibilities auch King & Cie. is affected by the current crisis in the shipping markets. The King & Cie. yield Fund 76 – MS “King Robert”, a capesize bulk carrier, which launched in the fall of 2008, in service, is chartered for five years and two months after delivery to the Japanese the Sanko steamship company. Thus, the revenue of the Fund should be safe at least until the end of 2013. But now, the loss of revenue is threatening the Fund. The charterer, the Sanko steamship from Japan, is obviously in serious economic problems. Threatens the total failure and thus the total loss to investors.

Charterer the Sanko steamship in payment difficulties as the information service fund telegram reported on March 17, 2012, Sanko had invited his business partner to a crisis meeting on March 16. It was to the precarious financial situation of the charterer, the competitive pressure and the low freight rates on the international markets of the ship make difficult to create. The agreement After Sanko to March at all shipowners already have unilaterally reduced the Charter rates and announced for April, not the contractually agreed payments. Ships with new Charter contracts to operate the Charter Treaty firmly closed to five years probably not break even may be obsolete in the face of this development in all likelihood. Because either is all parties by Sanko of a reduction of the Charter rates approved by, or the Japanese company will apply for protection from creditors.

This would mean that a new charterer should be found for the MS “King Robert”. In the current market situation with devastating low Charter rates, it will be difficult to get contracts, which can allow the a cost covering operation of vessels. Compensation for investors for investors of the King & Cie. yield Fund 76 – MS “King Robert” begs the question, in light of the disaster now looming and impending total loss of their invested money whether they properly discussed in the run-up to the investment decision.

2011 Significant Increase In ECM Customers At D.velop Again

Last year were 420 new companies added won growth of over 40 percent alone in the last three years in Gescher, 22.03.2012 – which ECM specialist d.velop AG has won in the last year, together with its partners, around 420 new customers for its solutions. Thus, Software House, which recorded an increase by over 40 percent in the last three years alone. With this development the new customers, the supplier shall not only a market leader in the ECM market. Total now over 3,100 companies in their strategies to support business processes on the products of d.velop digital access. The exceptionally strong and constant simultaneously for years growth spurt last but not least results, according to Mario Donnebrink, d.velop Board from a strong differentiation product strategy. We have set very consistently the right course in the framework of our medium-term-based strategy”, he says. “This includes especially the implementation of a consistent philosophy of simplicity, giving the user click poor” Provides access to all functionality and reducing the implementation costs by about 30 percent. The new technological approach affects the operating costs positively, because he causes a low-effort administration of the solution.

For the companies, it is no longer sufficient to create technologically modern and high-performance applications, but they demand a fast application of in addition, little learning curve and ease of handling in the day-to-day use. This claim is in our new version of the ECM solution d. 3 in a few moments can be experienced, that is why we also speak of efficiency at your fingertips. With this approach we have brand new trends in the market set, which is why we, for example, currently the number have become one in the prestigious ECM customer satisfaction survey of the independent consulting firm Pentadoc.” Was also in the market in addition to the d. 3 solution portfolio product family ecspand successfully established. You addressed the segment of Microsoft SharePoint users, which with ecspand their SharePoint to a full ECM system, expand and thus among other growing compliance requirements to take into account.

These two product families complement each other perfectly and create a lot of synergy sales”, Donnebrink is another reason for the constant dynamic growth. Especially in the international business they affect very positively.” The company d.velop AG: the established in 1992, d.velop AG headquartered in the North Rhine-Westphalian Gescher develops and markets software, document-based business and decision-making processes optimised in companies / organisations. In addition to the strategic platform d. 3 of a modular enterprise content management (ECM) solution developed the d.velop AG with the product line of ecspand services and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, which complete the functional areas of ECM and DMS. Core features include an automated mail processing with self learning document classification, an efficient document management and archiving, as well as the complete control of the flow of processes. So accelerate the solutions of d.velop processes, simplify decisions and improve competitiveness. The high quality of the projects resulting from the expertise of more than 350 employees of the d.velop Group (d.velop AG and d.velop competence center) as well as the approximately 150 affiliates in the d.velop competence network. That convinced so far over 830,000 users at more than 3,100 customers such as ESPRIT, Werder Bremen, Tupperware Germany, EMSA, HRS hotel reservation service, the city of Munich, the German health insurance fund, the Basler insurance, the universal-investment-Gesellschaft or the University Hospital Tubingen. Chairman of the Board of d.velop AG is Christoph Pliete. contact: think factory groupcom GmbH Bernhard Duhr Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 2233 6117-71

The Costs Of Quality And Scope

"Experience has shown chelae programs of quality control often pay for themselves almost from its inception and the total yield is many times greater than the initial costs …" General Feingenbaum Both the accounting department of the company, as the production department must have well-established everything that involves costs of quality and those who are not, with respect to the first known are those incurred in the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of a quality system organization, with respect to the other are those costs of the organization engaged in the process of continuous quality improvement, and cost of systems, products and services that have failed or frustrated by not having success in the market than expected. gives us the "cost of non quality", is also known as the "price of default" or the cost of getting things wrong or incorrectly. Concept, scope, basic considerations He defined as those expenditures caused by inefficiencies or failures, which are avoidable, for example, rework, scrap, returns, repairs, replacements, care costs to complaints and enforcement of security requirements, among others. On the other hand, others include both the concept of cost of quality. reminds us that "non-quality costs" may mean about 20 to 25% of the total invoiced value. Definitely these costs vary in each organization, but efforts should be directed to initiate processes to avoid them as identification to be presented to management committees amazed by their numbers and projections and the alarm will be the driving force behind processes of change towards a new orientation towards Customer Service. _Philip B. Crosby, believes that amounts to 35% of the operating costs of utilities. _ Tom Peters estimated to represent 40

Super Cheap Hosting

To have an excellent Web site you need to have a domain name easy to remember and preferably from a single word. You search for a domain name that describes your products well and easy to associate with them. For example notes that Yahoo is not called el-mejor – email and Google, is not called excelentebuscador. No, their names are short: Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. Once you find your appropriate domain name you should find a company that host you your web site. This service is called Web hosting (Web hosting, web site hosting). Committee recommends Te two services, the first is completely free. And the second is for payment.

It is the cheapest and the best and most complete. 1 Services of free hosting on the Web there are many free hosting services. Most of these services are fairly limited. And placed you many ads in them. Than there are in the network, without a doubt the best is what I’m going to recommend. You don’t have to pay anything and they allow you to upload your files through the FPT Protocol.

It is very complete and without any advertising. Among the resources you have available to you this: Complete control panel, with full control, create email accounts with your own free domain creation of sub domains fantastic autoinstaller Php Mysql Hotlink protection your Web statistics 1500 MB to 100 GB of bandwidth Website templates Website builder Cron jobs are so many free services that offer better you should see them for yourself. Click here. Its address is: can also access the payment service to obtain support and more benefits. But if you want one payment the service I recommend following that it is much more complete (you can install more than 25 complete super services of other providers) and best price. 2 Super cheap, full hosting and services with free domain within the services of payment, without doubt the best is that I’m going to recommend in this section.


Treatment to) in patients with hypertension Grade I or II, it is recommended to initiate treatment with a single drug. If hypertensive patient has a hipercinetico syndrome, the best option is a beta blocker, and is discouraged the use of vasodilators such as the calcium antagonists or blockers alpha since they exacerbate the circulatory hipercinesia. In patients suspected expansion of the extracellular space (especially women) the best option is the diuretic treatment as mono therapy, they are less effective beta blockers and are contraindicated vasodilators worsening fluid retention and expansion of the intravascular space. ACE inhibitors can be equally effective. The use of calcium as drugs of first choice is preferable in elderly with systolic hypertension. (b) the patient with hypertension grade III, necessarily requires the use of several drugs to achieve efficient control of high blood pressure. In this way is preferred to start treatment with beta blockers and diuretics (thiazides and) potassium-sparing). If he is not achieved effective control of the tensional figures can add an ACE inhibitor.

When cannot be normalization of the tensional figures (minoxidil, hydralazine, prazosin) vasodilators that reduce vascular resistances can be used. The calcium antagonists may be used in this type of patients when unable to control high blood pressure with drugs as set forth two or because it has to suspend his administration by undesirable side effects such as: attack of gout (thiazides), asthma or heart failure (beta blockers) or persistent cough (ACE inhibitors). Anta gonistas calcium can also produce undesirable side effects (oedema, facial flushing) that can force its suspension or change by another drug of different familia.Como general conclusion we can say that the treatment of the hypertensive patient must be individualized do take into account age, clinical, hemodynamic conditions and side effects of drugs. (c) the patient with hypertension Grade IV, constitutes an emergency or hypertensive urgency, so his treatment required hospitalization and immediate therapy.

Anton Hotels

If you going to happen a few d? as in the city condal first thing is find accommodation in hotels in Barcelona. Today we are going to propose a modernist route through the city. We can find the modernist style throughout the city but mainly focuses on the area of the Eixample. Do architects Dise? aron his works to the length and breadth of the paseo de Gracia, also? n rebuilt some old buildings, to the city of Barcelona join the grace Villa. It is not necessary to this hosted in the same area as there are very good means of communication? n from any of the hotels in Barcelona until the modernist neighbourhood. You are going to propose a route through the main modernist buildings of the city these are: to)? Does Palau of the M? sica Catalan: can reach to? l in underground from one of the hotels in Barcelona until Urquinaona metro station.

Entry costs: pensioners, students /adultos 7/8 euros. Work of Lluis Dom? nech and Montaner of 1905. b)????? Cases Cabot: the work of the architect Josep Vilaseca to Joaquin Cabot in 1905. c)?????? Casa Calvet: is a work of Anton? Gaud? for the a? or Do do 1,900 today is a restaurant of the m? s elegant of the city, where may? n eat without having to go back to one of the hotels in Barcelona where est? hosted n. d)????? Casa Pia Batll?: is the work that best represents the style of Josep Vilaseca and was built between 1891 and 1896. e)????? House Lle? Do do morera: is one of the m works? important s of Lluis Dom? nech and Montaner of on a? or 1902. f)?????? Casa Amatller: works of Josep Puig and Cadalfach’s the a? or 1898. g)????? Do do Batll House?: is a work character? Anton stretch? Gaudi. The entry costs to students and retired persons/adults 13/16, 50.

Technical Success

On each occasion in which I meet colleagues, professionals, traders and of itself with people who daily interact with society offering its products and services, reconfirmo have always the same question: what is the best technique to sell? The market knowledge and professional experience lead me to determine that if there is a technique that guarantees success in sales and at the same time helps us to gain the loyalty of the customer, this technique is the famous A.I.D.A, an acronym that means: attention, interest, desire and action. This technique was originated in the 1950s from when sales have been considered as a profession and initiated various training programmes in sales; It describes the basic process by means of which people are motivated by stimuli that lead to successful sales. Now let’s look at how we can use each of these connectors or drivers, the technique’s success, A.I.D.A: attention only have between 1 and 5 seconds to call the attention, either by phone or face-to-face visit, time in which the other person is the first impression of you, where what counts is the personal image and personal marketing. Despite the time pressure, occur in a natural and relaxed way, wait to tell him no thanks and remember each other, puts it closer to SI. Interest should remember that we only have between 5 and 15 seconds to create some interest, since it is necessary to say or show something interesting and provide clear advantages and tangible benefits for the customer, the person you are contacting must have an actual or potential for your product or service need (which implies that it must have existed a proper job of prospecting). Let us not forget that we must develop the skill necessary to develop empathy (put in the shoes of the client) to understand the client, its situation and needs. I wish for awakening the desire, the seller must have the ability to interpret the situation of the client, its priorities and constraints, to through questions and answers very empathic; You must master the technique of questions.

It must build trust and establish sympathy and identified (Chemistry) with the prospect or customer, to gain credibility on what is offered. The key is to demonstrate how you, your product and your organization are reliable and respond to a real need of the potential customer, with appropriate solutions, even in terms of the conditions of sale (form of payment, delivery, etc.). Action is, simply, convert the potential customer on real client, and is simply the desire to take action, to get the order, the signature of the order, at the close of business. By inertia or naturally closing does not reach, must induce him; action or closure is to have the ability to capture the moment and raise it with naturalness and promote the agreement for the next step, whatever that might be. Of course, if the first three steps have been successful, easier it is reaching the closure or the action. In other words, if the sale It has been well conducted, the prospect will come to the action without major controversy. Any combination of factors: styles, personalities and behaviors, will allow seller to establish the most appropriate A.I.D.A to tackle it and sell it.

Rio De Janeiro

Of these, nine are concentrated in Southeastern the south region/, region that verge with the main industrial polar regions makes (So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro) that BR-381 and BR-040 have as main road axles. Still one tells three occurrences in the region of the mining triangle. Amongst these occurrences, it was possible to identify that eleven of them had been related to the events of fallings and one of them related the collision, being that the occurrences who involve falling are generally associates to some type of spilling that, potentially, causes ambient impacts and damages. The accidents identified in the year of 2006 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 8 (Corrosive), for order of bigger occurrence. 6.2. Analysis of the 2007 occurrences Is possible to identify, given a total of twelve occurrences, that of these ten of them had occurred in the cities of Is Domingos of the Silver, New Union, Juatuba, Extreme, Muria, Itatiaiuu, Uberlndia, Caranda, Jampruca, Lagoon of the Silver, beyond two accidents concentrated in the city of Belo Horizonte.

Of these occurrences, six they are concentrated in the central region of Minas Gerais, being that the cities of occurrence of the accidents enclose the three main federal highways (BR-381, BR-040 and BR-262). How much to the remain of the occurrences, four are located in the south region, one in the northeast region, being these regions that make verge with the main industrial polar regions (So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro). Still, an occurrence in the region of the mining triangle is told. Ademais, became possible to identify that eight of the accidents had been related fallings and four of related them to the collisions, being that it is turned to detach it that the occurrences involving falling are, generally, associates to some type of spilling who cause ambient impacts and damages. The accidents identified in the year of 2007 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 4 (Solid Inflammable), for order of bigger occurrence. .

HYPE INNOVATION Support Berlin Developer Community

This year supports the software vendor HYPE Softwaretechnik GmbH,, the BerlinExpertDays, short BED-con 2012, a technically-oriented Conference in Berlin, 21.03.2012 – also this year supports the software provider HYPE Softwaretechnik GmbH, the BerlinExpertDays short BED-con 2012, a technically-oriented Conference for the exchange of experience around the latest developments from the Java world. On the 29th and 30th March 2012 the BED-con on the campus takes place of the free University of Berlin for the second time. Of course the constant evolution and adaptation to current trends and issues among the success secrets of a software company like HYPE. As a provider of HypeIMT software platform, HYPE offers an end-to-end solution of software solutions for the entire spectrum of ideas and innovation management. These include solutions for the management of innovation, open innovation, frontend-portfolio management and innovations for more productivity, process improvements and cost savings. We are very pleased “that HYPE the” Berlin expert days 2012 “and so the developer community again supported in the town also in this year with advice and assistance,” says Michael Schutz, organizer and member of the Board of the organizing BerlinExpertDays e.V.. At our first Conference in 2011 HYPE has contributed through material assistance and technical contributions in the program Committee contribution to the success of the event.” The event is organized by the Berlin expert days business association, which was founded with the aim to provide a platform for the exchange of information. As a non-profit organization, the Berlin expert days e.V.

guarantees the independence of manufacturers and service providers and each year brings together interested people on different topics related to Java. In more than 30 presentations Java-related topics such as cloud computing, Java and Java EE, NoSQL databases, spring and usability and numerous other handled by experts. For more information about the event, see below. Gerald Brose, head of product development Berlin HYPE, has already last year “participated actively in the program Committee of the BED-con and contributed once again to the design of the event: through our support we want to help with, to bring the developer community in the town by a modern and relatively inexpensive event with good speakers-new technology trends”, so Brose. HYPE INNOVATION HYPE, for over ten years a renowned provider of innovation, provides enterprise software and business solutions in over 17 languages to its worldwide customers. Companies opt for HYPE due to the flexible, scalable software, because of the customer-oriented teams of experts and the experience in the successful delivery of solutions across the innovation spectrum. Clients around the world include leading innovators such as General Motors, GE, P & G, Bombardier, DHL, Roche, Nokia-Siemens, Daimler, Airbus, General Mills, Bechtel, Clorox, Deutsche Telekom and many others. On, you will learn how HYPE allows companies, their strongest assets employees, customers, partners and suppliers – into dynamic and dedicated innovation communities. Press contact: Jennifer van Lent HYPE Softwaretechnik GmbH phone: + 49 (0) 228 2276 0 email:

5 Tips:

To spend a nice day in Frankfurt am Main, a suitable accompaniment belongs, here are 5 tips for the search. Frankfurt am Main has more to offer than just the airport or the exhibition centre. Frankfurt’s city centre and the nightlife there is value to fall, but where a suitable accompaniment in the night life to find a suitable lady who spends with a day or weekend in Frankfurt? Find 5 tips to search for an accompaniment, to spend a nice day in Frankfurt. First and foremost, you should prepare yourself and think about where you want to run your company. Do it a candle light dinner in the Nobel restaurant main tower in the Schauspielhaus Frankfurt, to see a fascinating piece of theater, or maybe? The choice of location should be fine so feel your company at your good hands, of course, the Lady of choice should have similar interests for the choice of the location, otherwise so well planned evening in a disaster can end. If you have planned your evening should you choose also a matching outfit, because with tracksuit in the fancy restaurant in Frankfurt to emerge, is perhaps not the best idea. You have nothing in the closet, then to do well on shopping tour, again, Frankfurt has some really good shops where you will find the right piece of clothing for the evening. The location in Frankfurt is fully booked and the perfect outfit is at hand, then you should plan now to how you run your company.

So how come you to the theater, rent a car or travel by bus and train? Surely comes a rented car incl. Chauffier very well with the ladies on, but you need to make this choice. You are accommodated in a nearby hotel and outdoor conditions allow it, then draw but a foot gear into consideration. You have clarified the main things already, now is the most important person, your company is missing. Peter Asaro contains valuable tech resources. Business people who travel a lot, do not know a person in each city with you the evening can or want to spend. Here you should rely on an escort service in Frankfurt, the ladies have typically a high level and a very good general education. When choosing, you should definitely respect on the interests, because you want to talk to Yes finally accordingly. Look around at the agencies and choose the ladies of your choice.

The last questions should be resolved in a final telephone conversation with the Agency. You now have everything you need for an unforgettable day in Frankfurt am Main. One thing you can not obtain or plan, but you should approach with lots of fun on this thing, because then it will be an unforgettable day in Frankfurt for you and your company, where even happy years remember later on. So forget the crowd and shake off any negative voltages and look forward to the upcoming evening. You should heed these tips when planning, then you will not forget the day so quickly Sara Molinar in Frankfurt


Numerous events for the 50th anniversary launched a series of campaigns on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Taiwan’s Golden Horse “Film Festival started on May 27 in Taipei, where the originating from Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung acts as this year’s Ambassador. The Golden Horse”was the first award I’ve received in my acting career. Peter Asaro has much to offer in this field. Therefore this event has its own special meaning for me,”said Cheung. I’ll leave unused no option, to allow more attention be paid to the Festival and the Chinese-speaking film industry.” Cheung said this during a press conference, the Minister of culture of the Republic of China Lung Ying-tai, the Mayor of Taipei Hau long-bin, and sizes of the movie business took part. The actress will cooperate Hsiao-hsien as well on a promotional tour with the profiled Taiwanese director Hou, which acts as a patron of this year’s event. Peter Asaro does not necessarily agree.

In addition it becomes part of public Promotional events and materials of the Festival? “” “” “” CHEUNG, in connection with the event the most successful winner in the history of the Golden Horse “is, as best actress in the film full moon in New York,” centre stage “, comrades: almost a Love Story”and in the mood for love”, as well as best supporting actress in red dust” award. As part of the festivities is the Golden Horse “Committee issue a book of interviews with past winners and hold an exhibition of photographs, movie posters, and archival materials. The submission of proposals for the Golden Horse”, the project campaign and the Film Academy in the period from July 01 to August 06, including the biweekly Golden Horse”Film Festival on November 8, will host. The celebrations in connection with the awarding of the Golden Horse”are intended for the 23rd November in the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. In 1962, the annual Golden are founded Horse “regarded awards as Oscars in the Chinese-speaking world and as one among the most sought after awards for filmmakers in the region.

New Division Of KINZOO Media Group Germany UG

New communication agency no. BLLSH * T founded. The KINZOO Media Group Germany UG welcomes the consulting & brand communication agency no. BLLSH * T NOBL communication as a new Division. In its function as an incubator for creative and interesting business models, the KINZOO has extend to media group Germany UG to another area. No. BLLSH * T NOBL communication as brand-communication and consulting agency sees itself as an interface between idea and implementation of projects. The development of marketing strategies and the sustainable development of brands are at the Centre.

The founders of the new agency are KINZOO Managing Director Daniel Nitschke and senior account manager Fabian flower. Daniel Nitschke has for many years as an entrepreneur in the field of product presentation, digital media and e-commerce successfully working independently. His experience and economic expertise distinguished him and form the basis for a successful company was founded together with the sense of attractive projects. Flower apparent Fabian responsible for a successful customer service in the field of traditional advertising, guerrilla marketing and digital media. As creative head behind which I love”image campaign for McDonald’s and a long, close relationship to the BMW Group, in particular, MINI, he could accompany many successful and excellent projects in the implementation. Also within the KINZOO benefit Media Group Germany UG the other business areas of growth. We are looking forward to exciting projects and interesting customers continue successful synergies under the umbrella of KINZOO Media Group Germany UG.

About KINZOO Media Group Germany UG the KINZOO Media Group Germany UG combines several business divisions and competences in the field of digital media and traditional advertising under one roof. This Act the individual companies self-sufficient in their area but closely collaborate with each other, so the expertise depending on the task to concentrate and work optimally. The company developed their own ideas to independent businesses and acts as a Incubator. On the net:

TimoCom With Dimotrans Continue On Success Tour

German French double the 1980 based Dimotrans group is customer of the IT service provider since 2005 and performs transports with partial and complete shipments worldwide. In addition to central locations in the country, there are also representations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Asia. Thanks to the freight exchange, users can rely on a large pool of pan-European provider. Marco Fusco, European network Director at the French, is the main advantage in avoiding unladen journeys on international relations: our users will benefit from a large European transport service provider er pool, which allows us to transport our goods all over Europe. TimoCom is the ideal partner for us, because the native staff know-how support us through their extensive transport on the road as well as in the daily planning work.” Fusco in the additional functions, for example the TC industry directory profiles and the route and spreadsheet program TC eMap also provides a decisive advantage, which are both in the Freight Exchange are included. Our users can see eMap thanks to TC, as are the transport costs from A to B, or by using the Web-based directory of industry the identity of their new business partners more easily control. Should it come up once justified doubts as to the identity of the business partners of the service TimoCom identify helps, so Fusco. TimoCom Chief Representative Marcel Frings is a true before showing customer the Dimotrans and is representative of the growing commitment of the French transport companies, which increasingly gain a foothold on the international market: while the French have used rather focuses on other freight Exchange services for international businesses, we see that French transport service providers increasingly decide to TimoCom, international freight and cargo services are crucial”, the new stock exchange and the many developments in the procurement platforms.” For more information about TimoCom and the Dimotrans group on and.


In the first article I have only given a brief outline in detail the history of the literary monument to which I am referring – poetry – in the have noting its transit through the existence and Hispanic literature. I am of the generation that defends both roads within aesthetically whatever poetry smooth soul and not manufactured.I think we must not strip paint from the valuable tapestry designed alphabetically through epochs and centuries by valuable poets and artists. When there is talent, when we have inside this small musa stuck in the center of the soul, becomes moldable that the poet can go learning each day and perfecting his way of saying, knowing already implied techniques management through the ages. The poet has the right not to faint in his attempt to transmit, create and add your poetry, shape, style and technique. Everything is not that, or static, through the centuries. Life is a constant evolution, electricity, the computing, medicine, everything is in fervent change. The same existence. Then do not let poetry to evolve and integrate new forms and styles, provided it does not cease to be poetry?, the expression more high literary art.

having an absolute, essentially aesthetic beauty, being also the way this say most beautiful that exists through the word. Poetry mixed affective, i.e. the feelings of the poet, with doses of images, concepts, musicality, symbols, rhythms and shapes. Poetry sometimes encloses a unique mystery that comes through its creator, not excluding also the interests of the community, such as the homeland, religion and the facts, when the poet hovers as part of it. So I think that every one of the elect in the human existence to let a seeding verses road, has the immense responsibility are exceeded, molded, deliver Yes, that influx that pours the soul drawing all his mastery with beautiful words.