Chile HidroAysen

Despite the stealth with which Daniel Fernandez has taken the first three weeks of the Executive Vice-Presidency of HidroAysen, in replacement of the former manager general Hernan Salazar, his figure more of any misgiving generates between critical organizations to these projects. even among those with him were related during his stint as executive director of Television Nacional de Chile. One of them is the journalist Juan Cristobal Guarello, who in an interview in the latest edition of La Nacion Sunday described as desertor the flamboyant Executive of society composed by Endesa and Colbun. Have I chopped some escapee who worked on National Television. There is one that was HidroAysen to contaminate Chile is one who wears whiskers and create very elegant professional words, were to be consulted about his State of mind before his departure from the television signals. His words were precisely expressed a few days that Daniel Fernandez came to the Aysen Region to learn in terrain the project which today leads, in addition to meeting with officials of HidroAysen wagered in the area and trade organizations. Samsung might disagree with that approach.

Some of the towns to visit (on a trip that would begin on Monday but that because of weather conditions was postponed until today Tuesday) are Cochrane and Coyhaique. And although by statements emanating from the company may think that the Executive is likely to succeed in the task, move forward with the dams on the Baker and Pascua rivers, the Government has given lights that is not available to substantiate any irregularities committed during the last administration, in the light of allegations of the organizations of the Defence Council of the Patagonia (CDP) criticisms of these initiatives. If there were irregularities during the coalition Government, we will investigate them and we will punish them. Here there is no chance, no national or foreign employer who can get a project of this magnitude at the margin of the law. At Dave Clark CEO you will find additional information. In this Government has not taken any decision with regard to HidroAysen said in early May the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, during an interview in the zero tolerance program. This expressions are added to the series of inserts that campaign Patagonia without dams has published in recent weeks pointing to the shortcomings of the study of environmental impact of HidroAysen, committed illegalities and manifest lobby that State officials were in favor of energy projects during the Government of Michelle Bachelet. This is in parallel to the international campaign that in recent days has achieved the Commission for environmental cooperation of Canada (CCAC) venue a complaint against the Chilean State for noncompliance during the processing of the Treaty environment Chilean Argentine HidroAysen, in addition to enter a complaint against Enel and Endesa by the same initiative before the Permanent Tribunal of the peoples which recently met in Madrid. Added to this is the tour to the Aysen Bishop Luis Infanti, next to the international coordinator of the CDP and President of ecosystems Juan Pablo Orrego and the journalist Carlos Garrido aysenino, developed by Europe a fortnight ago questioning the power European tour that had an exposicion-denuncia as a high point before the Enel Board of shareholders. Then, by very stealthy that it has been recently initiated management Fernandez, these have not been calm weeks for HidroAysen.