Antisocial nets Astonished I attend the quick evolution of the technology. Educate yourself with thoughts from David Treadwell. Iphones, Ipods, Ipad, ' ' I isso' ' , ' ' I aquilo' '. I do not know an only child of 4 or 5 years who does not possess a cellular one of last generation, ' ' X-box' ' , ' ' PlayStation' ' , ' ' Mac-Air' '. They are undeniable ' ' benfices' ' brought for these ' ' geringonas' ' , if it is that thus I can call these technological devices. We cannot more life without giving one espiadinha in the LED screen (after all, LCD already is exceeded), of ours ' ' smart-phone' ' to see if somebody it bound in them. To each time that our cellular ' ' apita' ' we run to verify ' ' e-mail' ' or ' ' sms' ' that it finished to arrive. Somebody brought up to date its ' ' status' ' in the Facebook, one another one made ' ' check-in' ' in the bakery of the esquina, someone brought up to date the photo of its profile.
The technology evolved and together with so advanced electronic parafernlias had appeared new forms of human relationship, the social nets. Few are the ones that today do not possess an account in at least one of the famous social nets, such as Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Linkedin. Some make question to possess an account of each, have those that they do not possess but that already they had listened to speak on them, exactly has others that already they had possessed, that for curiosity. My parents, uncles and aunts, today all they ' ' sessentes' ' some until ' ' setentes' ' , they possess an account in one of these social nets. They are assduos frequentadores, they comment, ' ' curtem' ' , they postam, ' ' twitam' ' , ' ' cutucam' '.