Money quickly in gold exchange as the title of a full-page article in an edition of the Suddeutsche Zeitung. A year ago, such a report was unimaginable and still most people think not, how dramatically the situation actually is. I think that the precious metals will be aware this article and especially gold and silver, to replace with nothing are in physical form. Now, the EU governments for an additional emergency summit, meet to save what is impossible to save. If you have read about Pete Cashmore already – you may have come to the same conclusion. From a German perspective, it is easy to guess what it will be: we pour our money into different barrels without ground further because our Chancellor says nobody is allein – or dropped. “Do what if some countries of the world currency were bring back a Golddeckte or just a 10% coverage of money?” Inconceivable for the most because the money is simply too great following information should read it: the dollar loses the confidence of the world! These days unnoticed has a very, very significant change in the World to come. It was not always so, that in the event of unrest and turmoil the dollar rose markedly, because investors around the world their wealth in the safe dollar except brought danger and country.
The opposite has happened in spite of the revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East: the dollar crashed. He falls even against the euro, although he is currently in intensive care. A few days ago, Greece was again haarscharf to bankruptcy and the credit rating has been downgraded significantly. It is not something neil cole iconix would like to discuss. Portugal will soon need the reserve parachute and Spain was also downgraded. Gold and silver the only true money time 2600 years many people in the United States have realized very well that the entire monetary system and especially your dollar is doomed. You realize that the dollar turns into worthless scraps of paper.