It will amaze you discover the little real importance of many tasks that you considered essential. Simplifies many tasks can be grouped so that take you less time. Methods such as the Getting things done by David Allen can help to detect and do things by direct means, avoiding detours Delegated your collaborators are able to do many more things than you think. Leave that they assume responsibilities: the result will amaze you. And, above all, to learn that things may be reasonably well made although they are not exactly as you do them. Bring home the good habit of delegating. Distributes the weight of domestic tasks between your partner and your children and even, if possible, RID temporarily of them. We are sure that together will be able to walk to the bulldog, watering the plants, put washing machines and buy bread without your help during a season.
Remember: do not lack that everything is perfect, just that the House is livable. Trim removes all the superfluous. Strip or guard in a loft clothes that you don’t wear, electrical appliances that you do not use and any another pileup of dubious utility. Get rid of commitments such as voluntary work, irrigation of neighbouring plants, groups of fathers and mothers, organizing committees, presidencies of ladder, etc No there is nothing wrong with voluntary work, but you must explain to the world that in This time you can not carry it out. If necessary, commit to return the coming year.
Invest seriously considers the possibility of spending more money on things that save you work and headaches. An accountant, a kangaroo, a cleaning woman or a simple bag of prepared salad are able to save you lots of time and stress. Not all economies allow these luxuries, it is true. But before you dismiss them permanently, you take a look at your accounts and detects if you are spending unnecessary money on the other hand.