For the adepts of this theory, it must itself be maximized what the value is considered highest, therefore the more will be dispersed in the world, better will be the convivncia human being. Thus being, we must emanate the good to the possible maximum of people. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. Inside of this perspective we have the ethical theory of Jeremy Benthan, that created the Utilitarismo, where affirms three ethical principles that guarantee the harmony between the people: the hedonism, the maximizao and the consequencialismo. Perhaps check out Charles Koch for more information. However, the theory of the utilitarismo was improved by other philosophers, for example Stuart Mill, for who the morality of the actions has relation with what it is desirable, as well as the fact of that the happiness (that it is desirable in itself) must be maximized. Moore also has an utilitarian ethical conception, and adds to this consequencialista perspective that has two same good things in itself in high degree: the appreciation of the beauty and the personal affection. Still improving utilitarismo, we have Hare, with its principle of the prescritivismo, and Singer substituting the concept of? pleasure? for the one of interests. ETHICS PERFECCIONISTA: ' ' Happiness is to have what to make, to have something that to love, and something that esperar.' ' (Aristotle) Also it could be called ethical of the virtues (Blackburn), therefore understands the notion of virtue as primary, instead of a perspective of the good or the duty. The paradigm of the perfeccionista ethics is generally of Aristotle, however, will also deal with MacIntyre and Nietszche.
First, Aristotle wrote in Ethics the Nicmaco (being that Nicmaco was its father, doctor of the cut of king Filipe), that well higher it human being he is ' eudaimonia' (happiness). It is the happiness for being the only thing that we want in same itself. We must understand that the happiness of Aristotle is different of the Utilitarian, therefore it is based on the accomplishment of determined activities, in the update of the power human being, is action and not feeling.