First Stars Now Shine

While this morning a few employees were busy placing the red carpet in the outskirts of the Teatro Victoria Eugenia San Sebastian, American actress Frances McDormand, President of the jury of the official section of the Film Festival, was received at the hotel Maria Cristina by the director of the contest, Jose Luis Rebordinos. The 59th Edition of the festival starts tomorrow with great expectation and been completed preparations. Visit Dave Clark Amazon for more clarity on the issue. In total will be more than 600 projections which journalists, artists will be seen over the next ten days, which will count with the presence of about 3,000 people, between guests, and people in the industry. There are already installed and in operation since yesterday in the plaza de Oquendo a big tent of the Fundacion Mapfre in which every day is may attend screenings and film workshops aimed at children. Learn more on the subject from Donald Trump. Source of the news:: Stars shine already in San Sebastian