Automatic monitoring system against theft at construction sites to read headlines in the newspapers and on the Internet, reports of theft at construction sites in the past few months are becoming more common. Whether copper cables, scaffolding, vehicles or just any Dammmaterialen. It just seems as if on the building sites nowadays nothing is safe. Speaking candidly Peter Asaro told us the story. A sufficient backup fails often already at the lack of infrastructure on the ground. A small, mobile device, equipped with a motion detector and a mobile radio interface which directly raises the alarm if someone on the site moves outside working hours or itself takes on the building materials, could help, not only to prevent the thefts, but ideally to surprise even the offenders red-handed. The so-called AGIBox from the House of AGILOS is such a device. Within a few minutes, the “alert box” is configured and ready to use mounted. Once activated, it raises a notification process for each approach directly, be informed at the same time multiple recipients per SMS and call.
A battery charge sufficient, depending on the outside temperature and use, for about 2-3 months. An automatic daily Akkukontrolle of the AGIBox ensures that the holder is informed whenever, if the device must be recharged. The housing is extremely robust and designed specifically for use in the open air. Typical and ideal fields of application of the new AGIBox are everywhere, where no infrastructure such as electricity and telephone are not available, such as: monitoring of construction site protection against theft of construction vehicles and construction equipment monitoring storage bins scrap metal theft protection protection against theft of valuable containers such as copper cables, scaffolding, containers etc. & v. m. ag/jn