The university authorities responsible for school management to undergraduate and postgraduate level, have not updated the profile of the modern manager in accordance with the requirements of the current scenarios, especially Venezuela, maintain a program with courses that do not play a decisive role in the current knowledge of present. There is absence of modern knowledge, many still rely on old knowledge does not conform to current requirements, where competition has created new paradigms of management and where radical changes have taken place regarding finance, production, markets, human resources products and services, and of course in leadership. To this must be added the great weakness of the schools did not have a guaranteed plant teachers of experience, education, a new methodology of learning, creativity, outdated, entrepreneurs, innovators (although there will be some limited exceptions), seriously affecting the training , development of future managers. Teachers now easily enter on the basis of friendship, family commitment, political, with little academic endorsement, seriously damaging the training of management professionals. Teachers identified little research, publications, verification of national problems demand decoupling knowledge, the Venezuelan business sector needs to ensure operability. Schools remain static in relation to proactive linkages with business, all this in order to get into their problems, give way to knowledge required to ensure development, successful operation. Forming a relationship that benefits both institutions, allowing to keep their curricula, the administrator profile is needed, assist in solving the problems that arise. It is necessary to thoroughly review the curricula at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and eliminate subjects that are not adapted to present needs, while minimizing the loss of knowledge that would no longer adapted to reality and take their chance to provide new tools, approaches that encourage the business sector in Venezuela.
It is important to reduce the number of years towards an undergraduate degree in management from five to four, enough to provide the basics-how necessary to ensure a effective operational management. Management schools should be restructured, more proactive selecting teachers, entrepreneurs, strategists, creative facilitators, who give way to the generation of new knowledge paradigms typical of the Venezuelan reality.