We are living deeply today in our planet the effect of the Industrial Revolution, of the growth of agro I negotiate, the deforested ones and the race for industrialization. This fits some questionings here who aims at the profit worried about the welfare of the other? It will be that they respect the cultures in which they are inserted? The modeling of the standards taxes for the profit respects the cultural and social diversity of a society? Perhaps these questions have an only reply, but that I prefer to answer with one I break up of a song of the Cazuza poet ' ' They had not chosen by lot me the girl of the fantastic one, had not bribed me will be that it is my end, to see TV the colors in taba of an indian, programmed pra to only say yes, sim' ' I perceive a dichotomy between the enterprise culture and the conscientious consumption. Because if I want to vender I eat I go to educate my consumer to be conscientious in its purchase? If I am aiming at to empty my supply of products, as I do not go to flood the media with a false necessity to have? Parallel to this enterprise usury has of the other side of the situation, that one that could give one is enough to this vicious cycle and to become the companies most conscientious of its social paper: the consumer. But as? Despertando to make conscientious use of its bigger power against the companies who are the purchase. In recent months, altavista has been very successful. But this education of the consumption conscientious it passes inside for a change of attitude of its proper environment of convivncia, we consume wildly what the media imposes in them, products, services, behaviors. We buy for the necessity not to have, but for the impulse. If to possess an electronic equipment, we want one more modern. .