With the expiration of the bourgeoisie, having its beginning in the French Revolution, initiated in the end of century XVIII the Industrial Revolution. The American rebellions against the absolutism they had been consequences of the French Revolution where the bourgeois ones searched liberalism and politician economic. ' ' The more the world fought against the Old call Regimen, more the Portuguese Crown strengthened its secular methods of settling in Brazil. The new ideas penetrated in the Colony although the rigorous control of the administration, whom it searched to hinder its propagao.' ' (ZIRAVELLO. ' ' BRAZIL 500 ANOS' '. The Inconfidentes and its ideals, 1999 P. 266) At an initial moment, from 1750, against the absolutism in Brazil if it searched the act of the freedom politics, economic and cultural, picture of this is the inconfidentes (said as those that traem the confidence of the Portuguese Monarchy) that they had conspired against the Portuguese cut in search of the freedom. At the same time where the cut and the Church Catholic withheld the power, in one another picture the social inaquality existed, each more including time together with the immobility of the economic growth of an individual that did not belong to the clergy, or one bourgeois family, was the beginning of a beggary and people who if subjected in exchange for to an enslaved work not remunerated the subsistence.
One of the main insiders told in the history of Brazil, Tiradentes, if asked as a religious culture formed and at the same time people so well could exist who did not have what to eat, passing hunger and cold in the streets on behalf of a faith that belonged only those that they withheld to be able Monarchic. It appears then, the practical one of liberalism, in a defense of the bourgeois economic freedom. But they would have freedom the remain of the population that did not withhold active participation in the economic society of Brazil? ' ' We still mention ourselves to the civil laws guaranteed by the Constitution as being ' ' inalienveis' ' , and inclining to believe us it that they, therefore, will remain ours perpetual.