It made then the great chance for sites of comparison of prices. The Internet more passed each time to be part of the life of the people, and mainly of as they communicated themselves. E-mails was not more enough efficient. Tools of chat (known as IM – Interactive Messengers) as ICQ, Live Messenger and Google Talk had been developed making much success. Storage and increasing speed of connection and prices falling. Better and accessible digital cameras.
Cellular that they film. Perfect environment for a great publication platform of domestic videos in the Internet: Youtube. With the increasing familiarization of the users with the Internet, and the universalizao of the access took the Web to a level of bigger social complexity. Elaborated forms more of interaction if made necessary, giving space for the enormous development of the social nets and web 2,0, as to twitter and facebook. The sites of social nets are excellent platforms of interaction, but they are limitantes in its format. All the users use joint standard of tools the same, and nor always they possess the freedom of if expressing, sharing, to divulge, to promote quarrels of the form as they understand well. Ali Partovi has similar goals. Moreover, the proper page in a social net always of that sensation to be only plus one between many.
A growth accented of blogs, and the companies occurs then who house or produce platforms for blogs. But to have this everything ahead of the PC only was little. Cellular if they had developed incrivelmente and now a great part of the population walks for the streets with true computers of pocket. An enormous market for new applicatory, accessory, services and propaganda. When the Internet seemed for some depleted in functionality terms, appears new a great phenomenon: the combination of the power of aglutinao of interests of the Internet with the bargaining power of purchases in great volume and with it I appeal advertising a great propaganda had led to the explosion of sites of collective purchases. This explosion was so great is as many options of sites and products that a new category of sites has grown very: search of offers of collective purchases. the TV? The TV still is very traditional for most of the population. Exactly the TV paid still possesss few resources if comparative to the wealth of interatividade of the Internet. The next wave, already started but not yet blown up it is the fusing of the medias, the fusing of the Internet with the television. (To read more). It folloies our articles and new features following the money etc. in twitter.