One of the highlights of repair is to install windows. Now at the peak of the popularity of plastic windows. Most new homes are already equipped with such windows as they are much cheaper than wood and have more merit. First, they keep longer presentable, and they do not need to paint or treat their water-repellent agents. Second, the high heat and sound insulation, plastic windows reduce noise levels by 2.5 times. Third, they are not afraid thermal loads, they can withstand -50 to +50. Fourth, they are fireproof, as they have self-extinguishing properties.
And fifth, they are environmentally friendly. When the plastic windows only appeared in Russia, many were confused with the concepts of "box PVC" and "glass." Some believed that these two names for one and the same phenomenon. But this is wrong: in fact, glass is one of the elements PVC windows. PVC job of protecting the house from the cold wind and moisture better than wood. PVC window completely sealed and the chamber window, there is a vacuum, which complicates the access of cold, humidity and wind into the house.
This box will save you money on the purchase of insulation, sealants, electricity, you spend on heaters. Installation of metal window consists of several stages. First, experts measure the window opening. For correct installation of windows you want to know the exact size. We recommend you still trust this event professionals as well as an error in millimeters may pose a problem, for example, draft, or purchase additional insulation for cracks, uneven or installing windows. In the second stage, your order can be delivered to the shop, where he is a manufacturer of window. They are usually gotovlenie takes 5 days. The finished box is quality control, conformance with the certification of goods. After all the tests, the window is sent to your home dyal installation. Here begins the most dirty stage. We advise you as possible to remove the carpet from the floor, or at least lay a him anything. Push the window furniture, remove curtains and drapes. And is it possible to twist the cornice if clearance from the small window opening. The first thing to do is remove the old installers and window frames. When will be stripped and the installation site further installation begins. Frames for windows ustanovlivayut with the side anchor. Fixation takes place above and below. Gaps are treated foam. How poravilo when buying windows you offer to replace the sill and put drain. It will be convenient and profitable. Poddokonnik attached with the mounting elements. After casting the interior in proper form installers take up the exterior and install sinks for water. After this set slopes. And then the sign is still on paper for the windows and admire.