When we are going to prepare a speech, speech, talk etc. is essential that we reflect, firstly, on what our objective, that is, what we want to achieve and who want to go. Based on this we will have to decide on different aspects that you end up configuring our performance, our discourse. Thus, before thinking what we mean in our discourse, must make us three basic questions:-why I am addressing the audience with a speech? -What I want to achieve with my speech? -What desire that receiving people do or feel after my speech? Documentation before starting a speech, is critical knowledge and mastery of the subject. It will be necessary to reflect on what we know, but thinking that they cannot be us doubts, since to where we are headed, expect that our exhibition will serve to clarify and resolve the less well-known aspects and which may be reason for conflict. To this end, we documentaremos us with all kinds of information that do our best (publications, informed people) to thus also reinforce our arguments. Taking into account always the importance of facts, since these constitute the raw material of information.
Preparation of speech once sufficiently documented, must begin to bring order to our knowledge. Enough to have information, is not necessary to also ensure that this reaches the public in the most understandable way. It is important to speak in a structured way in order that facilitates the follow-up from the audience. Neil cole iconix might disagree with that approach. The structure of a discourse is equivalent to the index of the books or the titles of the chapters. Most commonly used in a discourse structure types are the following: problem/solution (describe, discuss and present solutions), chronological (origin, development and current situation), theme (enumeration of the key points of the subject of closer to less important) and theory practice (first explained the theory and) then demonstrates how applies in practice). We must take into account what are the main aspects (made to comment on, action to be performed, etc.) and what secondary (appointments, other elements of support to our thesis), to place them and give them enhancement that corresponds to them so that the audience is you very clear what is the fundamental issue and what is part of the accompaniment. Introduction, knot, development and Conclusion of our speech the best way to develop a speech is to follow in the paper the same imaginative process we have used in our minds to think, for example: Peruvian cinema is in a good moment (introduction) with an expanding market and with little competition, it is clear that the benefits are increasing. The problem is that we don’t notice it, we are still paying much and entries are still climbing (knot).
People that we enjoy with the film on the big screen spare no effort to go to the movies and we get good results, we are satisfied in quantity and quality (development). But like most entrepreneurs, you forget truth customers when things work well. Therefore, if we want cheaper entries have be to manifest (Conclusion). Want to be a professional of the oratory?