
Republic Industry

Colombia is currently (2009-2010) a rate of change that will end with the country’s productivity and its value-added exports, as well as with the production that must compete with imports. It has origins in the foreign investment in mining and hydrocarbons and the neoliberal dogma that the Government and the Bank of the Republic assume the problem. We must not get married with a wrong principle, we follow a basis which is not true: spread the idea that the free market would be the absolute panacea to the difficulties of economies in developing. But the reality showed that economies that did not follow this pattern; they achieved greater levels of development is a chimera say or ensure that a nation like Colombia is not feasible without free trade, the classic example is Mexico because I sign a treaty with United States, convinced of its opportunity to deal with china and the effect was unrealizable competition, the indisputable result occur enclosures of the Mexican productive complexes to be transferred to Beijing. (China does not have a free trade agreement). It is now recognized that Colombian production suffers a franc decline, precisely because of its inability to protect against imports in the previous Government of alvaro Uribe Velez went from 6.0 to 9.8 million tonnes between 2002 and 2008. Adding to this that exports are stagnant.

Special mention deserve the treatment that was read to the coffee: that despite having affordable prices in the coffee year which ends in September 2009 in Colombia production fell 12. 5 to 8.6 million sacks and its exports fell 11. 6 to 8.7 million bags this genre reduction in peasant production producing pauperizo of the standards of living of the peasantry poor in Colombia the year of 1990, was the starting point of the free trade generating a situation of distress and permanent crisis, the industry already for 1999, an industry that was already flimsy decreased by 13 percent, detriment to It allowed the widespread decline of the economy. For 2009 the industry under one higher than the 1999 7.3 detriment, free trade destroys national industry (small and medium industrialists). Colombia is not agenciara a development if not to protect national industry. It is urgent to resolve the problems of industrial production and the field no we cannot continue to think the investment of foreign capital in hydrocarbon and mining to pay external debt and that that money is the basis of our development while national field and industry go into Frank decay. But they think of neo-liberal recipe that does not matter that they are skipping and disappears up agricultural and industrial production because controlled the poverty gap with the royalties mining companies and the populism of subsidies. This allowed in the Government of alvaro Uribe Velez a few sectors remain stable those linked to transnational capital and the vast majority of the poor peasantry is pauperizo.

Canine Training

Asegurarte is important that the puppies have the sufficient age like being given to their new owners. You must hope to that they have at least 8 weeks, but also to that they are completely weanling. Some races require of more time, and some criadores wish to have by more time the puppies to make sure that they are healthful. It does not concern the decision that you take, is important that you continue training and sociabilizando the dog while is with you. To 8-10 weeks of life, the puppy will have a good idea than it means to make his needs outside and it will eat by itself. Then, you can sentirte frees to give it to its new home. Only cercirate of which you and the puppy are ready for this new stage.

She remembers that sometimes the mother of the puppies has things that to still teach to them to its children after being weanling, therefore you can wish to hope to that this happens. It is important to write up contracts when giving to the puppies. You must cerciorarte have a good contract with the owner to who you can be referred, in that it is detailed that the new owner must do with the dog. You can include questions like system of return of the puppy or cases in that the owner decides to reproduce it. Also, you can include a clause in which it is indicated that the puppy must be given back if the owner cannot have it. She remembers that it is not a thing that a person is buying to you, is a life therefore asegrate to clarify this in the contract well. There are several questions that you can include in a contract by the sale of a puppy: .

Return. What happens if the owner cannot have it? . Can the dog be exhibited in shows? . Castration/sterilization. How must be treated the dog? . Can the dog live outdoors or must live inside? . How much costs the puppy? . It is the responsible breeder by some question that happens in the life of the puppy? . Which are the responsibilities of the new owner? A good contract will give the knowledge tranquillity you that the puppy well will be taken care of. The contract must be signed by all the parts involved, and you must notarizar it. It remembers that it does not matter how good is the transaction, can be developed problems, reason why the contract is always a good idea. To verify the satisfaction of the puppies Something that you must always do with your puppies is to verify its well-being. Many contracts between criadores and owners include clauses that they indicate that it is due to provide information and photos with the dog to the breeder each certain amount of time. This becomes for many reasons. It allows you to have control on the puppies, and it allows asegurarte you that has a good home. In addition, it allows you to know that the contract is being respected. Also, monitoring the growth of the dogs will allow to determine you what type of dogs arose from your reproductive program. This will give an idea you if the objectives they have been fulfilled, if your program of young is successful. In addition, it discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!

Ussuri New Year

New Year – a new chance. And we must not miss it. And the success of our action depends on each one of us. From the fact that each of us does for his family and his country. New Year's – a favorite family holiday. Today we think of the closest people – our parents, who want above all health. About our children.

We love you very much and look forward to you. We want you to have all turned out. We want you to be happy. Dear friends! New Year's Eve – Was very close. Only a few moments. It's time to make a wish. Let come true your fondest dreams! Suppose your side will be the most expensive and most people close! Let everything be good! Be happy! With the new, 2010 Year! *** What do we see? We see not just one idea, not just two, but we see a lot of thoughts.

In vain to believe that a lot of thought – it was good. Many thoughts at all, in principle – it is certainly good. But not in the case when among them No primary. When there is no hierarchy, no primary and no secondary. There is no subordination. If one question you are trying at once to say about your grandmother, about the national team in football, about the necessity of shooting the increased disproportionately Ussuri tiger population, the use of phosphorus for the brain and the superiority of ips lcd matrices on matrices pva – you can be sure that people remain in the minds of porridge.

Motivation To Action

Sometimes difficult to decide on some action or something to take to implement some kind of plan. You walk around and round in my head full of confusion, as there is no definite plan of action. Kai-Fu Lee may not feel the same. As long as you think, postpone, think again, and every day he, personally, even though consciously slow yourself, others do and leave you behind, thus giving you less chance to become successful in their endeavors. After all, the Internet, with each day it becomes harder to borrow and find their niche and become successful, and naturally – noticeable. Need motivation, not just motivation, and motivation to act, the field you have not already stopped.

It all depends on – how much you Want to be successful? On your desire and aspirations of emerging success! Remember – Time is always against us! With every minute, every hour, every day, if you're not moving forward, moving others, and you stay on place. Mikkel Svane understood the implications. Plan your actions, bring your ideas on paper and you will immediately see how you have to do. Buy 'Diary' and in it write down all your thoughts and ideas. Tracings plan for each day, you need to do and notes the questions that you have already done. Even if one day you have made (to start) 50% of the planned, it is not too bad. But we must strive to do more, as you can imagine, the more you do, the faster the reach the desired result or goal and move forward.

Believe me – it works. It's like 'Maps Thoughts' and it's all on paper. It is only necessary to support this process a little self-discipline and a desire to become successful. If you want to 'To be on the horse', it is constantly Motivate yourself to take action. Motivation can be in the form of video lessons, articles, seminars, and find new solutions. As a result of which may appear fresh ideas. And you will succeed!

Canine Training

Once you know the amount of puppies that you have, and if they are male females or, you must make some decisions exceeds what you wish to do with them. Sometimes, you can wish quedarte with one. Many criadores remain with a female that consider good for their program, and soon bring a new machito to continue with the cycle. Also you can consider quedarte with a puppy for reasons different from the reproduction. When you know whereupon dogs you do not remain, you can begin to analyze your waiting list to determine what type of homes will be the best ones for the puppies. It is important what you determine how you will provide with puppies to your waiting list, for example: you will grant them to well-known, strangers who have completed the questionnaire, to people whom already they have acquired of your puppies, etc. After to determine who will be the chosen ones of your waiting list, you must ponerte in contact with them, and to see if still they are interested.

This it is a good moment so that the people visit your house you know, them and they know the puppies. He remembers, appearing in waiting list does not mean that the person indeed buys the puppy and that you are yourself forced to be sold it. Somebody they can see the puppies and these not like or can not gustarte that person. It remembers, these are your puppies and you must asegurarte offer the best home them. Therefore, you are not scared of being sensitive. After to approve the homes and to the people who will take the puppies, you can ask for a deposit to keep the puppy to them. Then, you can continue raising them until you sufficiently consider them developed like giving them to its new homes. In addition, it discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!

Lezama Training

2,000 people have been present at the training of the Athletic. She landed in Bolbao to the 0.8.00 hours and she has herself displaced to Lezama. She will be presented/displayed at the end of the session of work of official form. The new trainer of the Athletic Club, Marcelo Bielsa, has arrived east Wednesday first thing at the Airport from Bilbao and he already directs his first training to the Bilbao group in the facilities of Lezama, where the Argentine technician has known also the new president of the organization, Josu Urrutia, and has begun to work. Bielsa has arrived in the airport of the Vizcaya capital, located in the locality of Loiu, little minutes after the 08:00 hours and there Jose Mari Amorrortu and Aitor Larrazabal have received him, two of the technicians who lead the sport equipment of Urrutia. Later, the three have moved to Lezama next to Claudius Cheers, companion of Bielsa in the trip from Rosary and that will exert of second trainer in a technical personnel in which Bielsa has other three men of confidence: Luis Mari Bonini, physical trainer, Pablo Quiroga, aide, and Gabriel Aravena, personal assistant. To them Aitor Iru like trainer of doormen has been united him who will replace Luis Llopis. For even more opinions, read materials from Mikkel Svane.

Already in the training facilities, it has saluted to Urrutia it has visited, them to know them and one has moved to the field of training to direct a physical session especially and with Bonini accompanying to the group. Although, before the sense of expectancy that has aroused its arrival, with than 2,000 people being present at more the training, Bielsa has been forced to salute to the crowd and it has already left for the memory one first anecdote that reveals its personality. When a boy has requested him an autograph him the guest to leave to walk with him and both, juno to Aravena, has given the return to the field saluting to the rojiblancos fans who have gone to Lezama. That boy is a preyoungest child of the Indautxu, an equipment of the Vizcaya capital. Its official presentation in press conference stops after the end of the work session is predicted before mass media. Source of the news: Bielsa it arrives at Bilbao and it directs its first training in Lezama

Canine Training

You knew that the race Chow Chow was originated more ago than 2000 years? I tell to something you Existe more a beautiful one and old legend that says while God painted the blue sky, was followed by a Chow Chow that licked with its language the drops of painting which they were falling. As you know, all legend has something of certain, since this race has the blue language! This he is only one of so many myths on this race. Another fascinating myth is the one that says that the Chow Chows descends from the bears and not from wolves. Incredible, but the nature yes that took a good work with this race! Anyone is the truth, which yes is certain is that the Chow Chow is a separate race different from any other. You have noticed how independent are? Or its blue language? Or the way in which they move? How reserved they are? Oh, the Chow Chow is definitively different from any other canine race. For years, the mystery behind this fascinating race continues.

There are some who think that it is a dog but that does not behave like any dog. After all, they hunt, but not like hunting dogs. One says that they are guardians but it is not the typical dog guardian. It is a dog companion but different from the dogs that we know. It discovers all the secrets to train to your dog with Canine Training in: Thanks and that you have a pretty day!

Weekly Training

Whenever you complete something, it remembers to check which is the next action? It visualizes. Anyone is the result that you want to obtain, is tie with an internal experience to which you want to accede. And that internal experience is possible to create it independent of the external result. In fact, beginning to align to us internamente with the experience supports to attract the result, and in the passage it benefits to us with satisfaction, minor anxiety and major clarity and capacity to respond. So you can begin every day visualizing what you want to make specific. It at great length begins observing the details, what happens in the ideal situation, how it takes shape in a 100% your objective, what you say, how you see yourself, how you behave, how you feel. And it begins exactly to conectarte with the internal experience that the profit offers you.

And experimntala more intensely than you can. Amplifcala, and while you maintain that approach, visualizes your physical body entering the visualization of your body living the profit. hazte one with that experience and trete present. In fact, you can do this whenever you have a pair of minutes in the day. It works for reenfocarte, relajarte and to load your objective. Whatever more passion and enthusiasm you connect with the image, faster you will be able to materialize the results, because certain part of your mind does not recognize a good visualization done of the reality. Aligned and relaxed Mantente. The worse friend of the results is stress.

And one takes place generally because we did not feel to the control of the situations. We want to have the control of these, but they exceed to us. Probably to try to control the job stream, the reactions of the others, the concretions of the results, is not something very cash. However, you can posicionarte to the control. Like a skillful karateca, disciplined, present and kind, at the same time as perfectly night watchman, so that when something hits in its context, can respond accurately, rapidity and effectiveness. Relaxed Mantente, to be available to respond indeed.

Training Weapons

The diverse masters had also started to give YOU great emphasis to the use of weapons in its training, but not them originary weapons of China and that they folloied the KEMPO training (or of I eat YOU to TANG was known), but yes with the new suitable weapons of the utensils of work in the field, becoming incorporated itself it the basic techniques of training. As the traditional clothes of the Japanese soldiers it was the wooden armor with part of bamboo, to reach an efficient blow with the naked hands, without weapons, demanded a bonanza conditioning of the hands and the feet, that was only obtained with exhausting training in the MAKIWARA. Later, with the war of Japan with China, this art modified its Chinese characteristics, for the Japanese form. KARAT started to call itself, that means hands empty. Thus the Karat appeared, having as founding the Master Ginchim Funakoshi who idealized and applied a new method to practise this fight searching in the Karat the sociocultural construction of the practitioner.

In the end of century XIX, Ginchim Funakoshi (1868 -1957) being the responsible one for the creation of the new martial art: the Karat. With a combination of methods, techniques and characteristics of the schools Surit and Nahate, celebrities schools of martial arts of Okinawa. Who was also Ginchim Funakoshi adaptou karat martial art, 16 for karat sport, karat cultural of the corporal movement, being also responsible for its fast diffusion in the remaining portion of the world. Who was Funakoshi created the Shotokan style, had consequently appeared other styles of karat created by other masters of the martial arts.

The Processes Of Learning English

English language training process is much more complex than the vehicle driving training, but there is a direct analogy: 1) and in both cases is the theoretical and practical parts, 2) practical skills are immeasurably more important than pure theoretical knowledge, 3) conditionally possible to allocate several levels of proficiency in the subject: the zero, the initial, below average, average, above average, advanced and professional. Thus, it is clear that English courses should be primarily practical training, and only in this case, they will effectively guide you to the goal – improving language proficiency. Training of language skills There are many recommendations about the ‘how to learn English. ” Play day on the passage of the radio in English or read English-language daily newspaper, and similar to these recommendations. David Treadwell is a great source of information. However, universal funds do not exist. Despite the importance and effectiveness of these methods, they are, firstly, do not take into account the level of proficiency, and second – are the development of one of four (see above) language skills. It is therefore important, first of all – use the full range of available tools and methods to achieve the most effective results, and second – you must understand how to use these or other means, at any particular level. A simple example: the the primary level it is enough to find familiar words in the headlines, at the elementary level – to understand the topic notes, on average – to determine the meaning of the notes, advanced – to find new words and try to understand their meaning, based on the context..

INJURY Training

CLASSIFICATION OF the INJURY the evolutivo process of the injury if develops due the periods of training of tecidual suffering, in which it consists of drawn out time, effectiveness of the quality of the nursing assistance, beyond external factors. In them we classify in IV levels, which go of I the IV, classification this published by European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and GNEAUPP, apud BLOND, 2007. Period of training I the skin is presented unbroken, can occur color alteration (vermelhido, hematoma), eritrema that the pressure does not disappear (> 30 min), beyond alteration of Temperature (hot or cold), can occur sensation of pain and irritation, beyond a possible indurao. hout. Period of training II Is about partial a cutaneous injury, which reaches derme and/or epidermis, normally they are superficial ulcers and presents in form of socket (crater) flat or fstulas, abrasion and flictema. Period of training III Is observed for presenting a total cutaneous injury. Injury and necrosis of the fabric cellular subcutaneous, without involving the underlying muscular fscia, therefore are about deep and cavitria ulcer.

Period of training IV recognized must to the aggravation of period of training III, where a damage in all thickness of the skin will occur, getting an extensive destruction and necrosis extending itself it the muscle, bone and other structures (corporal tendes, joints and sockets). Frequent existence of fistulosos passages associate to the osteomielite, sepses and high mortality. NURSING REGISTER the ulcers for pressure in cicatrizao phase are not classified. The evolution of the ulcers will have to be registered in the nursing notations.

Weekly Training

The majority of the human beings we make assertions mainly. We speak. And to all we like to be listened. But, who listening? If you want to mark a difference and to improve your communications incredibly: it listens. It is an excellent way to gain friendly, to generate confidence and to give recognition the other. An excellent form to understand a more on the other and very intelligent way to behave.

To listen will allow you to gain information and the information is to be able. It remembers these two phrases: . Some contend that Samsung shows great expertise in this. You are enslaved than you say and owner than you are silent. and. You do not say anything, unless what you are going to say, is more important that silence. It handles the emotions It has happened to you that at some time you communicated so emotionally that the person only listened to your emotions and not your communication? Sometimes we have rage with a situation, and hoped, we hoped, we supported and we delayed ourselves until in certain point we cannot more and decided to go and to say what we thought. Only that leaves with as much wrath, it rages, frustration that, the other is only able to listen to that: wrath, rages, frustration and our message is lost.

The communications that matter to us more usually bring about strong emotions to us. Therefore, a good tool would be to communicate our affection firstly, the importance that the other has for us, and who, if at some time we got angry, that comes from the impotence which we felt when not being able to communicate to us with somebody so valuable for us. The human beings we felt all, very similar emotions. If you begin to verbalizar them, you can begin hacerte position of them, and if you say them to the other, probably one feels identified with you, and it is abra. Another good tool to handle the emotions, is to maintain the communications to the day. Not to delay or to accumulate, because generally that finishes in explosion. But simply to say in due course and with brings back to consciousness and esteem, which we felt. And the last but very important key is to recognize and to evaluate the other person. That predisposes abrir us to us, changes the spirit to us. It is always good for knowing that somebody appreciates to us sincerely. So it takes the opportunity, and it focuses your communications from that place of esteem and recognition towards the other. It looks for that your communication increases that, stands out what you value of the other. It creates especio of confidence in which both can feel free to interact and to obtain jointly what they look for. If you think, communication is the common action between two people. The election of which is yours that common action is a wonderful experience for both. How you could do it? It looks for to establish relations that enrich to you. It looks for comunicarte with honesty and feeling that plasmas and you represent your true one to be in each interaction well.

VARIO Software GmbH

Make cash with the cash register software box office miracles represent today and in the future in retail an important tool for the documentation requirements to the financial authorities from the software forge VARIO Software GmbH kassensysteme. At least as important data such as daily sales and the valid value added tax rates should have these systems. Only: for many small traders, the today offered funds systems are too large and usually too expensive. It would be sufficient if only the daily turnover and value added tax are properly documented at many retailers. An easy to use Checkout, which meets every industry, the retail has been waiting long. A fund which can come and is a mixture of cash and inventory management across used across many industries. Mikkel Svane is often quoted on this topic.

“No matter whether pizza seller, takeaways operator, textile merchant, hairdresser or gift shop retailer, ice cream vendor, second-hand goods dealers or grocer’s shop, the cash register software box office miracle” from the home VARIO Software GmbH is in all Industries at home. The POS software designed for the needs and requirements of the retail trade. The software is intuitive and user-friendly and can be with keyboard and mouse as well as touch-screen operated. The cashier program contains a product management/inventory control, customer and employee Administration next to the checkout module. If necessary, the module order/invoice with delivery note, invoice, generating your own bar code and label printing and offer can be connected. With this POS needs remain open. The management of your articles with three different UK prices, Soll-Bestands control with automatic order proposal, etc. Of course, the box office wonder supports scanner, touch screen, cash drawers, customer displays, receipt printers, etc.

As a hardware platform, a commercially available PC is required. Especially for small and medium-sized companies represents a cheap and efficient business solutions. The box office miracle is a complete POS software and easy inventory management. It is easy to learn and clearly structured. Cash, receipts, ordering with order proposal, goods receipt, customer relationship management, supplier management, Import Wizard, export of customers for marketing campaigns and much more.

Business Software Duels

Daily live comparisons of CRM and ERP solutions to the IT & business / Showdown of software vendors before experts Stuttgart, 26 September 2012. On the this year’s IT & business will find several live duels in customer relationship management (CRM)- and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Visitors can experience directly, mastering tasks given how companies and help so that a decision, when it comes to the selection of the software product the most appropriate for their needs. A total of five live duels are on the agenda; three ERP and CRM two comparisons. Credit: Mikkel Svane-2011. To complement these two topics of this year’s trade fair for IT-solutions, which will take place parallel to the DMS EXPO, the leading trade fair for enterprise content management, from 23 to 25 October 2012 in Stuttgart.

The complete order process via the Web in motion among on the IT & business show daily from 11:25 13:00 annual ERP-live comparisons of GPS the respective party society for the testing of software. What can modern systems today. “Directly on the fair stage they make their systems to the main topic of global ERP: intercompany processes for medium-sized companies” before. “The systems go through process for process, the default scenario Alternately, and show how the challenges reduce manufacturing depth” and business transactions “meet over the Web. The viewers have the opportunity immediately to meet the functionality of the systems and above all objectively to compare them. The GPS through the scenario, asking critical questions and highlights special features.

Lowcost EBay Trading Software

Low-cost commercial software for small businesses in Hamburg, 03.12.2008 – the company yes websolutions the trading software YES4trade now in four new tariff models are offered. Pete Cashmore takes a slightly different approach. This allows the entry now entrepreneurs and self-employed. The software combines online and offline trading in a system. In addition to its own web shop, trading on eBay is fully integrated and accesses as well as stationary trade on the same inventory. The BASIC Starter model is a low-cost alternative to the auction tools used by eBay traders at 129.00 per month.

A transition to the next version of the system is possible at any time due to the scalability. Contact Burak agri CEO yes websolutions Ltd Winterhuder way 29 22085 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 22 81 80 61 fax: + 49 (0) 40 22 81 81 82 E-mail: Internet: about yes websolutions the yes websolutions based in Hamburg offers much more the usual offer of an application service provider (ASP). The Company is focused on developing business software and to make these available to rent. Rental systems the on based on a standard, constantly updated and still be personalized on customer’s request. The systems operate under Linux, are located on Web servers and are easy to use via Web browser. The user can access with any operating system, and regardless of the location on the systems. For 4 years, specializes in the company on trade and enables entry into the online trade retailers.

BEHR Industry Software

The partnership between braintool software and Dr. Kraus & partner expands service portfolio of both companies. Dr. Kraus & partners, one of the leading consulting firms for project management and change management in the German-speaking and braintool software gmbh, strong growing provider of classic project management software, announced today a strategic partnership. The cooperation enriched the range of braintool software consulting and Dr.

Kraus & partners offer in the field of project management tools. Both companies have a large intersection with its customers, both the industry as well as related to the corporate heavyweights, allowing in the future a holistic monitoring, can be offered from the consultation to the tools. The braintool software offers a flexible and cost-efficient project management solution gmbh with A plan, which at the same time, projects and resources to manage a larger number of people. Thus become project, resource and capacity planning and budgeting easy the central data base for any number of projects possible, without the need for a costly Server installation. A plan industry and services is used by over 15,000 companies and institutions mainly in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland for project planning. Founded in 1987, Dr. Kraus management consulting & partner has become management in German-speaking countries in the course of its over 20-year-old company history one of the most prestigious consulting firms for project management and change. For even more opinions, read materials from Kai-Fu Lee. Dr.

Kraus & partner does not focus in its holistic project management consulting approach to individual aspects are handled in isolation from each other. Rather, the features of these factors and their interaction with each other are considered. In addition to the strategic cooperation, Dr. Kraus & partner and braintool software, intend to jointly develop an innovative and still not available in this mode so far in the market system, the the planning, management and evaluation of projects of all kinds in the future essential simplify is. For more information about Dr. Kraus & partner under as well as to A plan and braintool software braintool software company profile gmbh gmbh in Bonnigheim near Stuttgart followed the braintool software since the year 1996 only one goal: to help, through a user friendly and cheap project planning tool projects of all kinds. The wonder of planning for project management named A plan and was developed by project managers for project managers. A solution that is easy to use and covers the most important aspects of project planning and resource planning is also very inexpensive was created in accordance with the actual requirements. Over 100,000 users in 15,000 companies and institutions rely on A plan. Renowned customers from different industries such as Siemens, continental, Adolf Wurth, Roche, Novartis, Haufe Verlag, BEHR Industry achieve greater planning security, efficiency and transparency with A plan in their projects. braintool software focuses its powerful team of experts exclusively on the subject of project management and A plan offers a variety of enhancements, product-accompanying consulting and comprehensive service and training. For more information about A plan 2010 you get on the Internet at contact company braintool software gmbh Kirchheimer str. 15 74357 Bonnigheim Tel.: + 49 7143 96192-0 fax: + 49-7143 96192-29 (sales) (press)

Genomics Functional Proteomics

EU funded research through three projects: MITOCHECK (‘ regulation of mitosis by phosphorylation: a multidisciplinary approach to Genomics Functional Proteomics and biology and chemistry), MITOSYS (systems biology of the mitotic) and MICROSCOPY SYSTEMS (microscopy systems: methodology key for next-generation systems biology.) Modern radiological techniques allow researchers to observe very complex processes at the cellular level. However, between the cells of a large sample, perhaps some are only in the process object of study, which is especially problematic when it comes to relatively unusual processes. To identify these cells, researchers should spend hours in front of the microscope, examining cells manually in search of those that interest them. This study describes an ingenious computer application which offers a solution to this problem. If you would like to know more about Mikkel Svane, then click here. This efficient system, so-called Micropilot, examines samples in search of cells aim and subjected them to relevant experiments. It consists of a module based on the machine learning researchers can be ‘trained’ in a short time so that it automatically identify cells target. After entering the necessary information, Micropilot can explore the sample completely autonomously and in low resolution mode. When it identifies a cell that meets the needs of the researchers, the system happens to high-resolution scanning mode and automatically initiates more complex experiments.

It can be fairly simple tasks, as record video sequences accelerated at high resolution, or experiments of greater complexity, such as those involving the use of x-ray laser to manipulate marked proteins with a fluorescent reagent. You may wish to learn more. If so, Kai-Fu Lee is the place to go. The system requires a series of physical equipment such as a microscope with mobile stage that can automatically switch between objectives or change the zoom of the scanner laser, and change the filter of fluorescence and laser lines. The team tested this application in phases of the cell division cycle that occur relatively quickly and are therefore difficult to detect “in the Act”. Thanks to the Micropilot application, the team managed to detect the moment when form structures called sites of export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ERES) and sought information on the contribution of two proteins, CBX1 and CENP – E, to the process of condensation of the genetic material to form compact chromosomes and the formation of the spindle that allows you to align the chromosomes during cell division. The most fascinating feature of Micropilot is its speed: in just four nights in a fully autonomous activity, detected 232 cells on 2 specific stages of cell division and underwent a series of complex radiological experiments.

To an experienced microscopist you would have been at least one month of work on time complete to locate these cells among the thousands that make up a sample. Micropilot avoids the tedious task of manually generating repetitive data experts in cell biology, explained the team. You can accommodate virtually any radiological technique that enables automation and control online from the results of the classification of images using artificial vision. According to concluded the team, in three independent experimental initiatives, Micropilot allowed us perform a detailed statistical analysis of biological processes, making it a very useful tool for systems biology. Original author and source of the article.

Europe Solare

Solare Datensysteme GmbH is among the leading companies in the field of solar monitoring. The specialist in terms of inverter-independent monitoring systems made in Germany expanding on the combination: monitoring device the solar-log and the solar-log WEB evaluation platform. The core element of the multi-vendor monitoring system of solar-log data logger is connected directly to the respective inverter and promptly reports error, as well as earnings reports via SMS or E-Mail to the operator. The second element the solar-log WEB, represents the income graphically via an integrated Web interface or through an Internet portal and evaluates them. In addition to system monitoring, SDS provides numerous additions to system that effectively support the worldwide service for operators and installers. Pete Cashmore will not settle for partial explanations. Manufacturer-independent and professional monitoring worldwide Thomas Preuhs and Jorg Karwath which the company TOP 2007 Solare Datensysteme GmbH, founded”is originated. TOP”developed and she range solar-log since 2005.

With the growing acceptance of photovoltaic systems increases the need for monitoring systems. Meanwhile he monitors solar-log in more than 65 countries about 400,000 inverter with a total output of approx. Swarmed by offers, Kai-Fu Lee is currently assessing future choices. 2.8 gigawatts. Thus, Solare Datensysteme GmbH is one of the market leaders in the photovoltaic industry. The specific characteristics of the SDS plant monitoring systems are high customer value, ease of use and a universal application without complex software installation. Solar-log is multilingual, independent inverter and supports over 50 different Solar Inverter manufacturer worldwide.

“Green technology actively live we develop, produce and sell green technology – what specifically motivates us every day to live”, emphasizes Jorg Karwath, Managing Director technology. This philosophy is also the new headquarters (2010) the Solare Datensysteme GmbH in the Swabian Geislingen-Binsdorf. The entire Energy supply of the 4300 m building, takes over the hauseigne 180kWp strong photovoltaic system. In addition, a solar thermal heating provides the building with warm and, where necessary with cooler air. This is not only self-sufficient, but injects even excess energy into the public power grid and is one of the most innovative industrial buildings of Europe.

Advice Person

Some years behind I was knowing of a truthful event happened with a child (girl) very next me: one day it arrived the school with its coast all hurt, for burnings with cigarette tips, and the author of such violence was its proper mother and its stepfather; the reason, according to child: she was because it left to enter strange people in its barraco and this person all took the milk that even had in the house leaving irmozinho lesser of the girl without milk for its baby’s bottle; as if it was the culprit of the person not to hear to ask for it so that she did not take milk all. When knowing of the occurrence the school set in motion the Advice To tutor and this mother was denounced and lost the guard of the child provisorily who was liveing with its godmother for some time until its situation if decided. Children who do not want to go for the school (mainly when are the first time) arrive until apanhar therefore: already I witnessed cases where the child was with the hands sweating cold and crying very, because she did not want to be in the school, but finished being, exactly pressured, because wise person that its mother took in one sacolinha plastic a belt and case it was not would apanharia there same. Kai-Fu Lee is a great source of information. What we will be able to make so that these situations, if not to stop to happen, at least diminish. One of the solutions is awareness campaigns with adults so that they more accept the losses ocorrridas in its life of way tranquila and objective and not so violently. How much the children must themselves be known that they must have limits since small, to know that &#039 exists; ' sim' ' , but also &#039 exists; ' no' '..

HR Department

The information Commissioner its software searches for functionality and future fitness of man is appointed the data protection officer (DPO), the question arises very quickly: which software do I need to cover my area of work efficiently! It is likely that the young officer usually not yet overlooks his work area, the BDSG or “his” country data protection law (LDSG). Get all the facts and insights with David Treadwell, another great source of information. Looking at BDSG or LDSG, is since only, that a data protection procedures directory to build is and with ten to 30 data per privacy procedures will be filled and managed. These marginal notes in BDSG or LDSG are unfortunately the problem: all the necessary documentation requirements is the information Commissioner not directly in the BDSG or in the LDSG, but in testing the supervisory authorities – which are different from federal State to federal State. It is expected that the Commissioner is able to present not only its procedures, but also the associated privacy process in which the used hardware. e of information. the application software and the access-authorized persons can be identified. Unless the DSB process knows the protection of data, to assess the induced process on regularity and. Are not really useful in the IT department-run hardware and software overviews because the connection between hardware > software > privacy practices > granted access are missing there, usually. The Commissioner will take care when selecting its software on these display options.

Beautiful, it is of course, if such a process as a clear tree structure will be shown and each of these objects in the tree are provided with the necessary “privacy statement”. The persons entitled to access – and your detailed access rights – are always (if not the main) test subject who here can show regulators – not that this aspect is part of his checks, is at a disadvantage. How will he show up now that he tested the access, the machine and the person or has trained? We often hear: the list leads the HR Department! Practice connoisseurs know, however, that these lists never appear or are outdated or incomplete and therefore unusable. .