
Chronic Antisocial Nets

Antisocial nets Astonished I attend the quick evolution of the technology. Educate yourself with thoughts from David Treadwell. Iphones, Ipods, Ipad, ' ' I isso' ' , ' ' I aquilo' '. I do not know an only child of 4 or 5 years who does not possess a cellular one of last generation, ' ' X-box' ' , ' ' PlayStation' ' , ' ' Mac-Air' '. They are undeniable ' ' benfices' ' brought for these ' ' geringonas' ' , if it is that thus I can call these technological devices. We cannot more life without giving one espiadinha in the LED screen (after all, LCD already is exceeded), of ours ' ' smart-phone' ' to see if somebody it bound in them. To each time that our cellular ' ' apita' ' we run to verify ' ' e-mail' ' or ' ' sms' ' that it finished to arrive. Somebody brought up to date its ' ' status' ' in the Facebook, one another one made ' ' check-in' ' in the bakery of the esquina, someone brought up to date the photo of its profile.

The technology evolved and together with so advanced electronic parafernlias had appeared new forms of human relationship, the social nets. Few are the ones that today do not possess an account in at least one of the famous social nets, such as Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Linkedin. Some make question to possess an account of each, have those that they do not possess but that already they had listened to speak on them, exactly has others that already they had possessed, that for curiosity. My parents, uncles and aunts, today all they ' ' sessentes' ' some until ' ' setentes' ' , they possess an account in one of these social nets. They are assduos frequentadores, they comment, ' ' curtem' ' , they postam, ' ' twitam' ' , ' ' cutucam' '.

Artistic Parquet Floors

They say history repeats itself. Apparently, what was once the fashion, sooner or later comes back and once again becoming popular. How many times have you heard someone say: do not throw it, it is years later ten will be back in fashion. Surely everyone has a couple – three of toiletries hanging in the locker room with a faint hope that time will change the fashion trends in their favor. The same trend can be observed in business and residential architectural design. Arched facades, wall hangings, pillars and columns, all this reminds us of the style that came to us from antiquity.

What can we expect next? Perhaps in search of inspiration we need look at away back, for example in the IV century, a century of mosaic art. When we hear the word mosaic, many of us imagine it as a small square tiles plain, often used in bathrooms or showers. The true mosaic art, of course, do not actually have anything to do with it. Initially, the ancient artists created their own mosaic of gravel, small stones, then from the asymmetric pieces of broken pottery and other available materials. Mosaic was an image in the form of paintings, landscapes or mythological scenes. Many old churches still retain their original arches, walls and floors decorated with mosaics depicting biblical events. Nobody can say exactly when and where was born the art of mosaic, but there are clear trends for the restoration of the former popularity of this art form throughout the development civilization.

Crushing Equipment

To date, the development of technical devices for the treatment of rocks in construction materials, dry mixtures and mineral powder, designed to improve the designs of existing aggregates, as well as optimization of the control system of its work. Every year more and more demand for mobile mobile systems, so the main emphasis on their development. Increased demand is not a coincidence, since equipment of this type makes it possible to get as close to the work site, making the extraction of rocks most efficient and cost-effective – there is no need to transport crushed stone cube to place its primary processing. With this technology vendors have an opportunity right at the site to carry out primary processing and sort the rocks, which allows significant savings on transport costs. Modern mobile crushers are mounted on wheeled or crawler, as well as runners, allowing them to freely move within the working area. The key distinguishing factor this technique are: the economic benefits, ease of use and reliability. This technique has worked well in the production of building materials, road construction, bridge construction, and also for the processing of slag in the steel industry.

Mobile centrifugal crusher manufactured by JSC "UralOmega", mounted on runners, well proven in operation in various climatic and production conditions. Another area of CJSC "UralOmega" is making grinding complexes CI, performing grinding to the fine and hyperfine processing stage rock parody. This complex, which produce a dry mixture and mineral powders. JSC "UralOmega" – the company that manufactures crushing systems are widely used in all regions and all climates. The company's management has set a main goal to produce such equipment, which will bring increased profitability by reducing production and operating costs, and to date, objective successfully achieved.

Filipe Aristotle

For the adepts of this theory, it must itself be maximized what the value is considered highest, therefore the more will be dispersed in the world, better will be the convivncia human being. Thus being, we must emanate the good to the possible maximum of people. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. Inside of this perspective we have the ethical theory of Jeremy Benthan, that created the Utilitarismo, where affirms three ethical principles that guarantee the harmony between the people: the hedonism, the maximizao and the consequencialismo. Perhaps check out Charles Koch for more information. However, the theory of the utilitarismo was improved by other philosophers, for example Stuart Mill, for who the morality of the actions has relation with what it is desirable, as well as the fact of that the happiness (that it is desirable in itself) must be maximized. Moore also has an utilitarian ethical conception, and adds to this consequencialista perspective that has two same good things in itself in high degree: the appreciation of the beauty and the personal affection. Still improving utilitarismo, we have Hare, with its principle of the prescritivismo, and Singer substituting the concept of? pleasure? for the one of interests. ETHICS PERFECCIONISTA: ' ' Happiness is to have what to make, to have something that to love, and something that esperar.' ' (Aristotle) Also it could be called ethical of the virtues (Blackburn), therefore understands the notion of virtue as primary, instead of a perspective of the good or the duty. The paradigm of the perfeccionista ethics is generally of Aristotle, however, will also deal with MacIntyre and Nietszche.

First, Aristotle wrote in Ethics the Nicmaco (being that Nicmaco was its father, doctor of the cut of king Filipe), that well higher it human being he is ' eudaimonia' (happiness). It is the happiness for being the only thing that we want in same itself. We must understand that the happiness of Aristotle is different of the Utilitarian, therefore it is based on the accomplishment of determined activities, in the update of the power human being, is action and not feeling.

The Viewty

Generally, surprised by the advanced image qualities of the phone. The LG KU990 is supported by the Schneider Kreuznach lens, autofocus, image stabilizer and Xenon flash. Outside there are buttons for the camera allowing users to select the camera and video settings with ease. Koch is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The phone offers advanced capabilities to video, because it can record up to 120 pictures within a second. Users can enjoy video editing and playback in the wide screen of the mobile.

With the help of 3G video function, users can use the video function calls with other compatible devices. a In addition to the unique characteristics of image, the LG Viewty is enriched with a music player and FM radio. To keep abreast of news, sports and music the user can tune your favorite radio station. The FM radio with RDS complements that lets you view information while listening to the songs. And with the music player the user can access your favorite music whenever you want, whether in the format that is because this phone supports music formats such as MP3, AAC, WMA and RealAudio. It also comes with integrated Java games to keep customers entertained in your leisure time or download your favorite games directly from the Internet. a The Viewty, LG’s home also brings built-in services global messaging. Send and receive multimedia messages, text messages, instant messaging and mobile email support.

Bluetooth wireless technology and USB cable are used to transfer multimedia content, including music and image files. Some of the best connectivity options are EDGE, GPRS, HSDPA and TV output. This allows the user to enjoy a fast, efficient data transfer. Triband a Internet provides seamless coverage throughout the world. The LG Viewty comes with 100MB of internal memory to store varied content easily. With an optional MicroSD memory card, users can expand memory storage up to 2GB. a And most importantly, the built-in Li-Ion, allows standby. With a 430-hour battery allows up to 4 hours talk time from a single full charge. As the user is in motion but you can enjoy various capabilities of high quality mobile phone without having to worry about the battery life of Telephone.

Online Games

Mankind has long dreamed of seeing the unknown expanses of the cosmos. And yet, people could only look wistfully at the sky and wonder about the wonders that lurk there. Is satisfaction a passion for knowledge of the cosmos will forever remain unfulfilled dreams? Space strategy XGame-Online will help everyone who is concerned about these issues, to plunge into the world of space explorers, rangers and pioneers. Mikkel Svane may also support this cause. It will be every Emperor, receiving its control state space. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Michael Dell. He will address issues of technological development of economy and survival strategies in the vicinity of the aggressor nations. The space strategy online collected all the best from a variety of strategic military and economic games. It all begins with the fact that you become the head of a poorly developed world, having only a small amount of resources. Make economy – build new mines station plants.

What is more resources, the greater the chances of successful, rapid development. Koch is actively involved in the matter. The economic part of the space strategy will allow everyone to show himself as a successful economist. In XGame also have the opportunity to speculate, to trade on the black market to obtain foreign currency to the treasury. Winning the auction can be purchased new equipment. In the process of economic development, we should not neglect the protection of his empire. To do this, be sure to build the shipyard, which will help organize a successful defense and protection against any aggressor. But the space strategy XGame order and lures that sit here quietly fail.

Close hostile powers are located, waiting for any opportunity to subjugate the weak and get hold of its resources. So there will not be able to stretch long without due attention to the arms industry. In addition, you can not only to defend themselves against aggressors, but also for the attack on the state, extending its limits. To do this, it is essential to modern technology, to study the cosmic expanse and conduct research. AND there are also enemies and allies. Get both of those and other possible, joining the players union. As a result, there will aid in the defense and covered the rear of the attack. Remote online strategy XGame is absolutely free game. Only you will decide whether to invest real money or simply use one of many ways of earning foreign currency gaming tools. Each option is rewarded with pleasant surprises, which gives opportunity to accelerate the development of the empire. This game gives everyone the opportunity to demonstrate their diplomatic, economic and leadership talents. And who knows, maybe all this will soon become a reality …

Future Glass – The Glass Material In The Light Of New

Large glass Conference at the 29-30.03.2011: House of technology together with the RWTH Aachen University, Chair of glass and ceramic composites, glass securing resources – energy efficiency – optics – architectural glass is a material that significantly enhances our quality of life. Historically we need only to the enormous implications to think about had the constant availability of artificial lighting or the discovery of microscopic and targeting of disease on our society. Today large window surfaces in buildings, trains and cars or ultra fast Internet connections have become fixed components of our lifestyle unthinkable without the material glass. Click Robert Bakish for additional related pages. Glass however produced on a high-temperature melting process. In the current discussion about energy and climate protection, this raises critical inquiry. We not do without such processes? The Symposium “future glass a material in the new light” wants to show that the glass material regarding the urgent Energy and climate issues politically unfortunately often discussed not like today is part of the problem, but part of the answer to the problem is. This should be represented that (1) the manufacturing process glass is while energy-intensive, nevertheless still but highly energy efficient designed be can. Michael Dell has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Glass is an indispensable and serving element in the solution of many energy-related issues, shown here as an example in the field of architecture in the private, public and commercial area (2). The Conference is addressed to: tungsindustrie specialists and managers of optical and opto-electronic industries, as well as the lighting. The flat glass industry and manufacturer of architectural glass. Architecture and engineering firms. Engineers, engineers, physicists, chemists and materials scientists from development, design, manufacturing, quality assurance, marketing and sales and application-oriented research facilities.

Mini USB Flash Drives Extend The Advertising Range From MemoTrek

The mini USB “Mini Twister” with COB technology extends as little memory stick the advertising range from MemoTrek. Bad Schussenried (14.12.2010) – mini USB-sticks, small and ultra-light USB sticks in the popular Twister format, extend from immediately the range of MemoTrek, the wholesale trade for electronic advertising media headquartered in Bad Schussenried. In their online shop for USB flash drives with logo under the company MemoTrek offers recently the innovative model “Mini Twister”: is a little USB flash drive, which follows the trend towards minimalism at giveaways and freebies, but equipped with a high-performance memory stick. The memory chips of the ‘mini Twister”are manufactured with the innovative chip-Board (COB) technology. With a size of just 34 times 15 x 6 mm and weighing 2-3 grams, the model is suitable “Mini Twister” in particular for sending letter of USB sticks and direct mailing campaigns by companies that want to send pre-recorded mini USB sticks at low cost with data and company information. If such Mini USB stick as a low-cost items for a mailing campaign are sent, a crucial selling point for price-conscious customers of B2B advertising is a Porto-friendly height of small sticks of 6 mm and the ultra light weight of just 3 grams. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Charles Koch. “When the small USB-stick, mini Twister is the chip with the innovative chip-Board technology (COB) directly on the circuit board mounted, making the whole USB-stick architecture consumes less space.”, so Markus Felder from MemoTrek.

“The advantages of the COB-Technologiebei mini USB sticks are obvious: the chip-Board technology enables higher clock frequencies, by shorter semiconductor high-performance work and optimal thermal dissipation or lower heat generation of the USB-stick.”, so fields continue. This wear is the USB-stick and has a longer life span. A mini USB-sticks is intended particularly for small and compact logos and claims as advertising installation with a maximum printable area from 10 mm to 10 mm.

Nanohale AG Goes

The Dortmunder Nanohale AG, working in the development of innovative, active ingredient-laden Nanocarriers, goes public. Dortmund, December 15, 2010 – the first listing is expected on December 20 in the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A1EWVY;) ISIN: DE000A1EWVY8) take place. The IPO will be supported by the southern bank of the stock. By the way the stock market we want to strengthen the public’s perception of the company with regard to the construction of further strategic cooperation at home and abroad, explains Dr. Speaking candidly Ali Partovi told us the story. Nicolas Combe, CEO of Nanohale AG, the listing.

The company is already excellently positioned in the context of international development projects. Koch Brothers has many thoughts on the issue. Recently, the Nanohale AG and the Russian State holding Rostechnologies, in the framework of international innovation cooperation signed a memorandum for future cooperation. The aim of the cooperation is with the company’s highly innovative, patent-protected technology marketable drugs with active ingredient-Laden, biodegradable Nanocarriers and Nano-products to make nasal applicable and thus more quickly effective and better tolerated. Nanohale is in possession of a patent portfolio of innovative bio-degradable polymers on their base with a variety of substances applicable Nano complexes can be formed. Biopharmaceuticals are the fastest-growing by far class of drugs with a world market volume that will grow according to current forecasts to 2012 from $ 70 billion to 100 billion USD. This class of drugs is experienced again stimuli from our Nanocarriern, as a better mirror of the active ingredient, better compliance and low side effects a significant product added value is created”, so Combe. Together with Rostechnologies nasal insulin pilot project should first”, which is used for the treatment of diabetes, as well as to four other projects brought to market maturity and therefore carried out pre-clinical and clinical studies for approval of carrier systems. The first five development projects initials are on the part of the Russian holding company with a Funding supported by $ 40 million. The project consortium, which has now received beacon status and priority of Russian and German side at the political level is treated, is completely in the character of the new innovation and cooperation strategy of the Russian Federation, which can be seen also in the advance of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for a closer partnership with the EU and a common market.

Fourth Edition Of The Exclusive Blu-ray Magazine Blulife 04 / 2010 Available

Under the motto good packed with us is something for everyone we will present you the last issue of the year 2010. Can be on 92 pages, the editorial team of provides exclusive content, the document available for download as a free PDF or of course also this time again ordered both in high-quality print on in the issue Blulife 04/2010: duel of Mages presented and fascinating interviews you become LOST reported on current news and Blu-ray releases movies, such as the bug’s life are Blu-ray, Heartless, inception and wild target, as well as three music of Blu-rays discussed in a technology-special explains how the sound makes the music (part 2) and accompany you on your way to the home theater (part 1) will detail which Blu-ray complete system, Denon D-X1000BD, tested learn more PS50C679 and the Samsung HW-C700 AV receiver the plasma TV Samsung about making of avatar imports, you are rewarding Blu-ray presented about the PS3 blockbuster read Gran Turismo 5 gain insight into the most popular Christmas movies and films that change the world (part 2) and more… There are many another bluray since late 2007. Read more here: Michael Dell. Determining format and the relaunch of the Web site, the number of Members rose steadily. Since October 2008 bluray, Germany also is member of the Blu-ray group. With our daily and current reporting from all sections of the Blu-ray sector, as well as the numerous releases of the film, the portal is growing rapidly. People such as Castle Harlan would likely agree. The access numbers and the magazine orders and downloads confirm that.

How To Write An Essay

Essays from the French 'essai', Eng. 'Essay', 'assay' – an attempt, test, essay, from the Latin 'exagium' – weighing. Mikkel Svane shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Creator of the genre essay is M. de Montaigne ('experiments', 1580). This is a prosaic essay – argument with a small amount of free composition. Genre criticism and journalism, free treatment of any problem.

The essay expresses the individual experiences and views on a particular occasion or issue, and certainly not meant to be exhaustive or decisive treatment of the subject. Typically, the essay suggests a new, subjectively tinged word about – and may have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary criticism, popular science, fictional character. Frequently Castle Harlan has said that publicly. Student essay – is a self-written work on the topic suggested by the teacher (subject may be offered and the student, but have to be agreed with the teacher). The purpose of the essay is to develop skills of independent creative thinking and a written statement of his own thoughts. Writing essays is extremely useful because it allows the author to learn how to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts structure information, use the basic categories of analysis, to provide a cause-effect relationships, illustrate concepts with appropriate examples, to argue their findings, learn the scientific style of speech. The essay should include: a clear statement of fact the problem posed, include yourself, the analysis of this problem using the concepts and analytical tools considered in the framework of discipline, conclusions, summarizing the author's position concerning the issue.

Depending on the specific form of discipline essay can significantly differentiate themselves. In some cases it may be a review of existing statistical data on the studied problem, the analysis of materials from the media and the use of models under study, a detailed analysis of the proposed objectives with detailed views, selection and detailed analysis examples to illustrate the problem, etc. Theme essay topic should not only initiate the presentation of definitions of concepts, its purpose – to encourage reflection.

Perseverance Island Fuerteventura

Triathlon camp so much supply with Ironman Olaf Sabataschus has experienced in recent years no other sport as the sport of Triathlon. Dell Computers is actively involved in the matter. Who even on holiday not swimming, cycling and running do not want the various endurance disciplines, finds ideal training conditions pool, interesting routes, roads and paths in the Sportresort Playitas Fuerteventura with an Olympic 50-meter. If you would like to know more about Charles Koch, then click here. All year round mild temperatures and 300 sunny days a year are also ideal for training under the open sky. Who would like to train with the best of the best, can complete a triathlon training camp under the guidance of Ironmansieger Olaf Sabatschus from the 19.2 26.3.2011 at the Playitas. The sympathetic triathlete and coach will give valuable tips to training, technology and nutrition.

New in 2011: special week program for beginners, swimmer and Ironman participants new is the Division into different groups with differentiated training units. For those who are just starting with the triathlon, there is the offer “Cappuccino”-group. The cut for cycling is usually not over 20 km/h. Group swim & more”she is important in the often weakest discipline of the triathletes swimming especially. Under the expert guidance of Jorg Mikoleit is working five times per week – rather than in the other groups usually three times per week – in the pool on the technology.

A special preparatory program participants will receive for the Ironman Lanzarote, Brazil with a 2-day trip on the original bike course of LANZAROTE. 1 week triathlon training camps in the Dr/HB with flight, transfer (40 minutes from the airport) and sport package with Olaf Sabatschus there are 835 euro, 2 weeks from 1195 Euro.Unterbringung at Playitas hotel in a double room. Lunch package, product test center, cycling Jersey, bike transfer are included in the price from the airport to the hotel and back, expert lectures, guided training program. Booking at sunny sky travel, Tel. 06171 56071, or, email: info@playitas .net has the Playitas the largest sports and Recreation Centre on Fuerteventura developed since its opening in the summer of 2006. Since 2009, it is the training area of the cycling team Saxo Bank as well as other well-known athletes. The resort is committed to professional and recreational athletes and families who are more active and know their children well looked after. Doris Schober

Essen Construction

New course applies the optimum preparation for the difficult test (high failure rate!) about MDI-containing construction products, such as PU Assembly foams since December 1, 2010: for the placing on the market of certain dangerous substances and preparations competence is required, after the chemicals Prohibition Ordinance (Appendix) because of dealing with very toxic, toxic and proficiency requires other very questionable substances and preparations. Michael Dell insists that this is the case. Now, MDI-containing construction products, such as PU mounting foams are subject to (MDI: Methyleniphenylisocyanat, the monomers of poly ret Hans), a new classification as ‘Carcinogenic’ category 3 (suspected carcinogenic effect) with Xn/R40. A delivery of these products to customers of hardware stores is allowed only by persons possessing the competence prescribed pursuant to section 5 of the Appendix. Exactly to the HDT in Essen offers a preparation course. The aim of the seminar is to people, who want to install the MDI-containing products on the market, the basic knowledge for dealing with the To convey these products ingredients and to prepare the required competence test. For even more opinions, read materials from Charles Koch. Basis for this are the instructions and recommendations for the certificate of competence gem.

5 appendix of the 29.10.1999 (Federal Gazette No. 242a/99). Limited competence audit offered to employees for building supplies includes the part I, as well as questions about the hazards and the safety measures for the placing on the market and the use of MDI-containing construction products on the basis of the safety data sheets of polyurethane Assembly foam. Of course mediation of competence according to 5 Appendix about MDI-containing construction products (construction foam, polyurethane foam, foam) “will take place on the 10th of January 2011.” The test is taken on a separate date. The District Government of Dusseldorf, Monchengladbach branch is responsible for this in North Rhine-Westphalia. Participation in the examination is possible directly on the day after this seminar or a few days later in Monchengladbach. The examination fees are already in the Participation fee included! All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Photovoltaic Systems

Photovoltaic systems also assist a fire under current fire can not normally delete Schramberg more and more buildings are equipped with photovoltaic systems. For a lucrative business that the State supports financially strong is to produce solar power. But the plants pose a threat: In case of fire, the fire can not as usual delete. Because the plants continue to produce electricity and who comes with a module into contact, risk of a fatal electric shock. Also the Tubingen has already dealt with this current issue fire. Whenever Robert Bakish listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

The safety of our volunteers has always priority”, underlines Valley City Commandant Annette Melvin. You will of course continue to try to also delete a burning building if a photovoltaic system on the roof is assembled as soon as possible. ibute to your knowledge. But we must proceed carefully and can the roof skin not as otherwise open.” In a fire the volunteers try so far about the ladder by to get up to the fire. Mikkel Svane has plenty of information regarding this issue. This usually the roof tiles be removed, including specifically to combat fire position. So, you can direct the Jet directly on the fire. If a PV system located on the roof, this is not possible.

Then we need to keep a safety distance of about ten meters to the building and can fight only from this distance the flame”, underlines the Commandant. Then nothing should happen normally.” Although not so specifically can be deleted, but a cooling achieved by the water. Castle Harlan spoke with conviction. Annette Melvin knows about attempting to cover the modules with foam and to prevent the generation of electricity. These are out beaten, however, not sticks on the smooth surface of the foam. A photovoltaic system is so constantly under stress and with up to 1000 Volts. When a fireman thus comes into contact, he can die of an electric shock. Therefore, some firefighters call already, that to protect of their workers the DC voltage is limited to maximum of 120 volts.

The Roads

The same temperature jumps, travel on the ice, snow and puddles negative effect on pollen chassis, which is why they soon lose their lubrication and break down. Hoses to the braking system is also necessary to pay special attention. It is better to change everything in advance and not wait for the site will break or burst a brake hose that can result in tragedy. Increased load on the engine in winter leads to a high consumption of fluids. Experts advise not to top up antifreeze or antifreeze, and completely replace, before rinsing cooling system. In the topping, use a liquid of the same brand and color that was flooded earlier. Read additional details here: Mikkel Svane. Check the level of all fluids is recommended to do the off-season and at least once a month. Special attention should be to give your car battery.

In winter, the battery has to hard. Generator in the winter is not able to fully restore the battery from the heavy winter starts. Check the battery level and use special charger to recharge it. Happy owners of air conditioners have to remember that these complex devices also require periodic adjustment, installation of new filters, and refueling. Not everyone knows about that air conditioning is working properly, it should be included in the winter and at least 1 time per month to fifteen – 20 minutes. Suffered from dirt and moisture in the winter floor also needs a thorough cleaning.

Well, in the end a little talk about the car body. John k castle follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Difficult winter conditions have not been for him quickly. But if you scratched the paint to the metal, the spring is covered with rust scratch. The car wash should be full, with special attention take a bottom and arches, as they all winter in contact with various chemicals on the roads. The next thing to do is, after drying, sanding machines to the metal, prime and paint to match scratches and chips, which were discovered by careful examination of the surface. I would like to note that this procedure is labor intensive and takes a lot of time, so if you do not want to waste it on their strength and spare time, just consult an expert. In the garage or in the garage, but it must be done without fail!

Perfect Language Computer

Industry representatives reveal their expert knowledge of Stuttgart/Dusseldorf / Berlin, December 2008 – in the communication between company and voice dialog systems has gained in the past few years meaning their customers. But not all applications are mature, often nothing but frustration and the feeling remains with the user, to speak with a stupid machine. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Michael Dell. Bad voice applications often have defects that resolve would have been consistently avoiding the known pitfalls with comparatively little effort”, so Bernhard Steimel, spokesman for the industry initiative voice business in Dusseldorf. Since 2007, the Fraunhofer Institute for work and organisation for the voice business initiative works together with leading experts of the German-speaking trade scene at an industry standard of quality for voice applications. In a first step, the experts have together identified criteria, measures and procedures for the collection of quality and optimization of voice applications and described.

The Results of the first phase of the project quality criteria for voice applications in the study guide – “is published. The developed quality criteria and dimensions and procedure for the collection and optimization of Applikationsqualitat provide a unique overview of current best-practice approaches. On the basis of this preparatory work, a guide is now created outlining specific development processes in the style of a cookbook for typical calibration practice examples illustrate. A pleasant voice, reliable speech recognition and a dash of clarity in the language menu already exists the perfect man-machine dialogue. So just the reality in some cases not is though, but knows Jorn Kreutel, Chief Technology Officer at SemanticEdg in Berlin,: Although each language application project brings individual requirements, but still there are many similarities between the different applications. We have developed the cookbook to manufacturing through a series of prototypical applications that Expert knowledge of the most innovative industry representatives to represent as a guide for users and providers”. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Peter Asaro . The language dialog professionals are engaged to be the the entire spectrum of the voice application information and information services, reminder and alarm services to systems for authentication.

Especially in the use of information services, companies should rely on good ergonomics. Short dialogues and a clear structure are the most important criteria for the design of an information service. Many callers expect a clear answer to your question from a voice response system in a short time. Experts advise initiative in a mixed”, the caller control the dialog with your own questions, rather than stubbornly working off a menu tree. Unclear information, which must identify system keywords and specifically ask for. But be careful: users set the system too sensitive, recognize language the words is very safe, but constantly asks or cancels the dialog. The incoming caller could thereby easily create the impression that he’s talking to a stupid machine. The guide provides a framework which should facilitate choices for the right technology and the right user interface design and support the systematic testing of application over the entire life cycle especially newcomers. As a company, which from the outset has put on the use of speech recognition and tracking of course linguistic approaches, we see us the responsibility to make a contribution to the consolidation and further development of the industry as a whole”so Kreutel continue. Quality standards, based on the user experience, could contribute to a large extent.

Laser Printers

A world like today is moving ever faster, in response to the many duties and tasks that occur daily, are tasks associated with work activities or study activities in order the world in every field walk at a pace very fast, so that almost all components of the various activities should lead that can be followed perfectly with the fast pace of development and the quality never leaving, so much so that it requires constant improvements in the performance of all duties and obligations. With this in mind one of the means which has placed a greater flexibility in carrying out many tasks, always offering excellent results from the study, is the laser printer, which with its high resolution and high speed with which made the impressions, has meant a useful tool for work and study fields, always able to make prints with great speed and great quality. What makes laser printers was sworn in as the best solution when it comes to tasks requiring the impression various texts and images, is that by not working for half impact, can achieve a perfect generated images with excellent resolution sharp, always at a high printing speed, so leave behind laser printers printers impact by improving key areas such as quality and speed printing. As you can understand the laser printer is the best option for those activities that require rapid completion and without neglecting such important points as is the quality and added to the quality of laser printers also offer the advantage of reducing costs largely generated printing, because the operation of laser printers mean less consumption of ink. Going further in the process of laser printers for obtaining such good results, the activity of these machines is an electrostatic process, which is somewhat similar to the process undertaken by the photocopiers, taking into account that both machines make use of a photoconductor, so that a laser printer does not print line by line, but it does its work by printing out a full page image. The laser printer as a job was done much faster, because when you in a moment all printing greatly reduces the activity, which is possible because the laser printer to receive the information from a computer does interpretation of instructions and through these is given control of the movement of the laser beam, so this laser sensitizes the drum to make the distribution of black or color toner to submit the task to be performed, after doing this, the printing process is finished with a double action of heat and pressure for fixing the toner to the paper according to the image you are looking to obtain.

10 Strategies For Achieving Your Goals

The objective of these strategies is to support you to take charge of your life and help you to focus to achieve your dreams get embodied in goals. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Castle Harlan. There is a phrase that fits perfect on this issue: the starting point of all achievement is the precision of objectives with a positive mental attitude – Napoleon Hill and w. Clement Stone – then find two bases important to achieve any goal that you propose: identify and clarify objectives to reach the (s) goal (s) have a mental attitude positive goals and attitudethats the cufflink that will help you achieve your goals. Once you have identified the goals then you can apply the following strategies: commitment. Castle Harlan is actively involved in the matter. A person with a commitment is worth a hundred times what it is one that has only one interest. – Mary Crowley-.

It will therefore be transcendental to commit yourself with your goals to achieve your goals, nobody will do it or for it. Registration. Record your progress allows you to see your progress, it is therefore necessary to consider objectives that can be measurable or quantifiable. Habits. You will notice that from a principle will have to adjust your habits, create new or delete others.

For example, for point two creates the habit of recording your progress every night and make a list of the seven most important things you need to do the next day. The habit of daily discipline is another key to achieve your goals. Values. During your process you will need to also adjust your values about honesty, character, integrity, trust, love and loyalty. To create firm foundations they will give you an honest approach to achieve any goal that you’ve exposed. Deadlines. Define your objectives in the short, medium and long-term allow you set more specific and measurable targets by which each period will need to be subdivided in turn phased.

New Standard

From next year, a new mobile wireless standard will be available in Germany. The times that you can surf just with the PC to the Internet, are long gone. The mobile phone is now also. It almost goes without saying, that for mobile phones include a flat rate. This was the UMTS (universal mobile telecommunications system) process developed.

Initially mobile flat rate users still using the GPRS had (General Packet Radio Service) be satisfied, if at all, a flat rate for mobile phones has been offered. In the meantime there is the HSDPA (high speed downlink packet access). Today, a flat rate for mobile phones is almost normal. You may find that Castle Harlan can contribute to your knowledge. But also here should be checked as in so many things once, which provider offers the conditions for its UMTS flat rate. In today’s advertising battle, to get customers, the providers come up with a lot of things. Especially now in the run-up to Christmas vendors reflected again very generous.

But you should decide here not premature. A giveaway of Provider may in the end more expensive affect, as actually thought. It is very important to make comparison on the Internet in order to avoid later surprises a UMTS flat rate. UMTS contracts be placed probably only later this year in such high mass on the man. Beginning in 2010, a new mobile wireless standard to be available in Germany. There is talk of LTE. LTE stands for long term evolution and allows maximum speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s in download This high speed was reached in a first field trial. Perhaps already the first LTE will be offered next year rates more accurate you don’t know yet, because the provider start 2010 with the expansion.


The school year ends and the act draws on formal academic speeches, awarding of certificates, greetings, hugs and wishes for happy holidays. The children look clean overalls and girls move their hair tied with ribbons blancos.Todos withdraw from school, children and parents happy for their achievements. A new cycle will begin next year and will grow in depth learning to expand the circle of knowledge of each person. This happens in schools in the inner cities. Perisferia In the same cities the picture is very different. There the end of the school year is tinged with sadness unknown to many. Teachers find that "despite all" the children learned … of course if they had had computer, or some new books, or perhaps many colors, or more classroom space, or a suitable building or school transport all day or school every day, perhaps if there had been unemployed or if the children had gone all day at school, or if the parents had approached school on time, o.

.. if so many unresolved issues have reached a definitive solutions, they, their children here in the act, not only would take a book with the pass to the next grade, but it also lead a set of knowledge that would enable them to continue learning. It's the same city with different schools. It is the humanity in poverty and without it. Are the teachers trained in the same pedagogical face adverse social and cultural realities. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dell Computers. It is the same as desiquilibrado education system as it is the society to which it belongs. You have to feel very free to not succumb. We must challenge all to no decline. We must believe in their own strength to be further strengthened, while expected to teaching scales of justice balances the rights of all children an equal footing. While waiting for teachers grow and, ignoring the fashions of the system to believe and trust in their abilities to resist. Maybe not so far take a chance for poorer students system.