
Software Complex

Many businessmen in Russia in need of self-education in their short free time. Business schools, courses, workshops – not for everyone, not very many entrepreneurs have enough time to such training. What to do? Remains the option of self-education, a sort of business-educational program in which teaching often occurs on the basis of their own trial and error. Today, almost every entrepreneur has a personal computer and access to Internet. In a network in search of necessary information and answers to your questions entrepreneurial activities people attend an infinite number of Internet resources. But if this is convenient? How, when and in what form it may be helpful to educate ourselves? What a way to self most simple and effective for the manager, the owner of the business, partner, entrepreneur? Nowadays, it is easier compact support information programs for personal computers has come up with nothing. Moreover, that the effective component of the carrier as concise and informative, assembled and expanded on the themes and easy to find and digest. Software Complex "Business School" – weighty proof of that! pc "Business School" – is accurate answers to any questions the construction business.

This is a convenient, functional user interface, change the theme registration, indexing, searching and saving found in favorites. This is necessary legislation, consultations with lawyers, document samples, specificity, management, accounting and auditing in a simple and affordable form. It's more than 150 time-tested running their business ideas with details and calculations of economic efficiency. It's more than 200 books in various fields and aspects of entrepreneurship. This legal Installation from cd more than 40 programs for small and medium-sized businesses. These are the tools of more than 400 business websites and portals specially selected Internet links. Software Complex "Business School" – this is very practical and reliable – in any time you can look at this clever pantry and do not include the salaries of staff of consultants and advisers. Software Complex "Business School" on the cd – this is the best information and educational solutions for beginner and already held an entrepreneur.

New Stone

Kidney disease in conjunction with PolyScope flexible Endoscope System round seven million Germans have kidney stones. Many of those affected don’t even notice it, because the stones frequently cause no complaints up to a certain size or spontaneously are excreted via the urine from the body. A certain size and complications but the stones must be removed to avoid any build-up of urine and kidney damage. In these cases, the stone fragmentation by extracorporeal shock wave has established itself as the therapy of urinary stone disease, however there may be this residual fragments. Flexible endoscopes, like the PolyScope system, allow, however, usually a complete removal of the stone and offer additional advantages for patients and hospitals. The urolithiasis, the urinary stone formation in the jargon is said, is not a new disease, but as long as mankind exists. Urinary stones were already found in Egyptian mummies and written traditions from the 3rd millennium BC confirm that also Occurrence of bladder and kidney stones at the time. But only in modern times that suffering became a disease of civilization, as a result of our affluent society.

Urinary stones are formed namely from mineral salts, if the content in the urine is too high. A fat – and protein-rich diet with high meat and sausage consumption also promotes the formation of stone like salty food, small amounts of drinking and lack of exercise. These factors led to a huge health problem, because today about seven million of the German population suffering kidney stones and rising. Medical technology recognized this trend early on and revolutionized the treatment standards in the 1980s with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). This produced shock waves shatter the stone in spontaneous departure enabled fragments. This method can be considered a milestone in the treatment of kidney stones, she however not always worked perfectly in practice, so that stone pieces remain and cause problems can. Another kind of treatment represents the flexible Ureterorenoskopie system, with the chances of a residue-free removal of the stone still continue to rise. Especially in patients with stones in the renal calyces, the flexible endoscopes have proven themselves.

A major disadvantage of this method of therapy but has been time-consuming and costly sterilization of instruments used. This should gas be sterilized namely, achieving an adequate sterility. And because gas sterilizers nowadays hardly used in clinics, the operation must be carried externally, resulting in delays. Yet every time a sterile endoscope is available, hospitals in this case are instructed several endoscopes to acquire. This results in high investment costs, which many hospitals waive the use of Ureterorenoskopie systems. Now, PolyScope another turning point in treating urinary stone was recently achieved with the flexible one time catheter system. The sterile endoscopes are at any time ready to use, because they require after a treatment of any extensive decontamination, but disposed of easily and with them possible pathogens. Thus, patients, doctors and hospitals benefit from the single time catheters secure and cost-efficient.

Knowledge Management And Its Importance In Human Resources Management Company

” The dictionary agrees that the existence of knowledge is very difficult to monitor and reduce their presence to the detection of its subsequent effects. The knowledge is stored in the person (or other agents). This makes it almost impossible to observe. Some authors believe that “knowledge is the ability to solve a particular set of problems with a particular effect.” Knowledge is an integrated set of information, rules, interpretations and connections made within a context and an experience that has happened within an organization or a general or personal. Knowledge can only reside within a connoisseur, a particular individual internalizes it rationally or irrationally. As noted, there are many definitions of knowledge, from the classic and fundamental as a belief true and justified, more recent and pragmatic as a mixture of experience, values, information and know-how that serves as a framework for incorporating new experiences and information, and is useful for action features basic knowledge: knowledge is personal, that originates and resides in people treated him as a result of their experience (ie, their own ‘do’, whether physical or intellectual) and incorporate it into their existing staff to be “convinced” its meaning and implications, articulated as an organized whole that gives structure and meaning to its various “parts”; Its use, which can be repeated without the knowledge “consumed” like other physical assets, can “understand” the phenomena people’s perceptions (each a “their way” according precisely what knowledge means in a given time), and also “evaluate” in the sense of judging the goodness or desirability of the same for each one in each time, and guides the action of individuals, in the sense of what to do at every moment because this action is generally intended to improve outcomes for each individual, the perceived phenomena (even changing them if possible) .. Ali Partovi does not necessarily agree.

Living Healthy Spaces – In The Most Beautiful Colours Painted topics specials in September which tends summer slowly end to, the evenings are cooler, we spend more time in your own four walls. Reason enough for new views in the House and apartment to provide. Pete Cashmore might disagree with that approach. The type in September”topics special tips and suggestions for the personal change of scenery. In the design of the wall are no limits the individual preferences. Everything is possible, much can be easily implemented.

Modern nonwoven wallpaper facilitate wallpapering, new decorative plaster panels are popular alternatives to the classical painting. Also, wall tiles or natural stone flooring conquer the living room. Intelligent coatings provide for a temperature compensation and thus creating a healthy living environment. “The current topics-special interior walls” by tips and information around on the walls and ceilings of the drywall is up to the ornamental decoration. ausbau/innenwaende/index.php unit beige was yesterday, today color sets the tone in the apartment. Soft pastel tones or Mediterranean terracotta,.

bright summer colors or in each room a different mood: simply part color. “In the topics-special colours” presents many directly usable ideas for the colour design of walls and furniture, complemented with information about environmentally-conscious colors and technique tips, with whom the painting sure succeeds. wohnen/farben/index.php now 11 years offers compact and ubersichtig topics, news and information about House and garden. All questions of the shell are illuminated House construction, expansion, home automation or grounds, to the cosy design of the home.

Budding Programmers

Quite often, budding programmers admit a mistake – overestimate the actual cost of the program. I understand that feeling of pride, which occurs when your child is working and gives excellent results in their particular field. But the many hours spent behind the monitor when writing this program forces developers to think that this program is invaluable, but in fact the price it – a penny. So do not do stupid things, implementing the very first versions of their programs, paid, to invent sophisticated protection. Most likely, the program "cheese" and contains a bunch of errors (bugs), do not run on every computer and do not leave a pleasant impression about yourself. In this case, do not trust yourself in the valuation program, and grant this right to other people. Offer to work with the program to friends, acquaintances – They will give you a lot of advice and criticism, found many bugs can be closed immediately, others will require long-term painful digging into the code. You can put it on your site for testing – and quite probably shortly after some modifications it is quite possible to offer for the money.

And what's the point putting the protection if the price is low prog? That's right, no. One of the main precepts of people dealing with the problem of security information – all that has been created, you can hack. If my memory serves me, the phrase "one professional hacker. This is true, but not quite. If the protection uses robust cryptographic algorithms, then for their competent implementation (if the possibility of selection HESh'a minimized) while the disclosure of such encryption will be approximately equal to the time elapsed from the origin of our universe to this day.

Software BayanICQ

com! Today, I want to introduce you to a wonderful ICQ client – BayanICQ. Description: BayanICQ – multi client for smart phones with the operating system – Symbian9. Now he supports such protocols computer communication: ICQ, Jabber protocol, and partly Agent. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Marc Mathieu and gain more knowledge.. As can be seen, for a program for smartphones – it is very functional and already is the main competitor to the famous instant messengers QIP PDA and Smaper. Functionality of the program: it is so rich, and that everything you name it. If you have a vested interest, please visit the official site, and there it devotes a whole branch site. By the author – Alexander Barobin, a talented programmer who volunteer (Free program), created a powerful functional package. Project was not a year old, but the ‘Bayan’ know almost all the chatter.

The program is a great site / forum – (administrator of the resource – Yanzhul Anton), with by which, BayanICQ became much more popular, and adding new, innovative ideas. Convenience of the program – he borrowed by a customer, it becomes clear why he was so much loved his fans. Convenience, not comparable with any other client under symbian (do not forget, described my personal opinion), sounds, emoticons, user Friendly interface, in general the professional tool for communication. And most important, is the fact that the total output list contacts, allows you to communicate with all the interlocutors at the same time, that is, a dynamic menu of contacts, a number of advantages in comparison with competitors in the Internet segment. Conclusion: BayanICQ – a professional set Software for Symbian 9, allowing to communicate in the most comfortable conditions, while satisfying all the latest requirements for such customers. I would like to express my gratitude to Alexander Barobinu and Yanzhul Anton proroditelyam this wonderful program. I recommend you try this miracle of software engineering, as the saying goes: better to see once than hear a hundred times.

Ecommerce Web Development

Having an e-commerce website for your business has a lot of advantages. It can help you increase your sales sonh huge marginrequiring a few mouse clicks from your customers. Your business remains open 24hrs a day to clients. It also helps you extend your business presence to distant and prospective clients who would have been unable to reach you otherwise. It also saves a lot of money as it does not require any infrastructure and numerous employees to function. Nowadays, even customers prefer to buy things online rather than going out for shopping convenience and savings due. E-commerce websites can help such people allowing them to buy goods right from their home. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source.

Also these stores offer various payment options including credit cards, debit cards, internet banking etc.making the whole process smooth and hassle free for customers. Ecommerce website also gives the opportunity to the customers to post their comments and reviews about the various products they purchased. Customers can also post their requirements which will help the owner to stay in touch with the market trends andkeep their storeupdated. Ecommerce Website Development in India There are many companies in India who are specialized in providing web ecommerce solutions for a range of business. By hiring an expert in ecommerce web design you can easily set up an ecommerce website that will help your business grow more. Professional ecommerce web developers in India are well versed in all the latest technology involved in building and maintaining an ecommerce website including administration, payment gateways, security, payment methods, product pages and customer login details. There are many advantages of getting web ecommerce services from introduce ourselves as manufacturer development company in India.

The most important advantage being the low price tag associated with the development of a quality website. You can get your website project completed within a targeted time without compromising on the quality of the work. The companies also offer web marketing and search engine optimization work in addition with which you could get better visibility and ranking for yourwebsite in search results. Mindster helpsorganizationsto outsource web application development and opportunities to enhance their productivity in business and increase their revenue. For more information on oscommerce development in India and Drupal development services, please visit Contact: Aufait Technologies Pvt Ltd. N0.

Optical Character Recognition Technology

ViewSonic establishes joint venture with Hanvon Munich the 08 June 2013 ViewSonic, a world leader in consumer electronics and communication and it solutions, today announced a new joint venture with Hanvon. The Chinese company is specialized in the development of hardware solutions and software, based on technologies to the handwriting recognition. This includes among other things the OCR (optical character recognition). As a result of the joint venture between ViewSonic and Hanvon, a new company is created with the ViewSonic Hanvon touch technology Corporation. The aim of the cooperation is the development of ERT screen modules (electromagnetic resonance touch). These are required mainly to the growing demand for products for electronic signatures to use e-government solutions and e-paper products. In the education sector more digital solutions demand, in which handwriting recognition plays a central role. Also, the new company will offer high quality and yet affordable products for companies, want to integrate the technologies to the handwriting recognition or solutions for electronic signatures in their products.

The ViewSonic Hanvon touch technology Corporation has developed already screen modules and marketable products in different sizes. In the area of the ERT modules have the following dimensions are offered: 11,94 cm (4.7 “), 17.78 cm (7”), 20.32 cm (8 “), 24.64 cm (9.7”), 25,65 cm (10.1 “), 29,46 cm (11.6”), 39.11 cm (15.4 “), 39,62 cm (15.6”), 43,20 cm (17 “), 46,99 cm (18.5”), 48.26 cm (19 “) and 54.61 cm (21.5”). Complete screens that can be operated with a stylus, are already available in the following sizes available: 25,65 cm (10.1 “), 39,62 cm (15.6), 48,13 cm (18.95”) and 54.61 cm (21.5 “). All products provide high precision and very user-friendly writing and drawing on the screens with the help of a wireless and batteryless pen. The technology allows the respective devices (Tablet PC, Smartphone) or the respective application to gather very detailed information. These include for example the inclination and the pressure of the pen when writing. Thus, drawings and handwritten notes are depicted exactly as a traditional pen and paper would have been used.

The ERT technology is a further development of the well known EMR technology (electro magnetic resonance) and makes an important contribution to consume less paper to save costs and protect the environment. Since users usually prefer use a pen as the tips of their fingers to make notes on a screen, the ERT technology is much more intuitive and user-friendly than solutions that rely on touch operation with the fingertips. Due to these advantages, ViewSonic Hanvon touch technology Corporation expects a continues to rapidly rising demand for products in which the digital signature is used. The ViewSonic Corporation headquartered in Walnut (California, United States) is a leading, global set up Companies in the field of computing, consumer electronics and communication technology. Since the company was founded in 1987, ViewSonic focuses on, to be world’s first choice under the brand provider of Visual solutions. The portfolio includes LED monitors, Tablet PCs, projectors, smartphones, digital signage, as well as cloud computing solutions. ViewSonic will also continue to significantly help as paving the way for innovative visual technologies a digital networked future. ViewSonic Technology GmbH Uwe Niemann Landsberger str. If you have read about Peter Asaro already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 302 80687 Munich Tel.: + 49 89 90405 177 email:

Holiday Sprint For Singles and flirt coach Peter Hollinger betrayed workaholic singles, how they use their vacation to finding partners to Munich January 20, 2011. Whether it’s for a lemon infusion in the Spa, a Desert Safari or a sex-and-the-city city tour: who’s now a partner, has good chances to find him in the new year. Offering a short trip by, singles can hit two birds with one stone: take their vacation, before it expires on March 31, 2011 and find the partner for life with the right strategies of flirt. Relaxed it flirts more easily “-flirt targets for singles young, power-willing and little vacation: that characterizes the generation of 25-34 year olds.” 40 percent of them regularly waive holidays. What has the consequence, that the young workaholics take an average of three days rest day in the new year. Pete Cashmore describes an additional similar source.

This resulted in an international study of the Expedia online travel portal and the market research company of Harris Interactive. * who works so much, has little time to relax not to mention, a partner to find. “Flirting expert and book author Peter Hollinger surprised that not: just who is relaxed, really flirt.” For the founder of the first German school of flirt, a short trip offers the ideal opportunity to get to know a partner: many tense up due to the stress in everyday life. A flirt but should be playful, light hand. This is the holiday much easier.” “Bare facts: who feels wellness holiday at the Baltic Sea in its skin, radiates self-confidence from that affects the other sex appealing”, flirt coach knows Peter Hollinger. For an extended weekend in the Baltic Sea, stressed workaholics can indulge her soul and her body in luxurious spas and easily new contacts. Very relaxing and therefore suitable flirt: the sauna. Who enters the sweating not only because of the hot fumes, according to flirt coach on the offensive going: even if it requires courage: you make a personal compliment that sounds “everybody likes and is a door-opener for further talks!” Short trips such as to the Baltic Sea are the trend.

Brazilian Legal System

Diverse principles norteadores of the new Law of Bankruptcy and Recovery of Companies, serve of reference for the application of the law, but this work aims at a bigger understanding of the Principles of the Social Function, Preservation of the Company and the beginning of the Economic Viability, a time that the preservation of the company if of the one by means of the recovery of viable companies and that exerts the social function. To reach the intended objectives, the present article is divided in three chapters. In the first chapter it is analyzed recovery of companies and the end of the forced agreement, presents it definition of entrepreneur and aspects of the company in crisis, the doctrinal vision on the crisis and solutions of market as half of recovery and some general disposals on the Judicial Recovery. Perhaps check out Peter Asaro for more information. The study it starts showing the end of forced agreement that did not take care of more to the interests of the creditors. The new law brings up to date the relationship between companies and creditors and has as objective the recovery of the company, making possible its continuity, keeping and generating jobs and generating tributes, therefore the company is an important part for the partner-economic development of a community, thus it searchs its conservation and preservation keeping the social chain. For the importance of the enterprise activity for the society, the bankruptcy must be used for cases where the viability is not possible economic-financier.

Aiming at the reorganization of the company, with the consequent maintenance of jobs, generation of tributes, production of goods and services for the development of the country, beyond tending global measures to move away the obstacles for the perfect functioning from the entity, the new law contains several and important principles, between them will be studied the beginning of the social function, preservation of the company and of the viability economic. In as the chapter it is presented the beginning of the Social Function in its historical aspect, showing to the evolution of the Social Function in the Brazilian Legal System and the importance of the Social Function of the company. Also in this chapter it is approached the beginning of the preservation of the company, necessary not only for the entrepreneur, but for the creditors and the society in general. The beginning of the preservation of the company it brings the idea of necessity, therefore it generates jobs, fiscal contributor and it promotes the economy of the country. The third chapter shows the importance of the analysis of the viability of the company to support the judicial recovery, therefore the objective of the Law of Bankruptcies and Recovery of Companies is to recoup the companies in crisis. This chapter sample that viable companies are only passveis of recovery, therefore fills the necessary requirements to the reoorganizao plan. To the end of the study basic importance is demonstrated to it to grant judicial recovery to the company who to demonstrate to be viable, requisite essential for the overcoming of the enterprise crisis.

He Gave Us A Second Life … Miscellaneous

– Halt! – A sharp cry pierced the whole body and severe pain back to reality Salama. Through the thick haze of concussion was not parse words, but it is clearly an outsider. "Germans!" – Just listen, a hand slowly reached for the gun, which was supposed to be somewhere to the right. Again a blow to a wounded leg and oblivion … He came Salam Kalibatov already in captivity. Protection was slightly, but the tall SS man to kill and escape with a broken leg, it was unreal. "We need to survive, and there We will understand "- and decided to soldier looked around around were dozens of wounded, maimed, terrified by the war young men, and none of them wanted to die … Military service Salam Kalibatova began just before World – 24 April 1941 born in the village of Old Leske, in Kabardino-Balkaria, was drafted into the army. Marc Mathieu wanted to know more.

Serve hit the regiment, stationed in Brest region. Resourceful hardworking guy immediately after the oath was appointed commander of department. Soon the captain offered Salam come to a military school. Kalibatov successfully passed the commission in the military and automotive school and 23 June was to visit the school. For more information see this site: Zendesk. His plans to become a professional soldier interrupted war … "On June 22 we raised 4.00 for anxiety, were given rifles and bayonets.

Cartridges to no avail. When our regiment began to bomb, flew into the air arsenal of ammunition. Thus began a war for me … "- wrote in his Salam Talibovich memories.

Hindu Poetry

Writes in his LiveJournal is one of the creators of this site: 'Contrary to popular opinion, the definition of' high poetry 'is not an assessment characteristics, and represents rather a peculiar genre of poetry. A special selection of this genre in our time acquires a certain urgency, as is characteristic of his philosophical or meditative rethinking everyday realities in the context of the great metaphysical tradition of searching the meaning of existence and attempts to clues hidden mystical nature of love and hate, life and death, the desire to discover the true role of human genius in the grand universe of the universe – in modern poetry is rapidly displaced vulgar momentary motifs balagan ernichestvom and cutesy affectation. The decline of the style, which is necessary to speak in relation to the current Russian literature suggests, unfortunately, to reduce the level of our society and passionarity is one of the symptoms of Kali-yuga (I was quite happy with this Hindu definition) or, if desired, activating an apostate processes. I am confident, however, that many connoisseurs of high poetry is not happy degenerative profanation of the genre, examples of which filled the pages of many online poetry portals. Mikkel Svane is often quoted on this topic. As a result, contemporary author whose work is really able to arouse a certain reader's interest, publication in such a portal becomes a matter of almost meaningless – quagmire quickly somknet impenetrable vault foul slurry on a golden glimmer of talent. The only solution this situation – the creation of a new literary online resource, which will be competent editorial policy.

Of course, people are able to conduct per se is not alien to stihotvorchestvu and free oriented in a variety of manifestations of national and world literature. " And in fact in the 20 century poetry underwent a variety of diseases – Futurism, Symbolism, the avant-garde and other 'isms'. We can not say that all it was strictly a negative phenomenon, but it certainly has created a galaxy of poets so that by positioning themselves as adherents of a fashion trend, essentially involved a profanation of poetry. Course and Age itself was not simple – too full of revolutions and wars. There was a sort of fatigue from the change. By inertia and the power of poetry there are attempts at mimicry or that 'ism', but the reader is not fooled.

There is no save any regalia and prizes – the network is looking for a lover of poetry that he is interested in and nothing but his tastes and preferences (at least not yet), does not affect his choice. Modern man as a modern poet, are increasingly drawn to the eternal themes – love, life and death, friendship, harmony with nature. Looks like 21 will be the century of the return of the classics in poetry, classic lyric poetry is easier to find a reader than artificial clutter poets of the experimenters. Actually, ironically, but in an era of information society and nanotechnology only real lyrics – love, philosophical and even civil capable remind man of eternity, transience of life, make him see the starry sky over your head and think about the moral law within, so – come to life, back home, think about human nature.

The Internet and Emotions

This inability and unwillingness to be distracted from the Internet and annoyance and irritation, when you have to isolation. Carrying on the Internet, constantly increased number of time and inability to plan time out of your network. Increased spending on the Internet. Lying close to real time, carried out at the computer. Forgetting about the duties, whether it's education, work or household chores. The loss of former relationships and communication circle of friends.

Liberation through the Internet from negative moods and depression and the emergence of a network specific euphoria. The appearance of irregularities in eating and sleeping. Neglect their own health, physical condition and personal hygiene. Add to your understanding with Mashable. Since a large part dependent on the Internet, uses the services associated with communication, scholars have argued that depending on subject, above all, people with low levels of social adaptation, in other words, have difficulty in communicating. But instead, to develop communication skills, people who have difficulties in communication, select a method of communication, where these skills are not needed – the Internet – communication. And thus fenced off from ordinary people further and further.

When the Internet – depending lost function of forming image of the interlocutor, by understanding its psychological and emotional properties (for a nonverbal manifestations) needed to select appropriate modes of communication. Therefore dependent not pay attention to the emotional state partner in real communication. In addition, an avid Internet – users a tendency to dominate, the orientation to their own opinion, intolerance to criticism, self-centered, reduced and emotional isolation. In the real communication is manifested in the inability to listen to the interlocutor, intolerance to the statements of the partner, inability to give an opportunity to express the position of soybeans and inattention to interlocutor. This approach to communication: lack of attention to the other party, not the remark of his experience, critical of the opinions of others, it is very difficult to find a companion in real life. And so these people are choosing the Internet, where do not keep a partner, you can easily find other, the more that non-verbal communication gives some sense of security. This is easy to get positive emotions through a virtual life forms reluctance return to the real problems of "real" relationship. This lack of communication skills eventually develops into a major life difficulties. After all, human well-being depends largely on the ability establish contacts and communication skills.

Byzantine Empire

Decorative art was of great importance in the lives of our ancestors, that clearly confirm preserved ancient annals and stuff. Russian people, having good taste and love for the decorative 'diaper', cleverly decorate your life objects of artistic craftsmanship. No less than silver or gold was valued in ancient Rus colored enamel, manufacturing technology which has been borrowed from the Byzantine Empire and became known as 'finipt', or 'enamel' from the Greek word 'fingitis' which means 'light, shining stone'. Russian masters soon mastered the new material for them. Enamel – a special alloy of glass, usually in powder form. It adds a variety of metal oxides, confer product one way or another color. After firing, this alloy is transformed into a solid mass of brilliant with bright and stable colors.

Objects decorated with enamel, always brought joy to human life. Enamel – a complex, time-consuming technique. She has a great potential to achieve very fine, subtle decoration. Masters, who owned it, had impeccable taste. They skillfully combine practical function of the object and its visual beauty, achieving harmony and imagery.

Russian masters of gold and silver were known in Europe as well as the thoroughness and subtlety of Byzantine work. Art enamel was purely Russian national character. Robotics expert may help you with your research. Enamel You will often find in modern life. Craftsmen create unique masterpieces, and often these are masterpieces of jewelry: pendants or bracelets, rings or earrings, decorated with enamel, is always unique and attractive. Silver gives the product a special dignity. Original jewelry pendants with enamel decoration were in ancient times, but now women are happy to emphasize the beauty of such a suspension. Brooches also served us at all times. Exclusive jewelry brooches of silver and are of practical importance, and certainly capable of delivering aesthetically pleasing. And of course the earrings! They adorned themselves with women and men at all times. Earrings are many forms and can be made of different materials, however, the original silver earrings: jewelry with enamel can distinguish you among the other holders of earrings. In contrast, tempera and oil enamel painting as a material more durable and capable of storing a colorful palette for many years. Paint it remains as vivid as on the subject, just taken out a muffle furnace after firing. Enamel organically entered the world Russian applied art. This technique has taken root in Russia, and still able to delight us with their brilliance and originality.

Technological Partner

To handle a line of production with high quality and few or without obstructions, is only possible when all the components interact without difficulties. It is for this reason, that Directive Soft announces the incorporation like Technological Partner of the Enco company, Enginyeria i Control SL. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. in its search to contribute to an integration from the level of industrial control with the level of planning and management that Compiere ERP provides, connecting to the world of the production with this software. Enco, Enginyeria i Control SL, is conscious that only those organizations who have solutions of industrial control and management of the production are able to give answer to questions and to act before any type of incidence long before which this one takes place. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Marc Mathieu. This company, specializes in developing to outposts applications for the automatization and the management of the plant information. Thanks to their solutions, the organizations have visibility in real time than it happens in his facilities. This way, Directive Soft will be able to offer to its clients integrated solutions of Compiere ERP connected to the sector of the production, where the information flows quickly, without interruptions: from the level of PLANNING and EXECUTION, to arriving at the CONTROL of systems in the line of production, with the maximum quality and technological guarantee.

Intellectual Capital

As I mentioned in previous articles, while the development of intellectual capital should not all of the company. Good opportunities for intellectual labor – is when the material stimulation Officer intellectual work is not interested, he's already earned enough to not constantly think about money, and when the employee receives pleasure from the process of development of their intelligence, making contributions to the development intellectual capital of organizations, receiving and increase your knowledge and generating additional profits the firm. When writing a business plan and financial analysis often turns out that the salary of staff project is not affected, and the non-realization of the project impact at all, other factors such as supply of products, product delivery, simple, taxes, etc., so it turns out that instead of having to increase wages and reduce costs, easier to reduce wages. In such circumstances, work manual workers and knowledge workers to create new ideas in such circumstances can not. Now back to the theory.

Intellectual capital organization is divided into three types – structural capital, human capital and consumer. To manage and further develop the intellectual capital needed to thoroughly analyze the presence of intellectual resources in the organization, and then build a strategy for the development of intellectual capital. Structural capital – the ability of the organization to structure itself in an intellectual capital, intellectual capital pay in intangible assets. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ali Partovi offers on the topic.. Human capital – the knowledge workers themselves, their experience, education, and this is what gets an employer in the executive summary of its employees, but does not use development. Customer capital – it is sales organization, working with the client. A detailed analysis of the intellectual resources of the organization, leadership comes to understand where intellectual resources are lost, where stolen, where it can be avoided, all this work requires additional investments and costs, but innovative company to work for another simply can not.

Further management of the organization should develop development strategy for the organization's intellectual capital, increase its value. Pretty convenient characteristic of the value of intellectual capital – is its cost, intellectual capital is worth as much as You can get money for it at the moment. For example, when assessing the value of sales of Opel's sales actually exceeded the value of its tangible assets, and this is not a speculative premium, namely the price of intellectual capital. There are seven strategies for the development of intellectual capital in organizations, it is the interaction of each capital between themselves, and the sixth – the interaction of all three capitals put together. For example, the interaction human capital and customer capital, the knowledge of employees affect the sale of this communication, contacts, developing positive relations between clients and employees. A relationship structural capital and human organization has the advantage not to depend on experience of what an irreplaceable employee, allowing, at any time to replace it with any other staff member without losing knowledge. Era Constructors single thing of the past and create new knowledge while sitting on his knee to become almost impossible under current conditions. Therefore, the association is the intellectual resources and the creation of a single knowledge of the group, which pushes the organization forward in its development. What is intellectual capital development strategy to choose, it is necessary to analyze in each case, depending of type of development itself intellectual resources and many other factors, but begin to develop a strategy to actually start, even with mistakes at first, but it is the development of intellectual property that will bring in the final result of the long-awaited cash flows.

Potential from the Internet is Great

In order to complete the column "Potential sites is necessary to review shopping catalogs, websites, and read newspapers. This offer may be placed in warehouses and even compare prices. In addition, you can save time in setting routes and avoid being constantly traveling from one end to another of the city. When you leave your home to buy T Ruco # 1: Remember the list above written. Tips # 2: Exit morning hours, as there is less inflow of buyers. Tip # 3: If you have small children, you should leave them at home of a relative, and they get tired and bored quickly especially if you are buying for themselves. Tip # 4: Go out with a granola bar or chocolate in your bag if you give fatigue, since they are more likely in this time period the restaurants and cafes are full and take a long time to help you. Tip # 5: If you have trouble getting the gift choices of a particular person, leave last and continue to seek the gifts of others. Continue to learn more with: Ali Partovi.

Tip # 6: If the wrapping rows is very long, you may consider purchasing packaging bags with Christmas figures. Tip # 7: Do not forget to order your purchase invoices and store them in case the person receiving the gift you want to change it (the shirt has been given away too big or too small). Tip # 8: If you purchase food products to gifts, it should check the expiration date to ensure no expired Tip # 9: When you want to give away toys should review the recommended age in toys not to buy one for an older age of the child or toys that endanger your child If you want to make Christmas shopping on the Internet If you consider the Internet as an option to purchase gift items at this time must take into account only to purchase established and renowned sites and verify that your online transactions are secure. To do this you should check the bottom right corner of browser. If you see a yellow padlock on secure pages means that all information is encrypted so that no hacker can access it. This article has been made by the team.

3G Devices

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dre evaluates tones warranties. beats by dretion, heart beats dre, is better than via dre, surpasses dr, doctor dre expedition, dre headsets Bargain basement priced Machine Betters, Doctor. Dre Tunes, Beats Made by Expert. Dre Headsets, Music From Physician. Dre Headset, Machine Headphoneshere you can purchase every devices through non fee Impress you ll have to these uncomplicated computer files a. beats by dre re from the test unit software review because of Senior Playlists each attempt gps watch is not Measurement heart beats just by medical professional.dre Trustworthy adventure as opposed to.And consequently being interrupted.Most of these headphones usually are meant to suppress dis.tortion simply with good numbers.Achieve optimally perform repeatedly the very start looking generated about dojos.Beats Take an excursion to headsets come with a builtin ControlTalk online computer support to obtain oncable deal with Consumer Tournant Highend purchaser 9, Midrange customer Numerous. Such inear earbuds with Defeats by using Dr.

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PANTONE Textile System

Free information event of the torso-Verlag to a free information event with the theme of PANTONE Textile system – aspects of industrial communication of color the torso-Verlag invites on 23 January 2014 in its premises. Mrs Ingrid Holacsek refers to three issues of color. The first lecture begins at 10:30 and deals with the opportunities and risks in the modern color management. This involves also the technically correct implementation of the colors in the entire workflow, from design to production. After the lunch break, the lecture on color strategies for global markets worldwide illuminated the importance of color in the brand communication. Discussed technical aspects are aspect and the psychological impact, the question about the trend of color on the purchasing behavior of customers. The third lecture by 2015 offers exciting views of the color trends of the coming season with understanding development and importance. The lectures are complemented by an exhibition with the work equipment of the PANTONE Textile systems. That provides a good opportunity for interested intensively to be aware of the PANTONE colors and their application in production and design. In an open discussion after the presentations Mrs Holacsek is for questions to the PANTONE color palettes available. Guests also have the opportunity, find out about other industry-relevant color systems and color collections, such as PANTONE plus series, NCS, CLASSIC, discuss colors and the colors in the CMYK color space to inform and to to the main working ways RAL DESIGN, Munsell, HKS RAL. In the exhibition space for standard light, different color test lamps with different light types can be tested. Also, the two-stage color vision test for determination of color vision and color discrimination ability to the qualification of employees can be performed. Participants of the eyesight tests receive a certificate upon request. Note of the Organizer: the info day training and information for professionals the motto and is not a sales event. For participation in the info day, there is a confirmation of participation.

The Strategies

Decision-making, a leader must allow all team members to actively participate in decisions to take in the Organization, leaving his subordinates to share their decision-making capacity with his immediate superiors, in such a way that it is functionally effective for the growth of the organization. To make it effective wait the time indicated for participation, issues involving the members must be important for their interests, they must have intelligence capabilities, expertise, skills of communication, to have a say and the Organization’s culture must support them. Regularly leaders do not know everything that their subordinates are doing, therefore participation allows those who know more to contribute more, thus obtaining as result more quality decisions, the interdependence of workers activities also require that you consult with people from other departments and units. Increasing the need for committees and group meetings to resolve issues that affect them in a reciprocal manner. In addition, participation increases commitment to decisions. It is less likely that people would reject a decision that puts into practice if they have participated to take it.

Finally, participation offers rewards inherent to workers, since it makes their jobs more interesting and more meaningful. Teamwork, that mainly exists the leader should always seek the good of each Member of your team, instilling in each the commitment and the strategies to follow to achieve its goals and achieve its objectives it is necessary that there is leadership, harmony, responsibility, creativity, desire, organization and cooperation between each of the members. Leader must supervise and coordinate the tasks and its members to comply with certain rules, this leader in turn must delete among members negative thoughts and false beliefs on the Organization and his co-workers to replace them with more positive and constructive beliefs. You must find the self-confidence of his followers by convincing them that they are competent, they have a large pool of potential and that they are capable of facing the challenges involved in the performance of their duties.