New year arriving, 2011 already beating in our door. this always sends to the reflection and planejamentos. Therefore I decided to compile in this article 6 attitudes and habits that I consider essentials for one better professional and personal desevolvimento of each one. Other forms also exist many that could cite here, to put these believe that they are the essentials, where all excessively develop. Organizao.Esse are the basic one of any attitude that you will be to take.
Without it, you feel yourself lost and frustado, therefore the times want to find that material important that its professor gave to you in the college but he does not find. It wants to know how much you having of card to plan the budget do not find, ' ' pasta' must you played in some; '. Who never met in a situation of these? The organization necessity is the primordial point you to obtain to keep the focus and to take better decisions. As today, almost everything is made in the computer, this is the first place where it must well be organized. It looks for to place documents in nominated folders correctly in accordance with the subject. If it is of Work, places in the work folder, if it is of the College, places in the folder of the college. For documents that you low, look for to save everything in an only folder (for standard she can be Download), and later reoganize.
Thus when you to be in doubt of where it is the document that you lowered, will know that he is in the folder download (this functions with me). Moreover, the Organization helps in the Management of our Knowledge, therefore always we will know where to find what it is each important material and that it can helping in them future. I say this for proper experience, therefore as taste to read very, costumo to lower many articles and books to read and to help in blog, then the volume of data is immense.