With this firm is establishing a framework for concerted action between Turespana and ICTE, as an institution that brings together the Spanish tourist business sector in terms of quality. The Secretary of State for tourism, Joan Mesquida, and the President of the Institute for Spanish tourism quality, Mirones Miguel, have today signed the new cooperation agreement between the two institutions that will serve for the support and strengthening of the Spanish tourism quality through its reference, the Q mark. Both sides have stressed that through this signature it supports and consolidates a model of public-private collaboration around the quality tourism and that he was already signed originally in 2006 and now is renewed. The main objective of this agreement is to continue with the collaboration and work that has been done the SET and ICTE on dissemination, extension, adequacy and management systems, procedures and processes in the field of the quality of the tourism sector, as well as the incorporation of new sectors. ICTE extend and disseminate the Spanish tourist quality system between enterprises and tourist administrations of the sector, responsible likewise for technical support and training to companies and professionals related to the SCTE. The signature includes a monitoring table, which will evaluate the development of these works and shall establish the measures necessary for their empowerment and effective compliance, which shall consist of the SET and ICTE. More than 2,600 establishments in 20 tourist subsectors currently boast the Q for tourist quality. ICTE, chaired by Miguel onlookers and representative of the Spanish business sector on issues of quality tourism, is formed by the main national tourism associations, the State Secretariat of tourism, the autonomous communities and the Spanish Federation of municipalities and provinces, who awarded the Q for tourist quality, promoted by the Secretariat of State for tourism Spanish quality brand. Original author and source of the Article