Tag: beauty

The Young Creators: Break Out Of Routines And

The young songwriter – enable your internal fountain and turn your biological clock back early in the morning to get up, off to work, coming after a long day of work completely broken home and the evening from reading. And the next day everything goes again from scratch. By the time you get numb so and the brain switches to automatic. Everyday life is routine. For the brain if we want to break this daily routine, then we should interrupt the brain auto-anti aging, by we train our brain.

Scientists have found that brain cells can grow back even up into old age. If we train our Denkapparat specifically, we can increase our brain activity by up to 40 percent. Brain training for the head with brain training, we can improve our senses: seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and keys are significantly optimized. Specific exercises enables nerve connections in the brain, which are pretty much atrophied over the years. The exercises themselves are very simple and can be integrate without problems in a playful way in everyday life. It is important that we break the daily routine with these exercises and confront new challenges to the brain. Brain gym opens up new ways for example as right-handed with the unfamiliar left hand spooning the soup or brushing the teeth or with the left hand performs typical right hand activities, then activating the right half of the brain, which is responsible for the logic thus. Left-handed, however, schools the left half of the brain, which is responsible for the emotional Wahrnehmung with right hand activities.

Who completed these and other brain gym exercises daily, which will soon feel the first successes. Reveals Vanessa Halen in their current Advisor who more brain training exercises?

Christmas Lighting System

Christmas lighting system: the crisis accelerates the change towards the efficiency The average of kWh is reduced to a 49% consumed and a 19% the installation cost The hours of ignition clear the 300 in Valencia and Malaga. Sta. Cross of Tenerife arrives at 400 The cost per capita of installation of Madrid duplicate to Barcelona and wastes more hours ADECES (Economic and Social Civil Association Pro Right) has realised III the Study on Christmas lighting system in 30 cities, 11 more than the past year. The data demonstrate that the crisis has accelerated the change towards one more a more efficient illumination, in fact, the average of kWh consumed is reduced in a 49%, whereas the corresponding one to hours of ignition remains next to 200; although there are cities that clear the 300, as Valencia and Malaga and Sta. Cross of Tenerife reach the 400. The adjustment of the cost also moves to the installation costs that lower a 19%. With respect to the great cities, Madrid and Barcelona, it is precise to indicate that to Madrid duplicate per capita the cost of installation of Barcelona and surpasses its hours of ignition in a 32%. Of the study the following conclusions in relation to the analyzed parameters are extracted: Hours of ignition.

– We followed very far from the proposal of 135 hours of ignition that ADECES formulated in 2008, these Christmases the average is placed in 197 hours. Only three cities are below the limit proposed by the association: Calahorra (108) and Cartagena and Port of Santa Maria (both with 120). These they slightly follow Zamora (149) and Logroo to them (150) over the recommendation. Thirteen of the 30 analyzed cities surpass the average of the 197 hours. Thus Santa Cruz de Tenerife (400), Valencia (296) and Malaga (274), surpasses the average in a 103%, 49% and 39% respectively.

Factory Safe MMT

If you trust the insurances that Safe MMT offer and you own one of them, or an insurance to third parties, to all risk or any other modality, you will be able to enjoy the advantages that the Factory of Safe MMT offers. The factory of the Loan, created in 1932, counts on ample 10,000 facilities of m2 in the street Marquess of Mondjar 25, right in the center of Madrid and next to the place of Sales. This great surface to the service of the repair has capacity for more than 40 daily interventions, with services of fast repair, moon substitution and equipment of high repair. To guarantee the quality and the rapidity of any repair is the philosophy of work in the Factory of Safe MMT. For it, the facilities count on a specialized group of 80 people, an equipment with technology of last generation and a system of computerized management integral. This very allows an agile and effective attention over any other factory of the market, being " rapidez" our main added value. The services of the Factory go directed exclusively to the mutualists assured in Safe MMT. The amount of repaired vehicles (80% of the sector of the taxi) and the variety of models (20% of tourism of particular use), suppose a challenge and a commitment with the highest levels in rapidity and quality, two characteristics of the Factory in syntony to the exigencies of the always oriented market and to the needs of the clients.