Elche (Alicante), 10 May 2011. -the crisis that prevails in the automotive sector is causing buyers to use other channels to get advice and buy vehicles. The Autobuga franchise has been able to detect that this situation a business opportunity can be generated via the Internet and has launched a management software in automotive. Thus, Autobuga is a tool that assists in the purchase and sale of vehicles, to do business easily. The automotive market is every day more competitive as individuals themselves are going to be competing. Therefore, the purchases and sales must cooperate among themselves to ensure a successful transaction.
This software offers a list of cars to customers in more than 100 agencies a mouse, at the time that automatically updates the web page and sends new vehicles to more than 25 vehicles sales portals in a single step without having to load the photos and information of each one of them. According to the Manager of Autobuga, Jose Ramon Martinez, the years of competing between purchases and sales already have been completed and now the future is to have a great network of partners to sell products in a quick and effective way. Internet, source of information according to a study presented by Google, Internet has become the source of information most commonly used by new vehicle buyers, surpassing even the dealers. In fact, 72 percent of these buyers use the network for information and more than one-third use it to find dealers. In addition, it has become the starting point of your research, the place in which the future buyer starts his search and where spent virtually the entire process up to the purchase. Similarly, 76 percent of those who have purchased a new vehicle prior to the survey have sought information on the Internet. In the continuity of his search, 74 percent have used it to compare cars and 40 percent had used the Internet to take the final decision against 4 percent of television and 5 percent of automobile magazines.