Tag: politics

Strike Culture In Europe And The World

The financial situation in Greece charged original strike methods many occupational groups. For weeks, the taxi drivers make air their anger: they block the roads in long queues, leave their cars, and mess with the Government. For example access to air – and seaports are affected. The news portal news.de reported strike methods in different countries. Go to HG Vora for more information. Fear of the future, financial failures, economic crisis are such expressions to read every day in the newspapers.

The precarious situation here drives many people on the street, for example in Greece, where the taxi drivers located for some time in the walkout. One of the main sources of income of the country, the tourism, degrades significantly. Employees of the Australian airline of Qantas fell back on a failed strike concept: you could work for exactly 60 seconds rest. Two engineers who actually are right-handed, had announced to want to work for one week only with the left hand. In the Switzerland the citizens have seen unusual in spring. Checking article sources yields HG Vora Capital Management as a relevant resource throughout. The policemen of the city of Geneva were doing their work in civil, unshaven and if available with visible piercings. In addition, she renounced the imposition of fines and fee-based warnings. Extreme it was a few years ago in France.

There, workers of the tyre manufacturer simply included Michelin four of their manager in the factory. Laid-off employees threatened the automotive supplier of new Fabris even with the blowing up of a work. More information: economy /.

Functional Foods

Last Saturday I was carrying to visit my family and I heard a theme that I like to talk about it. Functional foods, the right foods that will feed one and well here is something I want to share what functional foods are the way to eat healthy, is healthy meal where are those foods that are produced not only by their nutritional characteristics but also to fulfill a specific function as you can be to improve health and reduce the risk of disease is a real tesorode health about which is worth knowing and have especially into account in cases in which medication is not possible or has significant limitations as it is the case – for example – a pregnancy. What differentiates functional foods from other common that you usually use in the kitchen, is a specific point which concerns more than one of which they usually include in a diet. As saying that usually we treat or say usually – Decoma healthy and varied. In addition We are worried to eat foods that provide vitamins and minerals that promote greater strength in our organism and greater resistance to disease. But when disease occurs, or is already present, in addition to resort to medications that are prescribed to us, it is possible to use foods with medicinal purposes. They are foods that heal. (Similarly see: CEO Of CoStar Group). What are functional foods? It is soy, tomatoes, garlic, red wine (in moderation), the avenay grapes are only some of them.

I’m not saying not to replace other foods containing fat because itself our bodies also need fat, it is to get a balanced diet for so do not have diseases that one is never free of having. Either discussed or disseminated that the Peru most eat in excess. If the Peruvian gastronomy is rich to my me like all Peruvians. But I think I should not see too much. The source about this do not locate him but finds later original author and source of the article

20,000 People Committed To The Remembrance Day For Agent Orange Victims

With an action before the Brandenburg Gate, SODI demands justice and compensation for Agent Orange victims 20,000 people committed to the remembrance day for Agent Orange victims on the day of remembrance for Agent Orange victims, August 10, 2009, the solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) calls together with Sebastian Krumbiegel (singer of the band “The Prince”), Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) and Stefan Liebich (MdA) justice and compensation for the Agent Orange victims. If you are not convinced, visit Byron Trott. The solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) together with Sebastian Krumbiegel (singer of the band “The Prince”), Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) and Stefan Liebich (MdA) symbolically to manufacturer companies of the gifts have passed a signature check with 20,000 signatures Agent Orange. In an action at the Brandenburg Gate they asked the manufacturers of the poison, including Monsanto on the occasion of the international day for Agent Orange victims to compensation payments to Agent Orange victims. You support a civil suit from Agent Orange victims in US courts.

On August 10 in 1961 the poison was used for the first time by the United States air force. Manufactured and supplied the poison was 36 chemistry groups, among these the present group Monsanto, the largest supplier of genetically modified seed. Ettina Zach SODI on the effects of the poison pointed out: “the firms have produced about 40 million litres of Agent Orange and delivered to the US administration. This toxin agent orange has over 3 million ha of forest and destroyed space in Viet Nam.” Since Agent Orange long term harms the human genome, over 3 million Vietnamese suffer birth defects, immune defects, cancer and liver damage – even 30 years after the end of the Viet Nam war. “I have spoken with people in Viet Nam and learn that the damage take up in the next generations,” said Sebastian Krumbiegel and urged to protest: “It is up to us to discover these things.” In the framework of the signature campaign 10 other organisations, associations and clubs the U.S. Government urge next to SODI, finally responsibility to take over. Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) stressed that “it would be a sign if apologized the American President Barack Obama at the Agent Orange victims”.

Stefan Liebich (MdA) addressed to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Franz-Walter Steinmeier, and urged it to engage for the Agent Orange victims. Your contact persons: Ettina Zach, campaigns Coordinator, phone: 030 928 6177, email: and Ilona Schleicher, project management Asia, phone: 030 928 6177, email: more information: free use of images only with authorised: SODI of the solidarity service international (SODI) is a non-governmental organization that implements self-help projects of development cooperation in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as provides humanitarian assistance in Eastern Europe. Since 1990, SODI has implemented over 800 projects worth 55 million euros on four continents. The Club gets the donation seal of the German Central Institute for social since 1994 Questions presented. Sylvia Werther

Second Round

The development programme launched a year ago by solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) top view enters the second round. The development magazine show ‘Top’ is produced by volunteers dedicated young adults in cooperation with the non-governmental organisation SODI in Berlin. That the MDGs are greater attention and be brought to the implementation is located on the heart, the young editorial staff members. . A second season with the focus follows the presentation of all eight MDGs in the first season, now on alternative approaches of the major global problems. ‘Top’ young team considered several solutions and reasons for global issues in the second season.

It is critically what so far has been done to achieve the MDGs. It is also the young Berliners important attention that problems, such as for example hunger are not only a problem of developing countries. You also oppose the classification of the first and third worlds and try the idea to illustrate the a world in their contributions. Dell Inc. describes an additional similar source. That’s why posts from and about Berlin in addition to posts about projects in developing countries are in their broadcasts. “‘Top’ also the urgency indicates, at last to act, if the MDGs are achieved even begin to.

our world possesses the knowledge and the resources, to achieve the Millennium development goals on time by 2015″, UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon declared 2010. Particularly for the first Millennium development goal to halve hunger and poverty ‘ progress at the beginning. Neil cole iconix addresses the importance of the matter here. However, the number of hungry people is now back as high as since 1970 no longer. A billion people as a result of climatic disasters, poor harvests, low selling prices and poverty are starving. This means that every seventh person in the evening hungry goes to sleep, although there is enough food for everyone. ‘ Top ‘ is a part of the SODI education programme fair development “, whose frame of reference are the Millennium development goals. Top view”invites boy An adult volunteers to get involved in the Editorial Office of development policy. Fair development started to take as many people to information on development policy and to encourage participation, so that a fair development can take place. Donations can see the password of fair development”on the SODI donations account: 10 20 100 at the Bank for social economy, BLZ 100 205 00, be made. -Your contact person is: Ettina Zach, spokesperson for campaign and educational work, phone: 030 928 6047, email: e.zach at sodi.de e.V. (SODI) is solidarity service international of a non-governmental organization, the self-help projects of development cooperation in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as provides humanitarian assistance in Eastern Europe. Since 1990, SODI has completed over 900 projects worth 63 million euros on four continents. The Club awarded the donation seal of the German Central Institute for social issues since 1994.

Federal Council Initiative

Closing speech of the campaign ‘Social & fair’ in Berlin: despite partisan differences politicians FDP, SPD, Greens and left party represented in the Berlin House of representatives have lobbied for an improvement of the working conditions of professional caregivers / students. At the final rally of the nationwide campaign social & fair social policy spokesperson of the SPD Bundestag group, ulker stimulated Radziwill, a Federal Council initiative, which was welcomed by the other politicians. At the heart of claims by the Federal Association of professional caregivers (BdB), whose targeting of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin to end went, are funding the actually necessary working time per client, an increase in the remuneration at least 50.00 net per hour and recognition of work done as a profession, as a qualification for a master’s degree must be demonstrated. Ali Partovi: the source for more info. Wage increase indirectly reach the social politician and member of the Berlin Government left, Minka Dott, is, however, given the budgetary constraints not Possibility for an increase in the remuneration. She wanted are struggling however to change the care hours, to get a pay rise by this indirect route”. So far the legislators for the legal assistance per client provides only two to three hours enough for tasks such as accounting, correspondence with social services or care funds and the personal care of needy people, for whom the professional carers employed by the care judges care. working time per month. Viacom can provide more clarity in the matter.

Therefore, according to the politicians on the BdB event, the generalization in favor of individual solutions should be abolished. Quickly organize Symposium on the way then the parliamentarians with specific offers enthusiastic: ulker Radziwill Jasenka Villbrandt (Alliance 90/Greens) want in the next four weeks a Conference organize and on the should be discussed, which the demands of professional caregivers can be implemented promptly. And the FDP-politician for Federal issues, Sylvia Maria von Stieglitz, wants to include Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger into the topic of professional care, since the legal aspects of nationwide have relevance. The Berlin land Chairman of the BdB, Thomas Behrendt, was impressed by the action joy of the politicians, working as a professional caregiver but also referred to his experiences from more than ten years: so long it costs nothing, may we always be easy an opinion “.” However he welcomed the suggestion to a Federal Council initiative explicitly: our hourly rate is based on a ten-year-old establishment.


Every time I was without powerful subject, i.e. alien determined am, I get angry. You that feel the same way? The theme of power and domination has us all our lives, in all walks of life inevitably! We are seeing the first phase of the Ohn take un aware in our early childhood (pre and post natal: abortion, adoption). The last in the nursing home, if we’re out of luck! We all know the feeling of Ohn power if the ship has now sailed on weekends in an emergency, a service provider is unattainable or the partner decided to separate and go. Helplessness! The ATM in a foreign city has you ever on the Saturday night grinning moved the money card? Prefer experience a Microsoft crash at home.

We learn as infants (social beings) very quickly, the power means and methods are differently distributed. “An infant can so long scream, …bis I it most wants to throw on the wall!” (Quote of a mother). The first attempts of Abnabelungs as power games. These However the baby WINS games, who can smile already so beautiful? In the rest of life, the phases of power and without power switch duration and intensity, form and content over time. As you know, our true perception is based on contrast differentiation and shortcomings balance that constantly require our decisions. They constantly cause conflicts (from selection). Power in a confrontation with others quickly leads to violence: positive (Savior) or negative (violence). The will to the prevalence is based on our dominance quest acquired up to the end of puberty, or not at all.

Basically you should exert, at least the power about themselves to self-determination, mastery and conservation. The exercise of power by itself mentally weak people with offices-formal power is often striking in everyday life. So, we confuse not the person with the position (function).