Very important role in the occurrence of diseases are the feelings that we experience. And there are scientific explanations as well as a feeling – it is nothing as certain substances released into compliance with external situation for some time present in the body and at this time affecting the functioning of the internal organs. Prolonged and persistent feelings can cause chronic diseases, while the short duration violent outbursts of feelings often lead to severe disorders. Today I want to talk about the impact of different emotions on the body that would make you think about it, but is it worth risking your health or is still easier to change their attitude towards the situation or life in general, and as a consequence – to change their feelings. Aggressiveness – very efficient and manageable power. Learn more about this topic with the insights from altavista. Approach to it depends on whether it is constructive or destructive.
Fearing own power and the consequences of its application, many suppress their abilities. Sometimes the pressure is so great that the aggressiveness of the breaks on any tiniest matter. Possible consequences for the organism: dental problems, disorders of the functions of the gallbladder, chronic indigestion, heartburn, hypertension, and migraine. Indifference can have many causes. Often this can mean that indifferent to the human absorbed by the solution of some problems (he realizes it or not), but everything else seems to be insignificant. Possible consequences for the organism: the weakness of the connective tissues, hypotension and circulatory disorders, problems with Light, physical weakness, fatigue, depression.