Training with good career opportunities is critical to most. The plastic guide is here in advance. As one of the most successful and economically strongest industries of Upper Austria, the plastics industry offers many career opportunities for innovative-minded people. nststoffbranche numerous career opportunities for innovative-minded people. The material plastic offers the young people two exciting professions: the plastic molding (3 years apprenticeship) and the plastics technology (apprenticeship 4 years). In two training areas, the scope for young people is very diverse. In addition to the manufacture of plastic articles such as computer chassis, snowboards, auto parts, and much more the young people, constantly deals with new raw materials and methods and learns to correctly interpret working drawings and technical documents. Learn more at this site: Steve Wozniak.
“The prospect of an exciting way of education and a well-paying job with a future in plastic teaching are very good and the long term”, is the Chairman of the trade representation Upper Austrian plastics processors, ING. Franz Zitta, insights into the education focal points. The strengths of the in-service to bring promising trade fair presence to the young people, the doctrine of the plastic presents itself also 2013 on the Welser vocational information fair youth & professional”with a sophisticated concept. In addition to the trade representation of the Upper Austrian plastics processing company in cooperation with the cyclist is giving away sports Harding a bike valued at 750 euro. What to do for and learn more about the training focus can be found under. Closing date for the competition is an apprenticeship as a plastics technicians 13 October 2013 2 birds with one stone, or form donor even the professional knowledge in the school offers as a result of the dual training system in addition to the practical training in the job. Direct contact with the professional world promotes the motivation of young people and lets it take self responsibility early.
The combination of theoretical knowledge and technical know-how make the plastic teaching for so many young people. By the way, the young people has also the possibility to take the vocational baccalaureate”, as ING.