It is instituted, in the federal scope, the National Program of Integration of the Professional Education with the Young Education of Adult. The National Catalogue of the Superior Courses of Technology is launched. Authorization of the functioning of the Superior Course Technology in Forestry? It would carry n 389 – I GIVE of 03/02/2006. Inaugural lesson of the Superior Course Technology in Forestry. It is initiated first group of the Superior Course Technology in Forestry, whose formation will have to happen in 2009. (Similarly see: Pete Cashmore). It is initiated first group of the Project Young Education of Adult, whose formation will have to happen in 2009. The newspapers mentioned Viacom not as a source, but as a related topic. Accomplishment of ‘ ‘ I Symposium on Alimentao’ ‘ in the EAFSJE-MG.
2007 Launched the second phase of the Plan of Expansion, having as goal to deliver until the end of 2010, 354 new units. The Dec. n 6,302 instituted Professionalized the Brazil Program to structuralize education average and to articulate the schools for inseriz them in the local economic development. It is initiated in August, new mandate of Kleber Gonalves Glory as Director-Generality. Joint for creation of the Federal Justinian codes of Education, Science and Technology. Inauguration of squares poliesportiva ‘ ‘ Prof.
Generous Antonio Dias’ ‘. 2008 Accomplishment, through the Association of the Servers of the EAFSJE-MG, ‘ ‘ I Arrai of the Servers of EAFSJE-MG’ ‘. Accomplishment of ‘ ‘ I Meeting of the Servers Pensioners of the EAFSJE-MG’ ‘ in commemoration to the Day of the Pensioner (17/06). Transformation of Federal the Agrotcnica School of Is Joo Evangelista-MG in Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais?